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Quote by Moist
I have another hobby which I kept not that sort True Crime - really into serial killers/mass murderers etc - wanna understand how & why etc...what makes one human capable of things that we cannot comprehend. Hence my job in the police....Find it all fascinating & get a lot of books/dvds etc from USA where they are a lot more open about it than us...
Jaine (who is NOT a serial killer) :twisted:

I have a theory that for some reason or other, many women have a facination with murderers - the amount of times I've seen women reading that True Crime stuff - not men.
I don't mean anything by this - but maybe it's either a powerful desire to understand/make senseof it all or a deep facination for life's ultimate rule breakers - killers.
Forgot to add in my list earlier that like so many here - I love movies (inluding a stint making them - no, not wot u fink), theatre, reading (esp. popular science), modern art (esp. sculpture).
Hence my job in the police...

Wait a minute, wait a minute, "POLICE", :uhoh: tell me more, are you in uniform Moist :P :P and have you got your own trunchion whip I love young ladies in uniform :love: :love: especially black, driving fast cars sillyhwoar: Am now going for a lie down, its the heart you know. biggrin :D
It appears that artificer and I are the only country guys in here.
Having retired at 55 I have spent all my time following my hobbies, and now I get paid consultancy fees for some of them.
I had to give up flying light aircraft when it got too expensive, likewise pistol shooting when the Govt banned ownership of handguns. :cry: :cry:
So I spend nine months of the year touring the countryside doing Biogeographical Surveys on insects for various organisations, then three winter months writing up reports.
On my occasional days off I life to do some game fishing, Salmon, Trout and Sea trout. During which I always have female companionship in the form of my Boxer dog. biggrin :D
There's also many insect breeding experiments to be done and scientific papers to be written (had some published too). :small-print:
In reading I like Techno Thrillers, i.e. Tom Clancy, Dale Brown, Clive Cussler, Dean Coonts etc. rolleyes :roll:
Music, Country and Western, Barbershop, Classical Jazz. 8) 8)
Last and by no means least its commenting in The Forum and Opping in the SH Chatroom. duel smackbottom :kick:
There's never enough hours in the day or enough years left, to do everything I'd like to do.
It's boredom that leads to a premature demise.
Quote by slimjim57
Hence my job in the police...

Wait a minute, wait a minute, "POLICE", :uhoh: tell me more, are you in uniform Moist :P :P and have you got your own trunchion whip I love young ladies in uniform :love: :love: especially black, driving fast cars sillyhwoar: Am now going for a lie down, its the heart you know. biggrin :D
HA HA Calm down I am not a PC but a comms op...a civvy but we are now called Police Staff...can get a uniform though - no trouble.... :twisted:
I think I know what you mean about women reading true crime more than blokes but I think that is a different thing entirely..I think women like the danger aspect - you know the man treating them rough type thing - I mean hundreds of very evil killers get so much fanmail inc marriage proposals sent thru the post from every day 'normal' women...
My interest is not for that - I started getting into it when Peter Sutcliffe got caught I was about 12 & my dad had a few books on the Moors Murderers so I sorta caught the bug from him. Mine is more the psychology/sociology point really. I want to do a criminology course at Midlesex Uni but the tuition fees are horrendous & I would have to give up my job so.....
Quote by Moist
HA HA Calm down I am not a PC but a comms op...a civvy but we are now called Police Staff
We may have already spoken on the phone Moist, how scary is that? :shock:
It appears that artificer and I are the only country guys in here

Sorry Harry got side-tracked by Police Uniforms. :P :P I too am semi-retired, but to combine Atificer's thread "Spring update" I hope Moist does'nt mind, I can't wait for spring/summer. It means off with the heavy duty clothing for one thing, and out with the fishing/camping gear. I'm lucky, 20/30 mins max from here in any direction civilisation ends. No anti Scottish jokes please. I can be in areas where you'll be pushed to see a human for days on end.
Up with the tent, fire going, brew on, rod out, if lucky, trout for dinner. An eagle or buzzard overhead, an otter if your quick, maybe a stag eyeing you up from the hill, you stand and listen.................................absolutely nothing, except the bubbling burn that runs into the Loch, pure and fresh.
A bit of beachcombing, a trek into the hills maybe.
Stoke the fire up at night a small dram rare for me (to keep the chill out of course) a good book, something heavy like Barbara Thiering's "Jesus the Man" or "Jesus of the Apocalypse" there being no distractions. If mid-summer, fish through-out the night. Magic.
Up with the lark eggs and bacon sizzling, brew on the go, you never know what you'll see. If its one of those rare days we get up here especially early morning with a mist/heat haze, the Loch like glass it really is magical.
Your viewing it all with cuppa in hand thinking how lucky you are to be alive and kicking, when WHOOSH a Fucking F16 or whatever screams out from no where, tea goes everywhere heart misses 10 beats you turn white-white, your shaking life a leaf the wildlife have all shit themselves as well and scarpered. After picking yourself up from the ground your just about to shout out "BASTARDS" when his mate makes an appearance (they always seem to fly in 2's) your a bit more ready this time and as the pilot looks down on you, you give him the / for victory sign (vigorously I might add) hoping he thinks its the "keep up the good work but they have to practice low-flying somewhere" sign mad :x And if your REALY lucky, and just when the noise (which seems to go on and on, it echoes around the hills like thunder) WHOOSH the Bastards buzz you again for good measure.
Sadly though :cry: :cry:although I like the remoteness the only thing missing, is someone in a police-women’s uniform swinging her truncheon (only kidding
Moist) wink :wink:
So Harry, Art, there's 3 of us, anymore out there.
One of my little hobbies is computer games programming.
Actualy six of my games are on a magazine coverdisk this month, if you see Retro Gamer on the shelves in your newsagent look for the games from TCK (the caffeine kid) in there. smile
hello all, Moist me and thee have something in common, I too work for the Police and I am a PC. As a Firearms officer I get the opportunity to fire Handguns on the Range(sorry Harryo) which I enjoy! biggrin :D
Bought an Electric Guitar 3 years ago but alas .............still trying to master a note :cry:
I also enjoy reading about the First World War, and Michael Moore.
SORRY!!!!! rolleyes Forgot to sign off a male half of funcouple :roll: I think I may have to change my sign in name again. Other half can get her own! :smitten:
I'll have to get in touch with Mark I think. :color: