What are peoples passions/hobbies (apart from anything sexual)...
Mine are my car obviously which costs me far too much money but is my pride & joy & won several shows in it & also done a track day which I thoroughly enjoyed. My other mad passion is music, I love going to gigs/concerts & spend loads on rare & promo CD's for such bands as Radiohead/Coldplay/Pixies/Cooper Temple Clause/Interpol/Vines & oldies such as Soundgarden/Led Zepplin/Pearl Jam/Neil Young/Bob Dylan etc etc
Jaine x :twisted:
Trying to get better on the guitar/gym/listening to -ListeningElectronica/Massages/Working 6 days a week/Wishing I could get myself to more small live music events of every kind
Swimming, music, books, music, theatre, film, art (of course!!), music, architecture (talked to Fred about windows the other night in the middle of his party...), music, walking and live music.
A colleague has just lent me 3 CDs by 'Alfie' - not quite sure of them yet but am loading them onto iPod just in case!
Talking of windows - my mate just went & done a 'stained glass' course....they are now well hooked & setting up thier own studio in thier garage.
Alfie - not heard a lot by them so cant say...
Reading, history, art, literature, embroidery, glass painting, silk painting, listening to music, writing, films and any combination of the above.
Sappho xxx
What do you write Sappho???
Jaine :twisted:
Well - Music - I play guitar, though not in a band at the mo'
Play Rugby also
Reading (I still can't believe there are people who don't read every day). Cinema (though it's usually on DVD these days). Photography (not particularly good, but you don't have to be to enjoy it). And I do enjoy going to the theatre, but that's not a very frequent event.
Yosarian - what style of music??
I went to the theatre to see Ralph Fiennes - first time ever & it was great...like watching porn for me - anything with him in. :twisted:
Most things - I've been a Cure tribute band ! AC/DC - erm tribute band also.
Standard pub Led Zep, Sex Pistols, bit o beatles - once tried a Jimi Hendrix thing, but I just ain't got the hands for it.
Also tried the dark side - jazz that is as I play trumpet due to hearing Kinda Blue at a early age, though jazz musos are kinda like computer programmers when it comes to music.
Do u play anything ?
No I do not but wish I could - would definately be a drum girl or piano!!!
I love pub bands - go to a few like the Standard in Walthamstow, the Ruskins in Manor Park & The Cauliflower in Romford all have really good bands playing in them.
outside of this forum.... several others...
General cooking.... I love to cook for peeps & for my lady
being creative in the garden.... and just for investigatory powers lift, Genealogy.... I know my peeps back to 1600.... why are peeps not surprised we were cobblers... ( albeit posth cobblers), and before that we were lead miners....
I could sing while you play...
Yos.. am VERY impressed with your signature quote - 1952 was a very good year for motorbikes. Sexy song sung in a sexy way.. I've got it on an Ian Banks Personal Effects CD (yes, Ian Banks the author) . Lightning Black Vincent.
NO!!! Absolutely no more crappy jokes!
Richard Thompson or Jonathan Richmond yes - crappy jokes no!
x xx
Most of my weekends are taken up by taking some of my pets to events and raising money for registered animal charities, I also show my pets and have many rosettes.
I write for several magazines about the fund-raising I do and my pets.
Music is anything from Madam Butterfly to Boy bans and I watch to much television.
Even with these hobbies I have several Internet sites giving advice about pets and gardening.
Ok Jags
U win- I promise no more jokes
Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old. - Franz Kafka
Twisted - I have pets too - two lurchers called Rats & Tails & a cat called Pixie - also used to keep rats...I have more respect & time for animals than most humans.
Jaine x
I have another hobby which I kept back...no not that sort
True Crime - really into serial killers/mass murderers etc - wanna understand how & why etc...what makes one human capable of things that we cannot comprehend. Hence my job in the police....Find it all fascinating & get a lot of books/dvds etc from USA where they are a lot more open about it than us...
Jaine (who is NOT a serial killer) :twisted: