This is such a diverse question,what makes you happy?,can happiness be confined only on bank balance or context of a circumstance?,are we confusing joy with slighty mixed up what happiness really is,
Any ideas?
Quote by st3v3
I don't know why, but as I get older and do more, things seem to disappear off of the happy list, things that would have put me on cloud 9 when I was 18 just don't come along or have the same affect
Quote by anais
I don't know why, but as I get older and do more, things seem to disappear off of the happy list, things that would have put me on cloud 9 when I was 18 just don't come along or have the same affect
Quote by Whipsnspurs
the things from my childhood still make me happy now. i still love kids films (so glad i have my son as an excuse to watch them lol) and the horses that i needed as an escape are now there just because i love them. so my son and spurs aside;
my best friends (of which there are only 2)
helping our mares to deliver their foals and watching them find their legs
losing myself in a good book
sunning on the beach with spurs (though this is now open for some others to join us :twisted: )
seeing all the seeds i planted grow
the fact that my son is 14 and still wants to cuddle medoing things that make other people happy
the anticipation of meeting someone from here next weekend is making me happy at the mo :twisted:
the list could go on
Quote by Phuckers
This is such a diverse question,what makes you happy?,can happiness be confined only on bank balance or context of a circumstance?,are we confusing joy with slighty mixed up what happiness really is,
Any ideas?
Quote by Pete_sw
a smoking gun
Quote by Pete_sw
There is a danger of confusing Happiness with contentment on the one hand, and euphoria on the other.
Does being content with ones lot equal happiness?
The difference to me is that contentment can be a continuous / constant state of mind, where as happiness comes in waves, i.e. at that moment when something good happens.
For instance, you could be quite discontent with your lot in general, but things that happen occasionally in your life can still make you happy at the time of the event. :shock: made sense when I thought it :dunno:
On the other hand really good / exciting things that can happen to us from time to time can leave us with a feeling of euphoria which is often misinterpreted as happiness. Again this emotion is transient rather than a constant.
All that said, I suppose if you are in a position where you have no worries such as financial, health, family friends and life is generally good, would this induce a state of constant happiness, or just contentment?
confused meself now
Quote by Chief moo
well happiness for me is just
when the good outways the bad 'cos we will always have
worry,problems etc. Its just when u stop and take notice
of your life, and ask yourself how u feel.
I dont belive happiness is ment to be complicated but,
just the opposite. thats my 2 cents.
Chief Moo