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How far would you go??

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Ive got to wondering how far people would travel for a meet? I was talking to someone earlier who had women travel far further than i would ever consider going to meet him and wondered how far others wopuld be prepared to go or have gone?
for my part the futherest Ive ever travelled is Birmingham which is about 100 miles, but we had chatted for months beforehand and yes he was worth it!!
So question is how far would you go?
probably 15 -30 minutes unless it was someone very special, or a party biggrin
Warming the Bed
For me it all depends on whats on the table.
Cheers J
I have travelled to a meet before, but only when I know it is a sure thing.
I dont want to put myself out going all that way to get there and they dont turn up.
It depends on the person and whether thay are taking the piss out of you by expecting you to make all the effort all the time. If I knew the person well, knew we'd ahve a good time together then, yeah I'd be prepared to travel further a field than normal.
Warming the Bed
8,000 miles is my record!
have travelled to london and the south coast for meets again were people i knew and had chatted to for a while
foxlady u not so far well lets chat babe wink ps have u seen sth manchester micro munch u is very well come if u would like to come
Sex God
For me arranging meets if often a big adventure so travelling is not a problem. But I'd never arrange to meet someone that I was not 100% sure of and so far have never been disappointed. (Hoping I'm not going to regret tempting fate with that comment)
I travelled to France to meet someone who live about 40 miles from me - because it was an adventure. And more recently down to London.
I have someone I meet once a month from Ireland (we take turns going back and forward) and have met folk from this site who have travelled about 300 miles to meet up. I live near an Airport and sometimes pick folk up from there that have travelled up for some fun. As I've travelled myself I know how nerve wracking it can be but it all ads to the adventure for me lol
And for social events myself and many of the other Scottish Members - regularly travel "daan saaf" for Munches. I have no idea how far Notts is (but its definitely much further on the way back with a hangover!!)
Quote by MikeyMann
8,000 miles is my record!

holyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, that beats my 185 miles ffrom Leicester to Newcastle ( was a bit more after getting lost somehow ) on a 25% chance, turned out that the chance was even less when I arrived, but we became real good friends since then, I was even awarded the honour of giving her away last year ( well nobody would have paid for her smile )
Seriously tho, I will travel a fair way, I go to Colchester every other week to see a lass and thats about 120 miles. Sometimes it depends whats on offer, if the offer is good enough, sometimes its just so I can meet the person in real life, have a laugh, if anything more comes, thats just bonus
Sex God
Quote by lucyuktv2
probably 15 -30 minutes

Travelling for this distance brings me into contact with approximately 500 people!! I'd be seriously limiting my opportunities lol
Sex God
Blimey, 8000 miles is a tad further than I would go :shock:
I would travel anywhere in the country for a meet, that I knew would be either a 'no pressure to perform' meet, or if sexual, then to meet someone that I had met before, knew we clicked and had the same kind of fantasies etc.
I also prefer a meet to have something other than just a shag. Even just out for a couple of drinks before/after, when you're hundreds of miles away, even that's kinda special biggrin
After all, flights these days are next to nothing - from Hampshire, I can be in Scotland in an hour. I love travelling, even in the car I enjoy it :D (excluding traffic jams)
I'm less likely to meet someone within 10/15 miles of me than I am someone at the other end of the country. Have this morbid fear that I will know em, know of them or vice versa :shock:
Quote by celticq
Travelling for this distance brings me into contact with approximately 500 people!! I'd be seriously limiting my opportunities lol

Aaahhh but are they all swingers wink :lol:
For us I think the furthest we have travelled is from Wolverhampton to Preston, but our biggest restriction is being able to get rid of the sponges for a weekend...
Warming the Bed
Quote by foxylady 123
Ive got to wondering how far people would travel for a meet?
So question is how far would you go?

I'd travel all the way to go all the way with you foxylady!
Sex God
the most is a round trip of about 560 miles, and no he wasn't worth it, but this was some time ago.
Quote by little gem
I have travelled to a meet before, but only when I know it is a sure thing.
I dont want to put myself out going all that way to get there and they dont turn up.
It depends on the person and whether thay are taking the piss out of you by expecting you to make all the effort all the time. If I knew the person well, knew we'd ahve a good time together then, yeah I'd be prepared to travel further a field than normal.

I invited you down to Essex munch Gem, and you turned me down sad :( :( lol
I have travelled to Manchester MANY TIMES for a sh....opps i mean to see my friends lol so thats a 400 mile round trip. Have also gone down to Southampton to see friends too. Id like to get up to Scotland to visit some ppl who have invited us up, but its a long way and so hard to arrange babysitters, plus find cash for visit. One day thou :twisted:
Quote by celticq
And for social events myself and many of the other Scottish Members - regularly travel "daan saaf" for Munches. I have no idea how far Notts is (but its definitely much further on the way back with a hangover!!)

well i used Galsgow as your start point and thats 300 miles to Nottingham, 260 to Manchester, dunno if Glasgie is good as a start but you get an idea smile
Warming the Bed
they have to cum to me :twisted:
serious though i think about 50 miles was the furthest i ever travelled for a bonk... and yes it was worth it.
Sex God
After all, flights these days are next to nothing - from Hampshire, I can be in Scotland in an hour. I love travelling, even in the car I enjoy it biggrin (excluding traffic jams)

I'll be at the airport waiting!!!!
I am currently chatting to someone in Australia - I will keep you posted on my progress!!
Quote by GenHertsCpl
I invited you down to Essex munch Gem, and you turned me down sad :( :( lol

Uuhhhh-ohhhhh! redface :shock: surprisedops: :scared:
I can't do the Essex munch because of my Dad's birthday! :( I will make time and effort to come down and make it up to you gen herts! ;)
Probably London. But living in Edinburgh is such an advantage - it's a wonderful city and I love showing people round. I think it's quite important to make a visit special in lots of ways, connecting on as many levels as possible. Travelling at all has to be for a really interesting person. I would barely travel across town if it was just for a shag rolleyes
Warming the Bed
As i said earlier it depends what on offer-the further i travel the more id expect from my stay-shown around-new experiencies etc.
Cheers J
Quote by celticq
probably 15 -30 minutes

Travelling for this distance brings me into contact with approximately 500 people!! I'd be seriously limiting my opportunities lol
portsmouth is the most densly populated area in Britain, so there's thousands of people within walking distance. the problem is finding the right people biggrin
Im astounded!! 8,500 miles and all that!! Maybe its me but i fear the commitment of saying i will stay over or whatever!!
I'm less likely to meet someone within 10/15 miles of me than I am someone at the other end of the country. Have this morbid fear that I will know em, know of them or vice versa :shock:

now there's a very good point :shock: you don't know you?
Quote by foxylady 123
Maybe its me but i fear the commitment of saying i will stay over or whatever!!

But maybe you've already answered your own worry . . . when you said you had chatted for months and yes, it was worth it . . .
For me, there's two things go together - firstly if there's a lot of travel involved it should be a 'sure thing', but equally there should be no fear of being pressured. This means getting to know the person quite well, knowing you have more in common than just a desire for sex, probably something to talk about, a desire to do that face to face and maybe have a good time in a non-sexual way too. It's combining a certainty that you have amazing chemistry with a 'plan B' if your mutual certainty is all to pot. When I have ever invited someone to visit and stay over it has always been 'without strings' (I don't have a spare room but the couch is dead comfy). It's nice to know the intention is there, but if it doesn't pan out you could at least enjoy a great evening of romantic dinner cooked for you and interesting conversation.
As I'm quite involved on the dance scene, it's nothing new to me to have a single female dancer visit and stay over on the couch or (if it's a couple I'm very fond of) in my fab bed while I have the couch. My bottom line is good company - which I similarly try to provide when I'm a guest. I've also been the guest of swingers overnight on a purely social level and am happy to return the same if it's someone who's company I enjoy. When you add the extra layer (explicitly or as a possibility) that's magic, but it's nice to always have good feelings, trust and affaction to fall back on. Developing a sense of total, shared honesty, respect and mutual likes/dislikes and boundaries is a nice basis to have.
I'm havering now . . . I guess I'm saying it's nice to 'know' but (scientifically) 'knowing', even with the best of gut feelings could always be proved wrong, so you don't want to be held hostage to someone's intuition so to speak - or find out that what they said and looked like online is a million miles from the person at you've come to see (or has come to see you). dunno
Warming the Bed
Quote by foxylady 123
Ive got to wondering how far people would travel for a meet? I was talking to someone earlier who had women travel far further than i would ever consider going to meet him and wondered how far others wopuld be prepared to go or have gone?
for my part the futherest Ive ever travelled is Birmingham which is about 100 miles, but we had chatted for months beforehand and yes he was worth it!!
So question is how far would you go?

Hiya foxy, I travelled as far as bleedin Landan for a meet/holiday....but it was all paid for and I had a rather nice time in Amsterdam..... and Venice..............Life's too short remember.....have fun but always be looked out for....i've done alright out of it so far... cool
Sex God
Quote by lucyuktv2

I'm less likely to meet someone within 10/15 miles of me than I am someone at the other end of the country. Have this morbid fear that I will know em, know of them or vice versa :shock:

now there's a very good point :shock: you don't know you?
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I would recognise an ass like that :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by celticq

After all, flights these days are next to nothing - from Hampshire, I can be in Scotland in an hour. I love travelling, even in the car I enjoy it biggrin (excluding traffic jams)

I'll be at the airport waiting!!!!
I am currently chatting to someone in Australia - I will keep you posted on my progress!!
You + Me = micro much, Scotland, soon!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Blimey CQ....... oooooh go for it, dare ya!!! An Oz meet, pretty unbeatable for the distance thing!!! :bounce:
Misschief - off to find discount trips to the moon cool
I would recognise an ass like that :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

it was the rest that worried me, I would remember showing you my bum :twisted: :twisted:
Done a 1000 mile roundtrip in the car for a planned social meet, me I mad (but happy)
Sex God
Seems I'm a bit of a homebody, not sure of the distance but I've only travelled from Teesside to Leicestershire and Chorley for parties so far. Far enough tho!
Master of Sex
There's no distance I wouldn't travel if it meant finding a new friend. cool