A few days ago I downloaded an old favorite pop video AHA - Take on me. For it's day it was an amazing pop video and even by todays standards it still stands out.
But here is the rub - We have an 8 year old daughter going on teenager who now has this video and Black Eyed Peas - Where is the loveon her PC in her bedroom and has asked me to find her some other really awesome videos to have on her computer. (I have to say the lyrics to Where is the Love are some of the most moving ones I have ever heard!)
I need help - can people list some of the most fantastic pop videos and I will go off and have a trawl and try to find some for her to have on her PC.
Over to you guys!
let her search for herself........... albeit under a degree of supervison
my 16 YO is well into the beatles Led Zep and obscure 60s blues musicians I aint even heard of...
whatever happens do not allow junior to access 60s cartoon greats!!!!!! or was it Hanna Barbera?.... no doubt some one will correct....
perhaps a case of YABBA DABBA DON'T
Or even Right said FRED!!!!
Have you ever seen the little film made of Dylan doing Subterrranean Homesick Blues?
Outstanding pop video? Try Peter Gabriel's Slegehammer. For an 80's atmospheric one how about Ultravox and Vienna?
Best I can do this time of night.
I always liked that Godley & Creme one "Cry", and "bittersweet Symphony" by the Verve
link to the AHA one
Nothing beats the humour, zaniness, inventiveness and smiling spirit of virtually every Madness pop vid.
You can probably get the complete DVD for under a tenner.
I suggest any of the Bjork videos - they are really mini works of art plus the music is pretty splendid too!
Misschief, girls are so scary! My 11 year old looks 15 without even trying, she's a nu metal rock chick with the attitude of a 20 year old. She has a tough time bringing me up, I'm such a handful!
Fred, I don't know about current suitable videos for an eight year old - mine would probably suggest Linkin Park Live in Texas! Though when she was eight (she'll kill me for this) she loved S Club 7 and Steps. Innocuous enough for that age but fun too.
Sappho xxx
Re. Britney Spears videos, the first time I saw the promo for Slave 4 U I genuinely thought it was a hardcore gangbang movie from a high budget American company. Tanned blonde girl, writhing around with lots of bodybuilder types surrounding her.
Carpathian has just reminded me of another. Probablt the only music video that can bring me to tears, "Hurt" by Johnny Cash. Given extra resonance after his death.
Thank you one and all.......
I have started the search already for the right mpeg files for some of these. When I think of the early days of pop videos I think so many of them were magical - I reckon I will think they are really naff when I watch them again now - however the kids do think that the Aha one is really cool so maybe I will be pleasantly surprised.
Vienna is a must have I think! (If not for her - me!)
Any more classics of the 80's greatly appreciated!
Fred ... not sure if it was 80s, time passes so quick these days but .... Every thing but the girl .... first line stepped of the train.... that is so sensual.... I love that woman's voice....
Point daughetr in right direction and let her play ( under supervision) lay down guide lines and trust her... believe me these kids are better at this online stuff than me and thee ( well me) allow her to suck and see... no pun intended and find out what she likes.... she may surprise you....
Surely the most epoch-defining video of the 80s is Money For Nothing by Dire Straits? Knopfler and co clearly knew the power of MTV and the music video, hence the immortal line - later picked up as a slogan for the channel - "I Want My MTV".
Not really sure about other videos from the 80s but there are some fantastic tunes. My faves are:
Lloyd Cole and The Commotions - Perfect Skin
Aztec Camera - Oblivious
Scritti Politti - The Word Girl
The Smiths - This Charming Man
New Order - Blue Monday (excellent video too)
Talk Talk - Life's What You Make It
At the risk of being accused of hijacking the thread, I'm sure that some of these have great videos!
Sorry ~Fred
I think the avatar is of Noah Wylie... if it is Mr Writer then I am at the front of the queue (with my autograph book!).
x xx
Apologies to Fred for the slight temporary hijack
Jags - you had best get that pen and autograph book ready then!
he has already assured me it is him...............Le Clerc
too good looking for a journo but hey he aint no dustin hoffman cept maybe for the nose.... ( he made me say that)
and what a tasty line in B & W pics
Can see a fight ensuing here Jags already at the front of the queue.... its right what they say about piccies getting better responses...
best wishes James
I've seen the rest of the pic and another which confirms it is he!
Plus, I believe him!
So Jags, a trip to Lancs is it?
So Jags ... do you do Mrs Robinson?... if so both you and James are in for a treat...
Gets out his simon and garfunkel and imagines dustin bangin on perspex panel at back of church.....
ooooooo Jags you are hard woman to convince. I may just have to pay a visit and take a pic of my own to prove it's him!