your libido/sex drive ? mine is through the roof constantly , is this normal ? its not as if i am a young man ither ( i am 45 ) but also by no means am i past it (yet) what are your thoughts please
Naah, I reckon there are plenty who have to deal with real life too much!
Sometimes all I want to do is unwind in the bath with a good book. It`s the only room in the house where I can be alone!
when i said through the roof , i assume from talking to friends and people i work with that mine seems to be higher , not a boast but a genuine question
How high is high? I would say I have a high sex drive but a lot of sex I can just take or leave, so maybe I'm horny but not desperate. Depends on what's on offer too. :twisted:
i agree with what a lot of people here are saying , about being tired and the constrants of well, life in general and am i by no means desperate ( if i was this would certainly have an influence i am sure ) but i am asking in a" broad brush " everyday way
I guess in a general sense, a lot of people (including myself) would like to have more (and more varied :twisted: ) sex than they currently have, but not at the expense of other things that are important also, such as their jobs, kids, or sleep. I guess that the difference between having a normal high sex drive and having a sex addiction.
I saw this thread thinking it was going to be that old old joke:
How high is a chinaman.
Have 2 kids and a job and, to be totally honest, nothing gets in the way of us having sex at least once, most days. I think it just happens like that, sometimes. I know when I first had my kids, no-one and nothing would have had a chance. But that was another guy. Another life.
You get good times, you get lean ones. Same as with money.
sex drive high , application of said sex drive very rare lol
Our problem is that we don`t have our own room. The house is too small, so we sleep in the dining area of the living room. We do show each other alot of affection however, so we are never lacking in shows of appreciation, and that at the end of the day is so much more important to us. I don`t doubt we`d be at it like rabbits if the situation was different :twisted:
Two bedrooms, two teen girls, and an iirritating boy! The hormones are nothing if not rife at ours!
One of the girls is moving to the shed this year!
Well I think I've slept with all you girls now. Of course you weren't actually there at the time, but neither of us complained.