I think its brilliant for future generations.
I think its tough on smokers, who for whatever reason, cant give up.
Its great for me cos Im clean too now and Im damn sure I wouldnt have being able to keep it up without the ban. As it is, Ive found it really easy to stay off them :angel:
Ah. Here you are.
I think it was a great idea although there's a bad smell off B O and mould in some pubs now.
Hello. I'm Lovely and I'm a reformed smoker. I rate it:
Geoff Hurst
the no smoking ban is brilliant. My hair smells the same at the start of a night out as it did at the beginning, as do my clothes.
I get to feel all superior for hours and hours while people stand outside smoking their lungs out.
I know it was the chief reason that wor lass stopped smoking (not my nagging honestly) and several of my friends. They all smell better and I get to have more kisses.
I know that the colds and sniffles that she was plagued with are reducing and will continue to reduce as her lungs recover from the abuse they have suffered.
i rate it 10/10......as stated above i now don't have to cut the cloud of tobacco smoke with a knife to get round the pub. Clothes and hair..don't stink in morning. It has undoubtably meant that more people give smoking in. Can only be classed as a good move in my book.
The only down side is the cost to the people who have lost their jobs and businesses. The rush of non-smokers back to the pubs did not materialise
. I have noticed a lot of service sector businesses close but there again......other jobs will be available (hopefully soon) and the empty buildings will be made into houses or other businesses.
This may sound harsh, but the goverment want us to all start smoking at 16, take loads of tax off us until we get to about 50 and then die so they don't have to pay our pension.
just for the record .... i have asthma which is not very well controlled at times, thru no fault of mine .... smoke often makes it far worse .... therefore at times i am fearful of suddenly struggling to breathe due to other people smoking
Just for the record: I have had asthma since I was 7 years old. Despite the best efforts of GP and the regional centre for pulmonary disease, I am still subject to problems. Not all asthma is controllable on a 100% basis, the best remedy is to not subject yourself to known triggers. Another problem is that the corticosteroid "preventers" have a known problem....the bodies endocrine system reacts to the artificial steroid and lowers the natural levels in the body.... I have refused to go to the higher level of steroid because of the side effects of same. Sometimes having a known problem is better than the uncontrollable side effects.
The ban on smoking in enclosed public places has been a huge success for the vast majority of people - albeit not the minority of smokers.
It's introduction was inevitable and as time goes on we will look back and wonder how smokers were able to get away with polluting enclosed atmospheres, and other people, for so long.
It is just evolution - and the sad old working man's pub's that existed purely on drinkers and smokers will either die off or re-invent themselves as something more appealing to the wider population.
Life goes on and the majority no longer stink after a night out - that alone is a success.
what gets me is that some of our smoking friends moan about going outside the pub,but we see them at home going outside to smoke.
whats all that about then ?