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Times have a changed, and I think most people deem it too dangerous nowadays.
I have never picked one up but used to see many.
I cannot remember the last one I saw.
Never done it or picked one up but have seen at least 2 in the last month.

gissa lift
Quote by flower411

gissa lift

Pah !!!!
I used to look much scarier than that !!! lolI still do!
Ms Whips, hop in! Climb aboard
I picked one up four or five years ago- a uni student needing to get in for a lecture from the outlying village she was lodging in. One of the reasons I stopped, I guess was worrying that she was in such a remote spot, and a very attractive young woman, that she was vulnerable. confused
I last saw half a dozen just last week- so yeah, they still happen!
Wouldn't do it myself and wouldn't pick one up. Just a personal safety thing
If I am on my own and going in the right direction then I do,had some very strange people over the years but none that would put me of.........I do remember one a few years ago I picked up at Luton with a sign saying north, I said I am going to birmingham he said great and got in. When we arrived in Birmingham I asked which part he said somewhere near westminster......... :mrgreen:
Quote by markz
If I am on my own and going in the right direction then I do,had some very strange people over the years but none that would put me of.........I do remember one a few years ago I picked up at Luton with a sign saying north, I said I am going to birmingham he said great and got in. When we arrived in Birmingham I asked which part he said somewhere near westminster......... :mrgreen:

You have left Bedford :shock:
I hitched from Colchester to go to North Wales in my youth.
My first pick up was a couple who said they would drop me off on the M40 north. Sounded good to me. I was travelling along and they never said a word. So after a while I just fell asleep. I woke to the fellah shouting "WE ARE HERE, QUICK JUMP OUT". In a state of total confusion I just grabbed my kit and bolted out the door. The car sped off and I found myself on the hardshoulder of the M25. I must have snored loudly and they got fed up of it lol
Quote by Dave__Notts
I hitched from Colchester to go to North Wales in my youth.
My first pick up was a couple who said they would drop me off on the M40 north. Sounded good to me. I was travelling along and they never said a word. So after a while I just fell asleep. I woke to the fellah shouting "WE ARE HERE, QUICK JUMP OUT". In a state of total confusion I just grabbed my kit and bolted out the door. The car sped off and I found myself on the hardshoulder of the M25. I must have snored loudly and they got fed up of it lol
just hope they didnt ask ya for directions la biggrin
Me and a mate picked one up while we were heading to London quite a few years ago. Nice enough fella who was sociable and managed a decent conversation until we dropped him off.
When we got to London we found out that he'd been through the pockets of my mates coat (which was on the back seat) and robbed him blind of all his cash and cards. The cards turned up in a cash point a few days later.
mad :x sad :(
Never picked one up since.
I used to 'thumb it' quite a bit as a teenager. One that sticks in my mind is walking back to our village with a few mates. As a laugh I stuck my thumb out on hearing a car approaching. Quite shocked when a lady in a small hatchback stopped and squeezed 5 or 6 of us in her car. Others included the coldest ride ever in the back of a pick-up truck and my college lecturer picking me up with the words "I'm not the only one who's going to be in the shit for being late then".
Picked up a few when I've been on my own. No wierdos amongst them, but I don't stop for just anyone. To be fair other than Glastonbury week, I've not seen one for years.
Quote by __random_orbit__

gissa lift

Mmmm Rutger Hauer - I'd give him a lift and accept the consequences!
Quote by Ms_Whips
have been thinking more about this thread just coz i did see someone recently but can't remember where or who i was with.
what also got me thinking was the comment about those with the red number plate. my ex used to work for a company who at the drop of a hat would expect him to take a coach down to london. he'd then have to get back home at stupid o'clock at night. i said that i wasn't happy about this to be told that i should consider it lucky that he didn't have to hitch back like alot of companies expect their staff to do :shock:
how do they think this is safe and why would it even be considered good practice for a company anyway. thinking about the stupid things health and safety at work covers you'd think this would be a huge no-no!

I was under the impression that the red number plate hitchers get money to get back from delivering the vehicle but prefer to pocket the cash and hitch back.
I used to hitch loads when younger and had a few dodgy lifts into the bargain, all good character forming stuff!
As we are now deeply in a recession I would guess more people will be doing it and I would happily pick someone up.
The last hitchhiker I picked up was a lady on the M5 about 10 years ago. After about 2 miles she started to talk to me about how she believed you should feed the umbilical cord to your new baby, although she didn't achieve this once as her dog ate it :shock:
It was one of those 'get this person out of my car now' kinda moments. I made an excuse and dropped her at the next services as it spooked me a bit confused
Quote by BIoke
The last hitchhiker I picked up was a lady on the M5 about 10 years ago. After about 2 miles she started to talk to me about how she believed you should feed the umbilical cord to your new baby, although she didn't achieve this once as her dog ate it :shock:
It was one of those 'get this person out of my car now' kinda moments. I made an excuse and dropped her at the next services as it spooked me a bit confused

I've heard of Placenta stew. I await the Heston Blumenthal new menu with a sense of trepidation.
You did the right thing stopping. God knows what she'd have cooked up with bits of you. Bloke pudding?
Quote by flower411
Fairy cakes ?? dunno

and there goes my coffee all over the monitor rotflmao
I used to hitch hike all over the place when I was a lot younger, including hitching from Canada down to the States. The lifts were many and varied and when hitching in uniform you could, to a degree, pick your lifts!
For example, the ramp up to the start of the M1 normally had a queue of hitchers and you basically joined the queue and when you got to the front/top, then you got the next lift that came along. However, if you're stood there in uniform, drivers would ignore the queueing protocol and point to you and you got the lift with many pairs of eyes burning into your back!!lol :lol:
Many other tales to tell, but that was the point. It wasn't so much a journey, more a mini adventure!
Sorry, did someone say something or was it just the humm of my hard drive? lol
Quote by BIoke
Sorry, did someone say something or was it just the humm of my hard drive? lol

Your drive is hard :shock:
easily excited then ;-)
My pc is quiet since I hoovered it out...
Quote by Steve
Sorry, did someone say something or was it just the humm of my hard drive? lol

Your drive is hard :shock:
easily excited then ;-)
My pc is quiet since I hoovered it out...
Stop flirting or I'll give you the kinda seeing to that makes the way John Wayne walks look normal by comparison cool wink
I used to hitchhike when I worked in France in my student years too. I think 70% of the blokes that stopped to pick me up were gay.. it didn't bother me as I'm open minded like that redface
I try.. it's just a case of making them feel relaxed and then getting my fangs out :twisted:
Quote by BIoke
Stop flirting or I'll give you the kinda seeing to that makes the way John Wayne walks look normal by comparison cool wink

Quote by Steve

Stop flirting or I'll give you the kinda seeing to that makes the way John Wayne walks look normal by comparison cool wink

Yes, your face would look a bit like that and maybe a bit like this too...
So kinda..
:shock: :mrgreen: :shock: :mrgreen: :shock: :mrgreen:
Which anyone who's been fucked properly up the jaxie will be able to relate to 8-)
2 words.....
Exit Only boink
Quote by Kaznkev
i am more :lickface: :lickface: worship :worship: :worship: :worship:
unless its :uhoh: :uhoh: :uhoh: size issues you know

No size issues with me unless your on about my belly :lol2: