I had to get a big molar pulled out last year. I was advised from a friend to take a thing called Hypericum, because it helped with nerve pain and it did.
If a tooth needs to be pulled out, it is ready. They just slip out and you wonder what all the fuss was about.
The hypericum (bought from a local chemist whose name reminds me of footwear) helped with healing and it was really nothing.
Don't worry. It's better gone. You can die from an infected tooth you know. The infection can easily spread to your heart. So just do it. :P
i hate the dentist with a passion have not been for years and im not talking about it any more as the pain may coem back and hurt me
Well first - I'm a stranger.
I had a loose tooth for ages. At least a year. Probably more. My dentist wanted to take it out and I wouldn;'t let her do it. She warned me not to eat baguettes when I went to France but I did and the tooth got looser and looser.
Eventually, It came out when I was brushing my teeth one bedtime. No pain. Very little blood. And my mouth feels so much better.
On the other hand. I'm still a stranger. It's your choice. Not twisting your arm.
Mollie xxx
If you haven't been to the dentist in afew years, I have to tell you, they have advanced so much. The needles and tools are finer, so you hardly feel them, and the anesthetic is quicker and they don't need so much of it. It's totally different compared to dentistry even 10 years ago.
Don't put it off if you can help it.
I agree with Burnie.
Its easier and les painfull to have a tooth out now than it is for a scale and polish.
I had a big molar out back at the beginning of the year that'd needed attention for at least 18 months or so - it was being pushed upwards and forwards by my Wisdom tooth.
The local anaesthetic worked fine, and they used plenty, so it didn't actually hurt that much. The only problem was that the roots of all of my teeth are weird - they've all grown together and turned into a big hook-like protruberance that's remarkably difficult to extract. It took a big, strong, dentist in his mid-twenties about 15 minutes of twisting, tugging, and pulling before he got it out, and he had to stop for a rest half way through :shock: . To be honest, I was glad when it was out as I'd been in agony for ages beforehand. It's not an experience I'd want to repeat if possible.
Having said that, I'd rather have root canal surgery without any anaesthetic than do my regular job of accompanying Mrs. DP to the dentist - due to her shakes even a scale and polish requires her to be sedated, which I'm not comfortable with at all, given that I wouldn't generally trust a medic or dentist to find their own arse with both hands and a map.
Where are you located? Maybe some of us who are in your area could suggest a good painless practitioner, or maybe you could find a dentist who uses gas. That's supposed to be wonderful.
The dentist is your friend!!!!!
I am totally immune to the effects of the anaesthetic injection, and i dont ming going to the dentist for the simple reason that for a few mins discomfort im left without pain.
Youve honestly nothing to be scared of, trust me if i can have a tooth out without any fuss then your gonna breeze past it
:crazy: the pain isn't real :crazy:
:crazy: the pain isnt real :crazy:
:crazy: you won't feel a thing :crazy:
:crazy: you won't feel a thing :crazy:
:crazy: the blood isn't real :crazy:
:crazy: the blood isn't real :crazy:
:crazy: the noise of tooth being wrenched from jaw is nice :crazy:
:crazy: the noise of tooth being wrenched from jaw is nice :crazy:
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
FFS Dave I thought you were a respectable businessman................now I find out youre my Dentist :shock:
Ill never feel the same sat in the chair again :shock: