Its so long since I posted here that some people will have forgotten me, and some wont even know me at all!
Well all I came on to say was………..
…..I AM BACK! :twisted:
I have spent too long unhappy recently and have decided I am not going to be kept down and low for anyone or anything any more.
So I have dusted off my ego (takes some dusting does that! ), my heart (whats left of it :cry: ) and my party clothes (shut it!!!!! :lol: ) and have decided that I am going to have some fun.
I am going to be happy and do the things that I enjoy doing, so expect to see me back on the party scene in the VERY near future.
This is where u lot come into it.
What I would love is to catch up on everything I have missed out on whilst I have been away.
If anyone has any news or gossip for me , feel free to pm me or tell me on here. Likewise if anyone who knows me has any decent invites going spare.. get em sent!
Well_busty_babe is back to the WBB she used to be and raring to go.
As an afterthought, can I just point out that this is not an invitation for random men to pm me for a shag, i am not looking for a shag.. and if i was i am very picky anyway..... i am just looking to start living my life again