Right im going through a few health problmes at the moment one of them is that they cant get a control on my blood pressure and as my mother died of a stroke due to high blood pressure at 42 there a tad concerned.......
one of the things they have advised is to quit smoking ..... now ive smoked since i was 17 so its a bit daunting im asking the wise peeps of sh to help with any hints or tips they used to keep them off the smoke, what worked for them what didnt work whats given by docs thats shit that sort of thing.. ive been to docs again today and its stroke high so i really need to move on this as quick as possible ive already suffered one episode of palsy, and that was bad enough, i get horrific pins an needles in my legs an horrendous cramps in the my feet an calfs.. so i need to act now.....
so tip away .... anything whether you think its stupid i need all the help i can get
thankyou o wise ones on sh..
Never smoked so can't help, but good luck Furby :thumbup:
Well... as for me, cold turkey!
Two and a half years now.. seriously all I ever did was to tell myself I'm a non smoker and if I pick one up I will be a smoker again.. simple really honest! Your a non smoker untill you take a drag/puff again so just don't. Cravings soon pass... i think patches and the like make it more difficult as your telling yourself its harder than it really is... Just stop!
Sure others will tell you different... But I don't crave at all.. and stopped craving after about a month. Best thing I ever did..
Mike xx
Firstly Furby I'm sure you will succeed - you have so much incentive.
Secondly - you will get loads of excellent advice from the good people on here and some of it will suit you and some won't. So don't feel low about not using some of the advice, or using it and deciding it isn't for you.
My Mum stopped at 71 and my gift to her was to take a carpet washer to her living room carpet on the day she stopped. I also washed down her paintwork, window and furniture. The water came up FILTHY and she was shocked at the state she had been unknowingly living in.
She was also really pleased when she walked in the next day and the house smelt so clean. Somthing like that may help to encourage you and mark D-day quite well.
Whatever route you take GOOD LUCK - you will get there.
good god furby.
Giving up something is really really bad habit ive had was bitting my nails.I always bit them right down till they bled.
I also suffered from bouts of long painful mouth-alcers and all the doctors and treatments in the world could not stop them exploding into large painful cankers.
So you know what? i stopped biting my the ulcers are gone, just like that.
Ok, i still have a go by putting the finger to the mouth but as soon as i do this i remember the pain i was in and i quickly pull them away.
Do it for yourself, give up them smokes.I know its hard but the pain is a damn site worse.
Look at your you eating lots of junk food?.
Cut down on crisps and coke type reduce the amount of tea or coffee for a you got to drink coke/fizzy then go for the zero version not the diet.
Plenty of still mineral water.
Stop drinking alcohol!.I may sound like a real downer but if your drinking in large amounts start cutting back until you have stopped completely.
Speak to your doctor about your no expert.
Just please stop of people here like you and want to see you well.
1) Set your self a target date to quit, and stick to it.
2) Tell someone (preferably a non-smoker) as this means you have to at least have a go at quitting.
3) If you fail do not berate yourself You will have learned something for next time. Go back to 1) asap.
4) Get help. The gum worked for me, but maybe you would prefer the patches. You are twice as likely to succeed with a nicotine substitute.
5) Clear house of all ciggies, lighters etc. This may not be possible if your partner smokes. If he does ask him to try to give up with you.
6) Reward yourself. I kept a jar with all the money I had saved in it. Every so often I would buy something with it, a CD or something. Avoid buying alcohol though, as you may end up smoking again.
7) You may not succeed first time, but don't be disheartened, try again.
8) Don't ask yourself questions like "Why can't I give up?" Try the question "What would be better about my life if I did give up?" Focus on the positives!
Good luck!
Isn't the fear of early death incentive enough? :shock:
Go back to your doctor; they'll have information about stopping and of support available to you.
whats that got to do with it.. this is about me.
Hi Furby,
I stumbled across a great website last year while trying to quit and it helped me alot.
have a look:-
Very informative, and gives lots of good advice.
Good luck ok ;)
thankyou superman thats what i was asking for .. help not telling off.. thankyou xx
Has the doc told you that smoking is the most important factor in your blood pressure probs furby?
If it aint then my advice is to deal with things one at a time starting with the one that affects you the most.
We all ought to give up I know, but a few fags aint going to hurt if they provide you with a crutch to help with dealing with other things like diet etc.
ps be very careful if they offer you zyban tablets, for me they worked in that one had no desire to smoke at all, but the side effects were horrendous and lasted for months
Fruity XXX
You lot are far too deep for me lol
Furbs came on here to ask for advice and thats it and if iwas furbs right now i would be smoking 10 as im sure she must be stressed by the amount of not so great help you have sent her??
Furbs hun you can do it its a peice of paper with bad stuff in it put it down and if u feel u need one come suck on my tit lol
Love you baby
1luv anytime lol
Furbs ur a great girl and im sure with all ur wise treads and ur great help in our room over the last few months you are far more stronger than a crap round smelly thing in ur fingers and remember what i told u
everytime u play with ur clit after a fag it smokes too lol now who would want to munch on a fag smelling clit?? drop the fags and be strong think how great u will smell and look in days xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx