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Help for category-curious Photo-ad Posters (pointless...)

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I got really bored and was in a slightly silly mood, so I thought I'd write a web page to help people who don't know what they're doing to put a photo-ad in the right category.
Yes, I know it's really not hard to figure out and if your brain is frazzled (say after too many drinks of a night) you can still check by looking at other ads in the category... But sod it I needed the practice in Javascript. Anyone fancy wasting away a few seconds (and it will be wasted) can check the URL out...
LOVE it!!! Now can you perhaps teach people to read? i.e - bi-fem seeks couple or group does NOT mean bi fem seeks every available cock on the block!!!
What a brilliant idea! Here goes a whole page of utterly obvious and pointless advice. Mmmm.. with a tinge of sarcasm... If I can be bothered.
that deserves to be stickied...except the people who post in the wrong sections are usually illiterate chancers anyways or kings/queens of the 1 liners although i suspect it's more the men than the girls that do it. even so it's simplicity is brilliant.
I wish I could put that type of thread up - clever sod!
Methink you might be well on the way to an official award of the Golden Gates - this is a very rarely awarded prize for services to Swinging Heaven.
And Black Dalek is bound to be interested in your little invention... biggrin
Aww... me's humbled! It was only after seeing an ad in the wrong category that I thought of the idea. I'm working on the rest of the page as we speak (well obviously, not while I'm writing this... but... oh, you know...)
Are these gates large enough to put at the end of our drive? We could do with some. Although they'd probably get nicked overnight, being golden and all that. Do they swing open? cool
Who's Black Dalek???
PS - Love the avatar, Rainbows (nice ad too, now if only I could find a lady to become a couple with wink )
Black Dalek is all seeing and all knowing and Keeper of the Codes...
He's this bloke called Mark who wrote, owns and runs Swinging Heaven with the helps of us his trusty Heavenly Helpers. biggrin
And Jags will certainly offer to snog you if we can find a way of linking your toy to the photo ads section.
Aaah... I did wonder if it was Him (am I allowed, or required? to capitalise it when talking of 'the one'??).
I'm a bit of a hacker/developer myself (as you might guess) - anyone need any Unix C++ code writing? (I'm also after work at the mo)
Jags - I'm waiting...
Quote by breezer
Aaah... I did wonder if it was Him (am I allowed, or required? to capitalise it when talking of 'the one'??).
I'm a bit of a hacker/developer myself (as you might guess) - anyone need any Unix C++ code writing? (I'm also after work at the mo)
Jags - I'm waiting...

A HUGE and WET JAGS SNOG is waiting for when Black Dalek uses this wonderfully simple and elegant resource. ( I was going to say tool but thought better of it!!). Fan-bloody-tastic!
biggrin :D :D
That is brilliant worship biggrin