As you prob can tell im new to the forums but not to sh,,,
and i was thinking of going to a local munch a 'buddy'(if invited of course)
but, and theres always a but, im a lil nervous,
does everybody get like that on there first munch or is it just me being a big girl?
thanks for that, but aint he ugly? :cry:
well if its mainly a party ill try and get a invite, like a good piss up!!!
Our first munch will be in Wigan - Yes, when you think too much it seems daunting, but overall very exciting too - Don't analyse it too much and just go with the flow :bounce:
I was briking it before hand but at the hotel i stayed in there was a pre munch drinks and that really settled things nicley and had a fanrtastic time at the munch meeting all the folks here. I cant get enough now and have two more munch/socials coming up soon.
I'm new here (hubby is away) and its really reassuring to hear people get nervous.
We have not done anything / gone anywhere yet (other then get scared off by creepy fat blokes up Crickley Hill) so Its nice to know that i'm not just being sissy.
Don't worry Dollop hunni. You're on my 'to do' list :twisted: