I got really bored and was in a slightly silly mood, so I thought I'd write a web page to help people who don't know what they're doing to put a photo-ad in the right category.
Yes, I know it's really not hard to figure out and if your brain is frazzled (say after too many drinks of a night) you can still check by looking at other ads in the category... But sod it I needed the practice in Javascript. Anyone fancy wasting away a few seconds (and it will be wasted) can check the URL out...
LOVE it!!! Now can you perhaps teach people to read? i.e - bi-fem seeks couple or group does NOT mean bi fem seeks every available cock on the block!!!
What a brilliant idea! Here goes a whole page of utterly obvious and pointless advice. Mmmm.. with a tinge of sarcasm... If I can be bothered.
that deserves to be stickied...except the people who post in the wrong sections are usually illiterate chancers anyways or kings/queens of the 1 liners although i suspect it's more the men than the girls that do it. even so it's simplicity is brilliant.
I wish I could put that type of thread up - clever sod!
Aaah... I did wonder if it was Him (am I allowed, or required? to capitalise it when talking of 'the one'??).
I'm a bit of a hacker/developer myself (as you might guess) - anyone need any Unix C++ code writing? (I'm also after work at the mo)
Jags - I'm waiting...