Living in area that seems to be over run by these obnoxious little bas, sorry, cherubs, a cunning plan to get rid of them occured to me.
The government keep bleating on about ridding the streets of them, their solution, reward them if they maim with intent rather than murder & give them limited edition ASBO's that they can collect & swap with their mates until they have the full set.
Surely a much simpler & cheaper way would be to give everybody who is old, & in the the minds of these little scrotes who's IQ never seems to reach their shoe size, that would be anyone over the age of 30, a free hoodie jacket. Just how long do you reckon this fashion would last if they realised their 'uniform' was the favourite attire of their granny?
Of course the inherent moronic attitude would stilkl be there, & they would just change what they wore, so then do the same again. With a bit of luck they would be so busy trying to look different they wouldn't have time to indulge in the less savoury activities.
I saw one of these jerks today. He missed his stop because he hadn't rung the bell in time and then blamed the driver. As he stormed off, he punched the bus. Did he ever consider that he was making himself look even more stupid.
Well excuse me for being slightly angry at the premis that anyone who wears a hoodie is a scrot. My son (20) is 1 of the hoodie brigade. However he has been brought up properly and is polite and doesnt go around destroying property. Its purely a fashion as we all had fashions when we were young. I grew up in the long hair / hippie era and older people predicted a bad end then for anyone with hair over their ears or on their collars. As with any other group there are good and bad and I won't sit and watch while someone denigrates everyone who wears hoodies because some people are flawed and commit crimes. Do you have the same feelings about people who practise a different religion or sexual code? Shame that so many of our police force have the same warped ideas that they feel the need to stop search my son whenever he sets foot outside the house. Have they ever found him carrying anything illegal or committing a crime? No but that doesn't stop them. Its purely a fashion and my son isn't going to give it up any more than my friends did in the 60's and 70's with their long hair. More power to them.
Phew rant over ... BP returning to normal. Sorry but I needed that :happy:
Kids in hoodies are the new skinheads. Authorites and journlists too lazy to deal with the very real social issues that are the root cause of anti social behaviour? Blame an easy target.
It's what they wear, it's the films they watch, the video games they play, the books they read, the music they listen to... it can't possibly be anything to do with thier environment, because, er, then the blame wouldn't be on easy targets any more and we might have to do something to make the environment safer and better for everyone.
Ooops, this looks like another case of mouth, foot, insert. When starting this thread, it was not meant to insinuate that wearing a hoodie automatically morphs you into a scrote. It was aimed at the generic term derived from the garment that is used to class the ones that are little gits. It was more a dig at our wonderful government & their attitude to all criminal activites in what was supposed to be a (hopefully) humorous way. There was no intention of saying that all who wear a hoodie are 'hoodies', in fact i wear them myself, albeit under a leather cutoff which proudly displays the 'colours of the backpatch club to which i belong. This alone singles me out as a menace to society even though im too old & wise to go round chickens & biting the heads off virgins. It also makes me well aware there is good & bad in every group or culture & it only takes a few wrong'uns to give a bad name to the whole.
There was & is no malice intended to any persons on this site, unless its the little bast**ds that ripped the wipers off my new motor the day i bought it.