I think this has been done before, but just for the record I got 26.5 years, £2,000 fine and a possible death penalty. :shock:
Years in prison: 37 Potential fine: £7000 :shock:
I always get a fine but no prison time.....it pays to have a good alibi and a fall guy :twisted:
what a naughty boy i got 37 years in jail and fined £5000
Years in prison: 111.5 Potential fine: £4500,
better get ma self a brief
Oh my word - you really are a law abiding lot.
I got 77 years and in fines
It seems I'm not the sweet simpering child I thougt I was.
goody 2 shoes me only 8 years.......just looking for a slipper princess
good grief! 51 years in prison and a £7000 fine!
best go polish the halo a little more! :angel:
£0 fine and 0 years in prison, I must be a saint :angel: :smug:
Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:
Years in prison: 0 Potential fine: £0
Ner ner ner ner ner !!! Just call me Saint Sam :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ooooops :shock:
97 years in the clink, £7000 fines
Who's Bad :twisted:
38 years and £9500 fine - interseting - got my new facts for the day now!
Years in prison: 37 Potential fine: £7000 Plus a possibility of the death penalty!
Oops better tidy up my act ....... yeh right better off beenin this way i think
Prison 132 years
Fine = 9.5 K
possible DP (er, that's death penalty , btw)
Pity about the bow & arrow thing :uhoh: Now if the question had been about spears....... :grin: :grin: :grin:
no imprinsonment here, no fine but possible death penalty ? ? surely thats a bit harsh for a first offence lol
i got 98 yrs in prison and £9500 fine. no wonder i`m always skint
I always thought i was a good boy :angel:
33 years in jail and a £9500 fine!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
I want my MUMMY!!!!!