Quote by shark
Yo Sharky babe, missed this post! Glad it went well and when you're recovered we can try that Sharky/Pink?winey spitroast....
pink x
p.s. after you've mowed the lawns for Mrs DD of course
(Grabs lawnmower and supercharges engine, adds N02 and does lawns in seconds - his blades a blur with his feet and little legs pounding away like a scene from a video on fast forward...)
" OK... I'm ready!!!!" :bounce:
Ah but has Mrs DD approved it yet?
...rushes off to find if Winey logged in

Mrs DD is currently tucked up in her favourite chair, glass of wine in hand and glued to some slushy film on the T.V. I have asked (like all good boys should

...but....but that Winey's not feckin' online...hmm shall we start without him just to practise a little?
It has been said..(clears throat..) that 'pratice makes perfect' who am I to dispute such a claim??

helllooooooo :grin: