if a single str8 guy wants to meet a couple (where hubby happens to be bi) but neither party can accomodate,and because he wants to get his "rocks off" he suggests a hotel meet , who should pay for the room.
1) single guy pays
2) share the cost
we have our view wondered what single guys and couples feel is correct.
deffo share the cost :thumbup:
Share cost, most definitely.
Sharing the cost is usually the norm i think.... and tne most sensible.....
although i have been told on occasion that "you must pay for the hotel room" when discussing meeting a couple, as thjere are plenty of other guys who will!!! hahahhahah
That's very gentlemanly of you.
Personally I prefer to pay my own way, that way I never feel obligated to do anything I don't wish to. Although I'm not implying that would be the case. Just voicing an opinion.
Definitely share the cost, me thinks. If all really enjoy the experience maybe it should be split three ways lol ( only kidding Im not really that mean)
I have no problems sharing the cost - but something which has been bugging me just lately (in a few PM's) has been the suggestion from couples to go 50/50.
Now you may not agree, but as I see it, I am one third of the total number of people - therefore I think one third is the fair split if we are sharing the costs.
This thing about how much the couple pays could break down a bit further. If they are a true couple as in living together normally then they could count as one unit and pay half. If, on the other hand, they are not normally a 'domestic' couple - just swing friends or f* buddies (I hate that term by the way) then they could be considered as 2 units and pay the same as the other single person (regardless of their gender).
Then again you could get into the male/female thing or into the waged/unwaged thing.
In the first instance, though, I would assume that the cost would be split 50:50, and then maybe varied after discussion. Same with entry into places - if you don't pay individually, the group splits the cost equally.
so what if its a single bi fem meeting an established couple? is the "single" still expected to payal the bill, as some have said if the single is a man?
i say split the cost unless one insits they are paying the bill and it was their invite/treat
as can often happen in living apart relationships.
Again if someone is on buissness and they happen to already be in a hotel and invite company in for fun fro a few hours then i wouldnt see whythe company/guest should pay anything if the room was before the arrangement, if you get what i meen??
or to solve it all go doggin lol
xx lou xxx
i have, on a couple of occasions, been on a date, what i try and arrange is, i pay for the first date, if it goes to a second date, then we can split the costs, that way, i get a second date, and dont patronise the young lady by stopping her from having her independance
ok, i'll get me coat