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Hey Guys,
I'm not writing this to be mean - but I have met someone off here who is genuinely stalking me...
I told him about 2 days ago that I didn't want to see him again intimately and that we ought to be friends, after he pulled my hair in public when he didn't like the way the conversation was going - ok during sex but not in a bar where I fecking work!!!
Any way, after that I called him on the way home to say, you know you are getting a bit intense and maybe we ought to cool things down a bit, after all I entered into this to meet friends and to have a bit of fun, but not to meet anyone serous or to have any problems.
ONE F@CKING hour later, after many calls, he was giving me grief and hassling me, I have a work number and a SH number, he called and texted both about 15 times in the space of my 10 minute train journey home. So I thought well if I at least talk to him then he might get the message.
So, I left it and went to bed, the next day I had some emails at work, ignored them. Then later in the day I logged on and chatted to him online for a while to say, you know I'm not interested etc etc.
THEN on the way home he called me 30 times to both numbers, and texted me to tell me to pick up and then KEPT F@CKING going.
I sent him a message eventually after having verbally told him that I didnt' want to see him again in any capacity and that he needed to back off.
Random, concilliatory response!
I went to bed, felt fine, even though he was threatening to get in a cab and come to my house to see me last night..
So, today at work working hard, and then BAM BAM BAM the F@CKing mofo emails me to aks me to meet for coffee - I diligently ignored it evil
Then a few hours later I head out for lunch, on the way back in there is a 'parcel for me' at reception - AT MY WORK who does this freak think he is.
I checked it wasn't ticking. It was a long RANTING RAMBLING card with too much crap in it and a TEDDY.
]Ok even I at this point thought, he['s trying but you're not interested so be nice.
I sent it back to HIS office by bike and said thanks for the sentiment but as I don't want ot see you again it would be inappropriate to keep the gift. It was nice to get to know you but as you won't back off please don't contact me again.
1 hour later I got 3 calls to one phone, 2 mesages to another and a fecking email at WORK....
I ignored him and started to get a bit worried. Then my boss told me to send an email saying NO - nothing more to his mesage that he 'cared for me' and couldn't I remember the 'good times' what f2cking good times I hardly know this creep.
Any way, so I did. I was so wigged out I got walked to the train station by people I work with, and then came home.
Signed in online to chat to some friends, and he messages me
Hey Amber - I miss chatting to you - how are you
I told him to go away only 3 hours before.
So - I block him, his response, a text to my phone telling me that he misses me and that I'm 'special'.
PLEASE PLEASE I need some advice
I work for a very discreet business, and I'm moving to an even more discreet one next week. If I have to go to the police I will - but how can I get rid of him.
BE FECKING CAREFUL on this site - please don't end up in a situation like me
Still meeting friends off this site - but be careful, and if you feel odd then run like the wind.
Sorry for the epc essay - stressed and I type at 100 wpm...
Amber xxxx
Scared and in need of some advice xxxxx
Tell your phone operators about the calls and keep the emails, suggest telling him you're going to contact the police if he doesn't back off.
Get the Police involved if he doesnt back off...
If he persists in hassling you via the site keep all pm's sent and report him to a mod....
Amber excellent advice from both previous posts.
If the person will not stop even after being told point blank NO. Plus persists with all the calls/texts and emails you will have to contact the police there are laws in place for harrasement.
As previously stated warn him as/when or if he gets in touch again by text/call or email if he fails to respect the fact you no longer want anything to do with him.
Then if he fails to observe your wishes follow through by reporting him to the police.
If you have kept any text messages so much the better should you need to take the drastic action.
Totally agree if he continues giving you grief via the site Mallock is right keep any pm's and report to mod/Op or admin directly.
Know how you feel right now and you are right to go with your 'gut instinct' concerning other people you meet.
I have meet a couple of different people and then felt something wasn't quite right and gently backed off from them. Fortunately I've been lucky not to end up where you are now.
For every one person like that there are at least 10 genuine good people out there.
Good advice givern above,and dont be affraid to take it to the police they will be discrete. When i swung as a single i was nick named 007 because of the lengths i went to to ensure my safety as much as possible for just the reason you have pointed out. I never gave out personal contact numbers or eactly where i lived, i always met in a public place that i had pre-visited to make sure i knew where the exits where if i wanted to slip away. i always drove a roundabout way home to make sure i wasnt being followed and the list goes on and on redface
You can never be too carefull as a single female in my book, it was 5 months of seeing russ twice a week before he knew where i lived ect
Hey guys,
Thanks for the advice. I'm speaking to a friend from SH online at the mo and he says to warn this guy off me and that if he doesn't back off that I'll contact the police.
And that if he doesn't back off to go and contact the police.
Because of the brevity of time from normal to freak - it seems I'm over reacting. After showing some colleagues the texts etc and describing the guy as a 'date' they are all freaked out and telling me to contac the police.
I have all texts / emails etc stored.
I also took a copy of the letter he sent me today at work and emailed it to some close work friends.
I'm not put off - just concerned.
Thanks for the fast and as always speedy help.
I'm learning ,but as a single female you CANNOT BE TOO CAreful
Ambver xxxxxx
Amber, good luck with it, sadly been there myself with a guy I hadn't even met. He managed to hack into my computer, and send pornographic emails to everyone I knew including the Personnel Department at work, he found my home address via my computer and insisted on sitting outside the house, and this was all in the space of about 18 months (hope this doesn't make you feel worse, at least you are nipping it in the bud!!).
I ignored it to start off with because he was 'harmless' and I hadn't even MET him! It was all hassle beyond belief, and grief no one should have to tolerate. So take it from an experienced bod, if it goes on much longer, and he still doesn't seem to be taking the hint, go to the police and deal with it. The police originally advised me not to 'Prod a cornered lion, cos we don't know what he's capable of' so I left it and hoped he would get bored. Don't take anything like that from the police cos he well and truly wrecked my life and my job for the sake of some sick satisfaction. I wish I'd dealt with it before I became an obsession to him.
There are some odd bods out there, and sadly it seems the single fems on here attract them, but keep hopeful, I've met some really lovely, special people on here, and other sites, and would never give that up for anyone, no matter what the police said about 'avoiding the internet'. No one person is going to win, or to make me change any of my behaviour, but I'm glad you are taking it seriously so soon. You have several routes to choose, and everyones advice has been excellent. Good luck with it, and fingers crossed it stops soon.
Sent you a pm Amber.
Advice is to take it to the police, they should guide you down the correct route and get the matter sorted quite quickly.
It does make you wonder why people feel the need to behave in that way, life is too short.
Hiya Amber,
I had a similar problem with my electrician... we had never been intimate (to his displeasure) and he clearly knew where I lived as he had done the house re-wire.
Contact the police... simple as that. It is the only way to nip it in the bud..... do it straight away. Waiting only tells him that there is so much that he can get away with before you bring in "the cavalry". The police deal with things quickly and concisely.
x x
all great advice given........
one thing i would add to it........
Get yourself a little diary..... put in dates and times of every e-mail, texts and every time he follows you, every little "gift" and card he sends.......
basically if you take it to the police....and he doesn't stop, they can use it as evidence........
keep your chin up hunny.... not all us single guys are like this.... you have just been very unlucky and i hope it doesn't put you off.......
sean xxxxx
Quote by fabio grooverider
all great advice given........
one thing i would add to it........
Get yourself a little diary..... put in dates and times of every e-mail, texts and every time he follows you, every little "gift" and card he sends.......
basically if you take it to the police....and he doesn't stop, they can use it as evidence........
keep your chin up hunny.... not all us single guys are like this.... you have just been very unlucky and i hope it doesn't put you off.......
sean xxxxx

Saved me the effort of typing! worship
Great advice Fabio.
i would also give the advice of be very careful the information you give out to someone
this guy knew your sh mobile, your work mobile, your work email, your address, where you worked, far too much info honey especially as you say it was brief from ok guy to nutjob.
keep your personal life personal hun for a good while at least
Earthy xx
a few years ago I used to have a website featuring mature women in lingerie. It was all innocent clean fun with no porn. It was run by a guy who ran several other similar sites.
We had never met him as he lived a long way away.
He did a good job and the site was successful. However , a couple of the women said that in their e mails with him he seemed to know a bit of about our swinging fun and we thought that one of us had told him.
We had a meeting to sort it out as by now we were starting to argue a bit. so 5 wives and husbands met at ours . it was soon obvious that it wasnt one of us so we decided to have our computers checked by a specialist .
He found that two computers had been hacked and not only did the hacker have access to our private pics but also got our e mails !.
The PCs belonged to the only two woman that had been sent CDs with slide shows of thier galleries set to music , by the webmaster ! we had the CDs checked and found a buried program in them which gave the webmaster total took advice from the police who said they wouldnt be able to trace him but if we could get any clues to pass them on and they would take very firm action.
One of the husbands hatched a plot, his wife started flirting with him by mail , and eventually in order to receive some of her used underwear he gave his address.!!!
we went straight to the police who contacted the guys local force immediately by phone and asked them to follow it up.
On that evening they went and had a "word" with him. Our site promptly disapeared
and to this day his other sites havent been updated. we never heard from him again.
The husbands had a boys night out soon after, very suspicious as none of them would let on where they had been or what they had got up to.
we have never found out......cant help wondering if they went for a "word" too.
long story I know, but the gist of it is.... go to the police.......( and tell some male friends )
Amber, I hope you do manage to get rid of this creep. evil
I got caught out by a scammer a while back ( from a dating site not here ) and it took police involvement to get this guy off by back.
You can get your mobile number changed, depending on your network they may not charge ( mine didn't when I had to change ) block his emails from all addresses you have at home or at work though at least by moving jobs, you can leave this creep behind.
Any pms he sends you through this site, pass them to a mod and see what they can do.
Good luck hunni kiss
Quote by ambervixen
Hey Guys,
I'm not writing this to be mean - but I have met someone off here who is genuinely stalking me...
I told him about 2 days ago that I didn't want to see him again intimately and that we ought to be friends, after he pulled my hair in public when he didn't like the way the conversation was going - ok during sex but not in a bar where I fecking work!!!
Any way, after that I called him on the way home to say, you know you are getting a bit intense and maybe we ought to cool things down a bit, after all I entered into this to meet friends and to have a bit of fun, but not to meet anyone serous or to have any problems.
ONE F@CKING hour later, after many calls, he was giving me grief and hassling me, I have a work number and a SH number, he called and texted both about 15 times in the space of my 10 minute train journey home. So I thought well if I at least talk to him then he might get the message.
So, I left it and went to bed, the next day I had some emails at work, ignored them. Then later in the day I logged on and chatted to him online for a while to say, you know I'm not interested etc etc.
THEN on the way home he called me 30 times to both numbers, and texted me to tell me to pick up and then KEPT F@CKING going.
I sent him a message eventually after having verbally told him that I didnt' want to see him again in any capacity and that he needed to back off.
Random, concilliatory response!
I went to bed, felt fine, even though he was threatening to get in a cab and come to my house to see me last night..
So, today at work working hard, and then BAM BAM BAM the F@CKing mofo emails me to aks me to meet for coffee - I diligently ignored it evil
Then a few hours later I head out for lunch, on the way back in there is a 'parcel for me' at reception - AT MY WORK who does this freak think he is.
I checked it wasn't ticking. It was a long RANTING RAMBLING card with too much crap in it and a TEDDY.
]Ok even I at this point thought, he

Imforn the police thats your first wil then ask you if you would like them to pay him a visit to warn him off or if you prefer to get your solicitor to send out a warning letter, advising him to stop this behavoiur,or you wil take out an injunction agaist after he gets the letter he continues then you can take this he breaks the injunction he will then be arrested for harassment resulting in a court -keep any texts or emails as prove to show to the police and your solicitor
Hope this imfo helps
I can't add anything to the advice already given about dealing with the guy but I feel SH Admin should investigate and if proven this person should NOT be a member of this site. People like that may move on to target someone else...and bearing in mind the coroner gave his verdict today in the case of that girl who worked at Harvey Nicks was stalked and eventually shot. Take no chances!!
Amber, I've been stalked in the past not from SH but by an ex and take lots of precautions with ppl I meet online. I still gets guys telling me how I 'know' they're not a nutter so I should let them come to my house. NO exceptions is my rule. For how quickly some people can change, I recommend no single lady liiving by herself accomodates. I have a pay as you go mobile that is not linked to anything and is used solely for SH; I don't give out my email either. I also no longer do quick meets after a couple of dodgy experiences.
Hope some of that helps in any future meets you might arrange
was going to say if you can send a solicitorsletter by way of warning do so but has already been suggested.
why the 1 spoils the fun for the many, what is it a small minority of mens and to be fair women to that they think they have a right after 1 or 2 good meetings they have a right to control what that person will do in the future.
sad sad sad
Oh thank you, Mr Stalker for making all single men seem like nutters - not funny at all - hope your balls drop off mad
sounds like a rite a** hole...and i agree with seassider and UKwineman...why does one person have to ruin it for others...
amber hope it goes okay, but remember if you need to chat there are some normal people on here, and would hate to think some idiot has put off what sounds to be a really nice girl smile
I was married for 15yrs and two years ago found out i didnt know my now x-husband at all :shock: and it turned my world upsidedown and left me and mine in tatters! But the moral of mine and others storys are protect yourself as much as you can but dont let anyone stop you from living life .......or they have won!!
There always has and always will be strange folk about but the good guys still out number the bad ones. Dont let this put you off,learn,grow stronger and move on!!
Best of luck kiss
Hi there, We were contacted by a single lady before Xmas asking if we wished to meet her.
His, as he does, exchanged photo's :shock: beautiful she was. He then continued to exchange e mail addresses & mobile no. with her.
She was constantly asking if she could talk to me on msn & on cam so I did. Only her cam was broken!!
More photos of this stunning lady came but never saw her on cam.
Two weeks later she e mailed His to say 'thanks for the pics, I've had loads of w*nks over Hers -Yes I'm a man!'
WTF :eeek: so His reported him to the mods kiss
Was this over no
The other day we had an e mail offering to pay 100 quid to have me :shock:
'Get a life FFS' I mailed back
guess what- yes yesturday another came - 'name your price'
So we have decided to play along to catch this bastard out.
"soz mate don't recognise you have we been in touch before?'
'Yeh I was **** who pretended to be a woman. Got kicked off the site so I'm back on with this username now but not a full member' Gotcha surprised
Have now block this guy & will really be careful now giving out our e mail address.
Was really upset about this but have calmed down now & doesn't put me off as I know there are some very genuine peeps on here.
Take care hun & don't let the b*stard get you down :kiss:
Ola babes.
Want me to have a word with him? oh hang on - does he look stronger than me?
Personal opinion I know, but think it's generally a good idea to ignore the fella as much as you can. If this means blocking him on email or text, probably best to do so, the thinking being that he will burn himself out sooner rather than later. I'm guessing he will attempt to do stuff which he feels you will have to respond to. After all it's you (highly desirable as you are) that he wants and to keep things going with you.
If things then start to get wierder, consider the feds and all the other good advice found in the posts above.
Finally, remember that we're not all the same... wink
I know this is only a minor thing and wont help you but maybe you should send some of the emails and his name to a site mod, not sure where the site rules stand on this but i'm sure hes not the type of person any of us want as a member and if he can do it to you he can easily move on to another women when he finally gets you message.
As for what you can do, its a very difficult situation and its easy to say go to the police but i think they would look very dimly on you situation seeing as you met him on a sex site :shock: worth a try tho can't make matters any worse, i would just get new mobile numbers and a new email account and carry on ignoring him, he'll get bored in the end
Quote by naughtynymphos1
As for what you can do, its a very difficult situation and its easy to say go to the police but i think they would look very dimly on you situation seeing as you met him on a sex site

There has been a female member of the site have to approach the police before and she was treated with the up most respect smile He is breaking the law so they have to do something about it :)
Quote by Shireen
As for what you can do, its a very difficult situation and its easy to say go to the police but i think they would look very dimly on you situation seeing as you met him on a sex site

There has been a female member of the site have to approach the police before and she was treated with the up most respect smile He is breaking the law so they have to do something about it :)
and so they should
just with all the bad press about internet and sex etc i think some people would see it as your asking for trouble, obviously not my views :lol2: but i know how narrow minded some can be rolleyes
I know what you mean NN :lol2: And the other female was just as worried about approaching them as anyone would be considering where she met him.... They were brilliant though and she no longer has any problems with him biggrin
The one thing I would say is take back the power.....dont let him have control over you or your emotions.....
This must be really hard for you...and i second what has been said, you must take this to the Police if he persists in stalking you....
Let us know how it goes!!
I think this is a case of learning from your mistakes here Amber, i think if im totally honest (which i am generally) wink, you were a little niave to give this guy so many details about yourself so quickly!!
It is so easy for someone to SEEM on the level and down to earth etc when you first meet them and it takes a while for the veil to slip and to see their true colours usually. This guy was obviously showing his best side and being on his best behaviour, and you took the bait and trusted him at his merit without being a little cautious.
Im not having a go, or defending this idiot either, just pointing out a few home truths an trying to give a little common sense advice for other ladies who might be reading this, you learn best from experiencing the worst unfortunately. I would bet a good bit of money you wont be so quick to give details out to someone next time and it would poss be better for you to find out a little more about someone before giving details about your work etc as this can lead to all sorts of problems (the kind you have encountered usually)!!
From the posts you can see others have been through the same sort of thing, its unfortunately not uncommon, and there are some great people on here, but we never take people on first merit!!
I could be typing all this good information and seem so caring and really be a total psychopathic maniac who is trying to lull you into a false sense of security, i think women AND men should be a little more socially aware as this type of site is always bound to attract some element of bad people.
On a more positive note follow the good advice from some of the regulars on here, keep a diary as fabs said and involve the police and get a liason officer if the problem persists, you could always get someone of menacing capability you know to have a quiet word with him (not that im condoning that sort of thing obviously) but hope all goes well and this unfortunate incident is resolved amicably soon!!
Quote by Srne
I think this is a case of learning from your mistakes here Amber, i think if im totally honest (which i am generally) wink, you were a little niave to give this guy so many details about yourself so quickly!!

i have to admit when i first read the post my inital thoughs was why on earth did she give someone she met off a swingers site the name and address of the company she works for her works phone number and works email addy :shock:
i have know people on this site for a number of years and class them as good friends but have still never given them such personal details
i didn't want to mention it tho but seeing as you have lol
Quote by naughtynymphos1
I think this is a case of learning from your mistakes here Amber, i think if im totally honest (which i am generally) wink, you were a little niave to give this guy so many details about yourself so quickly!!

i have to admit when i first read the post my inital thoughs was why on earth did she give someone she met off a swingers site the name and address of the company she works for her works phone number and works email addy :shock:
i have know people on this site for a number of years and class them as good friends but have still never given them such personal details
i didn't want to mention it tho but seeing as you have lol
But I've got your phone number, been to your house and i know where you work :wink: