the best advice on telling your non-swinging mates is......
... DONT!
i dont mean lie about your lifestyle - there is nothing to be ashamed about, what i mean is... i only tell people if they need to know - not for the sake of telling them.
you can never judge how someone will react, some of my "stuffy" mates have took it brill , where as some of the ones i thought were open mided were shocked!
We don't tell. Simple as.
This is our private life and one we like to keep from them.
Most of them would be cool but we still don't want them involved in it.
G & D x
Why would you want to tell people anyway?
I don't feel the need to share details about other aspects of my life, so why would I want to share this?
It's nobody's business really, is it?
Having said that, if someone asked me, I would be honest without giving them all the gory details (and have done, when asked outright - so has hubby); we aren't ashamed of what we do.
Bev & Chris
sorry Venus, that wasn't aimed at you for telling your mate. If that's what you wanted to do, fair play. I just wondered why Edinburghchris wants to tell people/why is he asking HOW we tell mates?
None taken or intended Chris, just a nosy cow me lol
He have told a couple of friends but one or two got on the moral we don't mention it anymore!
I wish more people did tell their friends. This is the one aspect that my wife feels is preventing her from joining the lifestyle. She believes that there must be something wrong in it if she felt she couldnt tell people about it!
In the fifties you couldnt "Live in sin", I remeber at school we still moralised (with fingers crossed behind our backs) about how you should marry as a virgin. Having a baby out of wedlock was virtually considered a crime and homosexuality was illegal, immorral and sad!.
In ten years time cthe swinging lifestyle will become fashionable and acceptable. But it takes a few brave people to pave the way. Invite the media discussion. There are enough intelligent people on this site to argue the cause!.
That way I can get the missus along to a munch!