hey ladies, does the size of a mans dick really matter?
It depends - what size do you think is best, Jamie?
only if you get off on talking about it...
Check out this website...its pretty informative:
There are all sorts of myths about penis size and all sorts of companies have manipulated it to their advantage. The most common myth is that all women like 'em large...I've been turned down twice for being 'well endowed' :doh: , its simply not true, any more than its true to say that all men like big titties... same thing - some like 'em big, some like 'em small, some don't care...
Most of the ones Ive met care more about "how good can you lick?" than "what size is your dick?" ......yummy :lickface:
Yours cunnilingualy,
To look at yes, to use no,
Width is better than length but in the end what you do with it is more important, in fact ,correction !, what is attached to it is more important i.e. YOU!
You can be massive but if you don't look after yourself then I'm not interested, or on the other hand be good-looking have a nice body and good manor and be small,
Years ago I was with a guy who was very small, but when he made love he sort of grinded rather than just pumped,
He was VERY good
Stop going on about the size guys and start working on your body & technique
so women get turned on by the thought and the look of a big dick! but, when it comes to getting down to business it all depends on a completely different package?
I'd prefer to know what bi men think about all this, but maybe that's just me being pervy :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Of course size matters.
But nobody has mentioned the one thing far more important in a man - IMAGINATION!!!!!! Its the one attribute that needs to be really BIG!!!!