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Help for Newbies

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29 replies
4 watchers
Hi Guys
You have probably all seen the Newbies (and some not so newbie!) who come into the Forums and post “ Who wants a shag – call me” and we sit there and despair at them for their lack of tact, forethought and common sense. It occurred to me that they could do with a little guidance. There are many people on here with quite a lot of experience, both on and off the site, which they could share with others.
What I would like to do is this. Could I ask you all to have a think about the type of ads and comments you have seen and reacted to, positive and negative. What has someone put which has pushed your button and made you feel either ‘I would like to get to know this person more’ or ‘what an arse, wouldn’t touch them with yours’. I need feedback from the more experienced as well as the newbies, the couples, singles, males, females, bi’s, gays, CD’s, TV’s, DVD’s and anyone I may have missed out. What I hope to do is put them all together in some way shape or form, which Newbies can see as a Sticky in the Café and have a better understanding of what goes on in here. Hopefully we will get better comments, people will think before they post and it will increase the number of contributors on the Site. By doing this, it will also increase the number of friends we all make on here! Just tell me what pisses you off and what brightens your day, what works and what doesn’t.
Can I ask that you respond by PM only rather than post on site. This way, all your comments will be anonymous, so you can speak freely, and allows me to collate all the info. If you wish to comment onsite as to whether it’s a good idea or not, that’s fine, but responses by PM so what you say doesn’t influence what others may think. You can be openly objective about it once I’ve put it all together.
In the meantime, keep doing what, because I for one thoroughly enjoy it!!
Ps - DVD was a joke.....unless you know different confused
I have to say lads and lasses
The response to this request has not exactly set my inbox alight. In fact, I have had very few responses, bearing in mind the number of people who are on this site :cry: . Come on guys, this is for the benefit of everyone, new and not so new. By helping people when they first join, it can help them to develop into decent members of society!!
Well, maybe not that much, but certainly everyone benefits by an improvement of some of the new posts and gets them over those 'newbie nerves redface '.
This will be on for another couple of weeks, but we have a deadline of the end of the month for all the info to be collated. Please, please, please help with your contribution, however small or irrelevant you might think it is. When everything is put together, it might be extremely relevent lol
Can I also point out, this is NOT just about the adverts. It includes all entries in the forums as well and anything else I've possibly forgotten :lol:
Runs off to throw water over inbox to prevent ignition
Thanks to the members that are doing there best to help newbies.I myself have needed and is still needing help on many things such do i go about meeting people and when i get therer what do i do then .i.e i can be a bit shy until i get horny.
Cheers anyway for the help so far
Hi all
I'm a relative newbie. I was on here under another ID but i attracted a number of creepy stalkers so the administrators kindly removed my ID and I was able to re-register.
What I would like to say is - be very careful what you put in your ads, in fact it maybe very worthwhile getting to know people via the forum before you put an ad on at all.
It may seem quite exciting putting an ad together and posting to the internet but just be very aware that you may get some very unwanted attention.
The forum is an excellent place to get to know people. Just look through some of the existing topics and you will see that there is a real sense of community in here and people are more than willing to give help and advice. It is up to you whether you heed such advice. I can only say on a personal note that I wish I had spent more time in the forum and never posted an ad at all.
My biggest regret is that I missed the North West munch.
I am one half of a couple on here, my partner is less inclined to meet people than I am, so I could not attend without him.
I think events like the munch seem an excellent idea.
So - let's all be careful out there
Love, Alex x
Quote by Alexandra
Hi all
I'm a relative newbie. I was on here under another ID but i attracted a number of creepy stalkers so the administrators kindly removed my ID and I was able to re-register.
Love, Alex x

Well thats got me wondering what your ID used to be and what you posted in the past.
Anyway Alex.. welcome aboard (again) the good ship swinger. have fun!
Well thanks very much Steve. I'd say what my ID was previously, but if I did that in here it would defeat the object! lol
Love, Alex
Hey Steve - I just saw you are from Stoke.
Well ducks, I used to work in Hartshill until a couple of years ago.
yikes that is close... not at the hospital by any chance?
hi im paul 31 from nw london, cor blimey guvnor its brass monkeys out there, ive just come back from the battle cruiser where i got a bit oliver twist thats all the mockney im doing for ya today guvnor anyhow back to reality , im also a newbie and the forum seems a good way of meeting and interacting with people i had a nice chat with bono from u2 on here earlier otherwise known as andy,,, i hopefully will be attending the munch in the "smoke" so see you there.
in the meantime any advice from you experienced peeps would be very appreiacted ............paul im seeking some fun n games with ladies or couples
Hiya again Paul
I think you're learning pretty fast already, luv.
Alex x
Mal... perhaps include a list of commonly used abbreviations....
for instance what is pmsl... see it in Chatroom...
Its not only how newbies write their ads .... its also how they answer ads as well!
Although i joined this site in December last year I've only just got round to putting an ad on ... did it on friday (put it under women seeking men ... which was a bigggggggggggg mistake ! confused ). Have been away for a couple of days and returned tonite to find 66 emails, including 1 reply from a couple rolleyes awaiting me !
What I did find offensive and ill-mannered was the reply i received from one man. In response to my 'Sorry - but not what I'm looking for' .. was a reply that said "miserable c*nt !!!!!' :censored: :shock:
Guys .. you really should think more carefully before replying to adds. At this moment in time there are 4524 men advertising for women ... However there are only 98 ladies looking for men.!! Read the words on the ad - dont just look at the pictures :small-print:
Out of 64 emails - there is only 1 that stands head n shoulders above the rest ... an 4 others that come a close 2nd .... the rest - well, what can i say dunno :? but I will try to reply to all the emails :roll:
Lucy kiss
and Mal .... i will send you a PM on this
hi lucy,
sorry to hear you've had a hard time. i've just posted a reply on 'hey i am new here' about men looking for women. this is exactly what i mean about single guys needing a PR makeover, what can we do????
hope you get what your looking for.
bed head.
...think i'd better have a look at your ad......
"behaviour" file from my group.
Says it all ?
Don't know about ads, pathalogical aversion to making future arrangements means i don't reply.....seen too many honeytraps in the past.
Taken from a variety of other sites and also from discussion with doggers and couples.
First part: Description and general advice.
Dogging is the broad term used to cover all the sexual outdoor activities that go on.
This can be anything from putting on a show from your car, to a gangbang on a picnic
table. It all depends on what you're looking for. Dogging involves exhibitionism and
voyeurism and this combination goes hand in hand. The voyeurs are mainly men and
the exhibitionists are mainly couples or women who love to attract attention and often
invite people to join in. Dogging is predominently something us British enjoy, the
open air, countryside and car parks! Apparently the Belgians, French and Italians do it
but not as obsessively as us Brits!
If you're thinking of going dogging for the first time, read these tips below. The tips
on this page are mainly aimed at couples trying dogging for the first time. The tips are
split into three sections, before, during and after the meet. If you're a single male, all
the advice I've been given for males simply says, "be polite", don't be pushy and only
do things you are invited to do. All the couples said that allowing males to join
depended on how clean, polite and non-pushy the males were.
Before the meet
Talk about it - If it's your first time dogging, then you need to talk about what you're
looking to get out of it. It's easy for partner to get confused about how far to go. Talk
to each other, decide what you're both comfortable doing, the last thing you want is to
overstep your partners boundaries.
Be prepared - It's helpful if you put together a small washing bag containing condoms
(if the males haven't brought any), wet wipes and deodorant. These are just a few
things, which will make the meet go easier. Another thing, which is helpful, are the
business cards you get out of the machines you find at service stations. A simple card
with your swinging names, email address and even your mobile number will come
in handy.
Advertising - Dogging can be a bit hit and miss, sometimes you can spend hours at a
location and see no action at all. The way round this is to advertise on the dogging
board. When you advertise, don't advertise the location you're going to or what time
you're going. This will result in a mass of single men waiting for you, I've heard of
this happening and the couple turned up to a group of 25 single men, way too many.
All you need to include is the county you wish to meet in and the date of the meet.
Then simply ask people to email you about the meet. Once you have the emails, you'll
be able to choose who you want, and email them the details of the actual location and
time. This should stop you being swamped.
During the meet
Safety - Before you arrive, make sure you move your bag / purse / wallet / anything
valuable to a safe place like the glove box, it sounds silly, but would you want
someone to know your full name and address? Lock all the doors from the inside, this
will stop unwelcome visitors and keep you in control of what goes on.
Signals - There's loads of signals that doggers use, the most common are flashing
lights, and these could be interior or exterior lights. This basically means they're
doggers. Leaving the internal light on basically means we want to be watched. If they
wind down the window, this means they want to fondle / be fondled or more. If they
want more, they tell you. Most doggers start with a show for the guys and then go
further once they've picked the males that interest them. There are many more signals
but most of these are really obvious, like flashing.
Too many males - If you're presented with the problem of too many males, the easiest
thing to do is just ask them to back off. Most will comply with no problems, some
don't. If they don't and can't take the message, simply say your going because of "that
pushy bastard". Often the males watching will help remove the knobs, simply because
they don't want their fun spoilt. If it's too much for you, just drive off.
After the meet
Ending it - A simple thank you to all the males that watched or took part in the fun is
all that's needed. Everyone will get the idea and say their goodbyes.
Cleaning up - A lot of the dogging locations are based around picnic or other public
areas. Please make sure that any condoms or used tissues are put in the bin, or taken
with you. Please do not litter, leaving used condoms around is a sure way of getting
the area closed at night by the local council and isn't very nice for normal users of the
Keeping in touch - Remember those business cards, well if you find someone you'd
like to meet again, you can give them your card to keep in touch if you want to.
Leaving - On heading home, make sure you do not take the direct route, go for a drive
around for a little while. Just make sure that nobody has followed you home.
Talk - After it's done, you'll be high on the feeling; this is a good time to talk about
what just happened. What you liked, what you didn't, what you want to do next time.
As with all types of swinging, talking is the way to safeguard your relationship,
remember that your relationship is far more important than a couple of hour's fun.
Second part:
Don't drive about looking in every car, it pisses people off big time.
If you need lights to figure out what's going-on in a parked car at night,
you have BIG problems. NO couples are going to carry-on with a cars lights blinding them.
It also scares-off potential shows.
Too many cars driving about means the law will get an interest.
Don't creep-up on cars, if you think they are in for a show
let them see you first.
If they aren't up for it they'll drive off.
If they are and you creep-up on them you'll scare the woman (more likely
the bloke though, in which case the woman will give you a kicking,
masochism is optional)
this is a dark car park/park we're talking about, not a lounge.
I'D get scared if someone crept up behind me
Sign Language: Flashing brake lights are for gays.
Couples drive in and flash the internal lights mainly, then the heads
if they see you.
Players usually park facing where people are, or are going to be.
Non-playing couples park with the back of the car hiding them from people.
Too many people just drive in and out of locations with little interest in
waiting, and as a result they annoy some and scare others.
Players don't like attending parties creeping-up on them from behind. Be
seen, do a walk about so they can see you and move closer in passing.
If they aren't players then you have no hope anyway.
If they are and you scare them, they may not BE players for much longer.
Be patient.
Remember: No couples, no dogging, no doggers.
The WOMAN in the party is in command.
NO means NO, STOP means STOP.
If you don't UNDERSTAND this, then dogging ISN'T for YOU.
The name of this game is FUN.
*** And if all you can do is drive in-and-out all night, go to a supermarket instead ***
Just wanted to say this is a pretty helpful post - I only joined today so was a bit insure what was what but hey - tis all cool now - cheers peeps
J x biggrin
Eraserhead - what a superb & relatively unknown David Lynch film....
Sorry - completely off topic but had to say that !!
Quote by Alexandra
It may seem quite exciting putting an ad together and posting to the internet but just be very aware that you may get some very unwanted attention.
Good advice - I think there is a whole community out there ready to make trouble with ads of this nature out on the web. In just replying to a few ads, I got one virus e-mail and one e-mail advertising a charged for massage.
I agree that one approach is to get to know and trust some people through the Forum and hopefully meet some Forum peeps as well as the saner members of SH visitiors thru the sociable Munch events.
Mmmm, we've just spent ages trying to write an add, agonising over what to put. :confused: :confused:
I only logged on to post it, not sure whether to do it now!! dunno :dunno:
I certainly feel that us newbies, quaint name, makes this 41 year iold feel like a teenager again, need some coaching on how to become involved properly in these discussions and how to fit in. It does seem in the main that a few eloquent people provide the abundance of conversation. As one never short of things to say, i would appreciate any hints or introductions that would make me feel welcomed and wanted ( oh boy my insecurity complex raises its head).
Certainly as a male it would seem that the numbers are stacked against you. So few females, so many males. It seems obvious to reply to an advertisement is like playing russian roulette. Was it 66 replies a sweet lady mentioned in a couple of days. At my one finger typing that works out to be about a month if i was reply to everybody. So i suppose if i do respond i shouldn't feel unhappy if i dont get a reply. Oh dear i can already see the hard road ahead.
Anyway enough of my rambling. Ill come to the point. I seek a COACH who can develop my etiquette and communication style tio become a worthy contributor in these forums.
Hello Northeastmale - and welcome to SH!
I'd say that from your post you are more than qualified to join in on the forum - you have something constructive to say! The only etiquette to observe is to remain respectful and polite; maintain a sense of humour and join in! Everyone is welcome to add their two pennorth to a thread whether it's a serious debate or general socialising. I will only add that the more you post and get to know us, the easier it becomes. Of course we also get to know you!
We're a friendly group and welcome everyone - so please, pull up a chair and grab a drink. It's a madhouse at times but it's fun!
Have fun in the forum!
Sappho xxx
Well thanks for the welcome Sappho. Its nice to know somebody out there sees what i have to say. Also it seems that i've preparted myself completely. I must be psychic because i've already pulled up my chair, got this god foresaken machine plugged in, haven't yet crashed and have my christmas cracker hat on my head ready for fun and conversation. By fun i assure you i mean, in a humorous, intelligent verbal form ... once i find my feet in here i will warn my new friends (hoping i make a few) when im ready to put my foot on the accelerator, jump out of my cocoon, and go for FUN in the capital letter sense. Alas as im known in other circles for being loud and chatty once i get into conversation and debate i may forget all about any other requirements.
Now somebody help me out. This site is called swinging heaven, so why do so many of the 'SINGLE' guys say they are looking for SINGLE women, in my book thats not swinging, thats dating, or have i got this whole thing wrong.
Finally thank again for your kind words, and do i come across as i have verbal diareha . Pardon my descriptive words and crap spelling (oops)
I think northeast male has hit the nale on the head. I have two ads on here that are for single female and couples witch I thought this was all about not just the sexual side but the social side of swinging. Please someone tell me Im right or the teddy goes out the pram again.
ps sorry I never could spell.
Swinging isn't just sexual liaisons to many, as witness the Cafe. Real friendships are forged here and there is a lot of socialising. However, like any social activity, it has to be worked at by joining in and getting to know people.
Not everyone wants to forge relationships as a swinger. (I use that term in the sense of social interaction and acquaintance as opposed to romance and monogamous commitment.) Those who prefer not to get to know people socially will happily swing with strangers at one off meets, at clubs and through dogging. Others prefer to keep their friendships and sexual partners separate entirely. Some will only swing with people they have got to know and like and respect. I am one of the latter.
Surely you get out of swinging what you put into it? In the case of the single male, purely because they tend to out number single women by four to one, I would suggest they are more likely to meet women and couples by becoming known through a medium like the forum or the chatroom.
Sappho xxx
I'll just add the male perspective to Sappho's excellent advice: she's right, you know. All of my best experiences have been a result of getting to know people, and letting them get to know me.
I have to say that there is also a problem in that sometimes the friendships become so strong that it does get in the way of swinging.
I will give you an example...
Just recently I was stood there - 1 item of clothing on - with the delectable lady in front of me - in the perfect position in the love swing - with the flimsiest of barriers between us and I was as sober as a judge.............
What on earth possessed me to stop and turn away at that moment without the first thought of ripping off what remained of our clothing other that the deepest of feeling for the friendship I have for her and the respect she deserves from me? As well as the respect I have for a couple that we spend so much time with and think so much of even though they were not there at the time....
Was I just dreaming?
Was I a fool?
Nope! on both counts......
Did she expect or want something to happen - I have not got a F**king igloo! I am so crap at reading signals that She could have had "Shag me" written accross the front of her panties (and very nice they were as well - Brown and lacy if I remember right!) and I would have misread it for "Shop me"!
:doh: sometimes I even stun myself!
Would I swap it for a quick shag and no feeling - NEVER! - There are some poeple on here I respect more than people I have known for years and yet I have never met them or only met them briefly!
I now how you feel fred I can never read the signals ither but if I ever manage to get into swinging I personaly would like to hope I make a lot of friends as well as sexual partners.
maybe someone will show me the way. I hope. wink
been here a few days now - and not really getting any response - anyone got any tips?
all i want is a shag - fems/cpls - how does it all work
and has been a long time
Quote by derbychap
been here a few days now - and not really getting any response - anyone got any tips?

Have patience and don't expect too much.
I posted my first ad to a swinging site eleven months ago yesterday and in that time I've had five genuine-looking responses to my ads,, none of which have gone anywhere. I think if any of us single fellas expect ladies or couples to be beating a path to our door just because we've got male genitals and know how to use them, we're only setting ourselves up for disappointment.