I need to stop smoking ............ so any suggestions ?? :smoke:
I smoke about 20 or 30 a day !! :smoke:
I need to stop ............... but I dont know how .............. :smoke:
I have tried the patches .......... but took them off to have a ciggy :smoke:
I have tried the gum ........... but hate looking like a chewing cow :smoke:
Does anyone have any suggestions ? something that worked for you ? :smoke:
Thanx :smoke:
Sam :smoke: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :smoke:
Firelizard and Stormwalker
I feel all loved up now :inlove:
I know its gonna kill me ............... but ............... :smoke: I cant stop
Firelizard ..........If you managed to stop ...........what did you do when you fancied a ciggie ?
:smoke: Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :smoke:
mike48 .......... I have done the hypno thingie ............. left his practice got into my car and lit a ciggy :smoke:
It didnt work for me :smoke:
I would rather smoke than let someone stick needles in me :smoke:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s. should we start a stop smoking SH club then ??? :smoke: :smoke: :smoke:
Blonde................Not sure what I can do or say to help, never smoked. Please do it, you will feel better. Just think of the money, that would do it for me, woul dhate to think of setting fire to all that cash......!!!!
I really want to stop ............ I just dont know how to do it :smoke:
Thats why I am asking on here ............... so many lunatics I thought someone would have a brill idea that might help :smoke:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Firelizard ........... is it OK to ring you in the middle of the night ? :giggle: :smoke:
Hi Blonde.
Sorry but only one sure fire way to kick the habit.... Will Power.
There are certain things that you can do to assist .
Dont make silly dates to do it.... on my birthday... new years eve, it never works.
Dont try cutting down slowly over a period of time, it never works.
Dont get rid of all your lighters, cigarettes or tobacco once you give up, you are going to feel very silly if you need a fag at three in the morning and have to find a garage open at
that time.
Dont be too upset with yourself if you do NEED a cigarette, just have the one and tell yourself " I can do this ".
Sad to say but out of every five people you see smoking four will get very ill at some stage of their lives. We all think it could never happen to me but I can tell you from personal experience it can.
Love and Spanks Ronda.
Hi Blonde,
Well angelic me has never smoked but my good friend, playmate and sub k has now been a non-smoker for a whole 2 weeks plus and with only 2 lapses......
Secret of her success - this time she realy wanted to stop so her will power was stronger, secondly shes getting a lot of endorphine action from regular play and finally some dedicated "attention" to that little sweet spot on her shoulder results in an effect similar to accupuncture that she can rub for days later and still get the desired effect.
Obviously this wouldnt work for everyone but im sure you can pick out the good bits and develop on them ..........
Other option of course is to move up here - our ban is already in place in all public places.
Seriously tho as everyone else has said the very best of luck with it
GF2 & k
not sure about England but in wales we have something along the lines of AA here they supply the patches and 24 hour phone support should you feel you need it for as long as you need it, all accessed through our local doctor, not sure if you have a service like that but is just a suggestion. Good luck whichever way you go
Theres one simple and very effective way and it willl work 100% but you have to want to give up and be sure its what YOU want not someone else putting you up for it..
The way this method works is by you signing over your house car and a deposit of as much money you can afford and if you smoke again you lose the lot! Drastic yes but effective all the same...... Now you could either do that or pretend in your mind something just as drastic could happen if you ever light another........ and NEVER tell yourself your QUITTING ciggies ALWAYS say to yourself theres no way I'm going to START smoking!! Its all in YOUR head hun.... have faith in yourself and you can and will quit for good. Have you looked at the NHS web site and looked at there long term plan of what happens and what to expect etc.. really good honest!!
Mike xx
I so want to help.
My last cigarette was 21st November 1980. I never gave up. That morning I just put off having a cigarette until lunch-time. Then I put if off until tea-time. Then I put if off until bed-time. Then I put it off until the morning.
I never gave up. I just kept putting it off.
I do hope you can do it. The advantages of giving up are immense.
Mollie x x x
Thank you thank you thank you
I really would like to never have another ciggy :smoke:
The problem is ................ I make a coffee ................. I switch on the PC.............. I come into the forum on here ................. I light a ciggy and I start to read the threads :smoke:
Maybe its SH I need to give up :giggle:
Firelizard .............. I cant get into the chatrooms :cry: :smoke:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
That did it for me too ! and like you I started again a year later lol
The amount of time I have spent trying to get Shel to give up! She is great thro the week, only has 1 per day or so. Then when we go out on a Sat night, one every 20 min. and if I say slow down with your smoking, I'm the bad guy!
Remember at the Teeside social a couple of weeks ago? All you smokers in the kitchen and us non-smokers in the living room? Where was the biggest crowd? In the kitchen! Next time, leave the kitchen and come out where the air is clear!
Seriously, a guy from work last Dec. gave up instantly...all it took was four simple words from his doctor......"You've got lung cancer"......hasn't had a tab since!
Munches are fun, we don't want to try out a SH Wake!!
Hiya Sam
My hubby smoked from the age of 10 and was averageing 20-30/day but last summer (May 10th) he stopped smoking. He has not touched one since - and we have had a few tough times and he still didnt succumb.
I have said stopped rather than given up, as to give up implies you are denying yourself something you crave!
Hubby used the same method used by 4 members of his family (all heavy smokers) who also have successfully stopped. It was a one-off cost of , no patches, no gum, no replacement therapy.... it was just by reading a book.
Now my hubby is very sceptical of anything like that, but good on him he tried it, and followed it to the letter. I couldn't believe it - not only did he stop, but not mood swings which can come from nicotine withdrawal. In fact he only told me at the point he had stopped. As I work away from home all week and he only smoked outside I feel guilty to say I never noticed (even though on hindsight I do have to admit he had stopped smelling like an ashtray).
I'm not saying it'll work for everyone - but worth giving it a fair chance.
The book is by Alan Carr (I think it's the easy way to Stop Smoking).
So before you trade one addiction (smoking) for another (patches/gum) try the cheaper and healthier option.
Big hugs and lots of luck 'n' Luv!
Alex x
Thanx Alex ..........
A trip to the library tomorrow then :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx