I haven't used SH for a while and just found time due to life/work to get back online and have a few forrays onto the Forum, and peruse the occasional add.
I have to be honest and say that the general feeling of the place has changed over the past year and a half. There seems to be less people using the forum and a majority of thos belong in what I call the "SH Hierachy" or old regulars.
It's like a popularity competition at times, and reading through the posts/threads I can see how different people fit into different leagues (akin to football due to the amount of supporters each has).
The "Premier League" users (usually the SH regulars of old) command great respect as anyone having a go at them or going against their opinion are slammed and a marauding gaggle often build up in their defence and pick apart the who has dared to question them.
What is really evident lately is the first division and up and coming second division users who are in the "promotion zone" by begining to gain "friendship" with the old regs by agreeing with them/ courting their favour and showing their alligience to their posts.
Joining in with the "in jokes", having a pop at all those who are in the "sunday league" or relegation zone.
I realise more than most how this site is a reflection of actual social environments but it's beginning to resemble one of those workplaces you go to where a hierachy of colleagues have clanned together and oestrosise (spelling probably going to be picked up by someone i'm sure) the new worker unless they fit the "criteria" to be initiated into the group.
An example of this is the "thanks a lot we are leaving SH" thread currently on the forum.
Yes I had my doubts about the story but tried to give constructive criticism or advice rather than have a direct pop at them as some people actually gain coudos/respect on here for being blatantly cruel or even dare i say it borderline bully.
These people have supporters who say "that's just the way they are, they are a direct person and have a right to an opinion" etc etc ad infinitum, which is just a PC way of justifying and finding excuses for blatant elitist and the bullying.
I am pretty much non biased on here, I'll call a spade a spade, if someone is an idiot I'll often tell them they are being so but not to court favour or gain "supporters" by being the "blunt user type" who seems to be above the AUP's at times. I don't really care about "supporters" and that's what this post is about. Elitism on SH Forums.
People have asked "what's happened to the Forum?". Anyone with more than one brain cell can see it has literally become a ghost town from how it used to be 18 months ago when there was always new posts popping up. These days I can log on 24 hours later and no new threads! This never used to be the case it used to be a real lively and vibrant place. Well, read between the lines, I'm sure the more astute among you, or those who don't have a social jostling inclination will agree? New people come on the forum and make mistakes when they are new to this type of , something NeilinLeeds pointed out to me recently about my own early posting days but noted that "we all get there in the end, even if it does take some time"! Superiority complex stuff that and a prime example of the point i am making (and NOT against AUP's im sure?). Most new users dont fit into the criteria right away as there is a learning curve and a certain way to express your opinions etc on a forum like this, but being a SWINGING site people are often misguided and think it's all smut and filth talk (which mostly is true ). I think we as users should recognise that and rather than attack them like a pack of wolves (trolls), maybe have a kinder word and remember what it was like when we were first here?
I know this will rattle some cages, but i can live with that. I don't need support to voice my opinion on here, I've got thick skin.
The elitist users will no doubt come up with a cleverly worded thread to try and discredit this opinion or ignore it altogether, and the first division and second division promotion zone types will create a less cleverly worded discredit due to their inferior knowledge of the way this place works, and their enthusiasm to show their support to enhance promotion prospects. So.....I open up to the comments of the forum users.