Quote by Moist
I have another hobby which I kept back...no not that sort True Crime - really into serial killers/mass murderers etc - wanna understand how & why etc...what makes one human capable of things that we cannot comprehend. Hence my job in the police....Find it all fascinating & get a lot of books/dvds etc from USA where they are a lot more open about it than us...
Jaine (who is NOT a serial killer) :twisted:
I have a theory that for some reason or other, many women have a facination with murderers - the amount of times I've seen women reading that True Crime stuff - not men.
I don't mean anything by this - but maybe it's either a powerful desire to understand/make senseof it all or a deep facination for life's ultimate rule breakers - killers.
Forgot to add in my list earlier that like so many here - I love movies (inluding a stint making them - no, not wot u fink), theatre, reading (esp. popular science), modern art (esp. sculpture).