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hyper-intelligent vegetarians

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I was pleased to read that intelligent people chose to be vegetarians. It proves what I have said for years, 'I am smart.'
So ladies, not only do vegetarians taste sweeter, they also tend to be more intelligent.
Now all I need is a report that says vegetarians are better in bed.
Quote by de_sade
I was pleased to read that intelligent people chose to be vegetarians. It proves what I have said for years, 'I am smart.'
So ladies, not only do vegetarians taste sweeter, they also tend to be more intelligent.
Now all I need is a report that says vegetarians are better in bed.

Forget it. It's not going to happen.
wink biggrin
You think not.
I am designing the questionnaire now.
Quote by de_sade
A wise man does not turn down a meal. He knows it will sustain him and his next meal may be days away.
Meat or veg. Wise or stupid?
What use are teeth designed to to tear meat when confronted by the mighty rice grain?
Philosophy? Or Pea soup?

:giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
<How would you like your steak sir?> "rip off it's horns and wipe it's ass" (John Wayne)
dunno what? :shock:
Been veggie for well over a decade...and I'm thick as fook. There goes the theory sad
Seen on a bumper sticker
"I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to become a vegetarian".
But we have the brains to make choices - so if you choose to be a vegetarian, good on you biggrin Leaves more meat for me too :D:D:D
Quote by de_sade
A wise man does not turn down a meal. He knows it will sustain him and his next meal may be days away.
Meat or veg. Wise or stupid?
What use are teeth designed to to tear meat when confronted by the mighty rice grain?
Philosophy? Or Pea soup?

Mighty empires have been built on grain.
What can be built when following game?
Why chase food, when it is there to harvest?
I am not a vegatarian but I don't eat a lot of meat.
However, I have noticed that when I do I feel sluggish and the meat is indigestable
I have also noticed that animals that only eat vegatables tend not to be the brightess. Cows, sheep etc.
Quote by de_sade
What use are teeth designed to to tear meat when confronted by the mighty rice grain?

Old ones
Quote by de_sade
What use are teeth designed to to tear meat when confronted by the mighty rice grain?

Old ones
Quote by keeno
I am not a vegatarian but I don't eat a lot of meat.
However, I have noticed that when I do I feel sluggish and the meat is indigestable
I have also noticed that animals that only eat vegatables tend not to be the brightess. Cows, sheep etc.

Not having conversed with sheep, I can not vouch for there intellect!
bahhhhhhh humbug!
Quote by de_sade
I was pleased to read that intelligent people chose to be vegetarians. It proves what I have said for years, 'I am smart.'
So ladies, not only do vegetarians taste sweeter, they also tend to be more intelligent.
Now all I need is a report that says vegetarians are better in bed.

A wise man does not turn down a meal. He knows it will sustain him and his next meal may be days away.
Meat or veg. Wise or stupid?
What use are teeth designed to to tear meat when confronted by the mighty rice grain?
Philosophy? Or Pea soup?
i'm having deja vu with the 'married women vs single women in bed' thing here lol
Food transmitted disease; how many diseases are passed on by eating meat? How many parasites are gained my eating meat? Many.
Apart from rye mould, I know of no danger to health other that simple poison. I have not heard of 'mad carrot disease'.
Your choice.
Quote by de_sade
Food transmitted disease; how many diseases are passed on by eating meat? How many parasites are gained my eating meat? Many.
Apart from rye mould, I know of no danger to health other that simple poison. I have not heard of 'mad carrot disease'.
Your choice.

There are many instances of food poisoning caused by various mushrooms, fungi, par-boiled rice, cereal and grain fusarium (which has been shown to cause cancer in humans) not to mention extreme cases of whole communities decimated by eating vegetables that have been irrigated by contaminated and polluted water as well as the toxicological damage to humans by ingesting vegetables that have been contaminated by insecticides, dioxins, growth-hormones etc, etc...And god knows what will be reaped in the wake of genetically-modified crops...
I'm just giving another view of the Moon Travis...
:thumbup: to the above comments De_Sade.
I am not vegetarian, yet I am still intelligent - how curious.
I like plenty of meat and two veg!! Love it! wink
Quote by Kiss
Food transmitted disease; how many diseases are passed on by eating meat? How many parasites are gained my eating meat? Many.
Apart from rye mould, I know of no danger to health other that simple poison. I have not heard of 'mad carrot disease'.
Your choice.

There are many instances of food poisoning caused by various mushrooms, fungi, par-boiled rice, cereal and grain fusarium (which has been shown to cause cancer in humans) not to mention extreme cases of whole communities decimated by eating vegetables that have been irrigated by contaminated and polluted water as well as the toxicological damage to humans by ingesting vegetables that have been contaminated by insecticides, dioxins, growth-hormones etc, etc...And god knows what will be reaped in the wake of genetically-modified crops...
I'm just giving another view of the Moon Travis...
:thumbup: to the above comments De_Sade.
I am not vegetarian, yet I am still intelligent - how curious.
yes and I know my wings fell off when I had that last apple. lol
Quote by
Food transmitted disease; how many diseases are passed on by eating meat? How many parasites are gained my eating meat? Many.
Apart from rye mould, I know of no danger to health other that simple poison. I have not heard of 'mad carrot disease'.
Your choice.

Diseases are passed on by eating any food that has gone past its eat by date and that includes vegetables, and there are more poisonous vegetables in this world than there are poisonous meats. As for mad meat disease vegetarians were more susceptible to it than those that ate meat, and if you become a vegetarian because of having to kill an animal to eat it spare a thought to the poor humble vegetable that lives and grows and then is chomped into by you without thought of dispatching it humanely first banghead :banghead: :banghead:
Quote by rogerndi
Food transmitted disease; how many diseases are passed on by eating meat? How many parasites are gained my eating meat? Many.
Apart from rye mould, I know of no danger to health other that simple poison. I have not heard of 'mad carrot disease'.
Your choice.

Diseases are passed on by eating any food that has gone past its eat by date and that includes vegetables, and there are more poisonous vegetables in this world than there are poisonous meats. As for mad meat disease vegetarians were more susceptible to it than those that ate meat, and if you become a vegetarian because of having to kill an animal to eat it spare a thought to the poor humble vegetable that lives and grows and then is chomped into by you without thought of dispatching it humanely first banghead :banghead: :banghead:
True but I am know developing a maize strain that has the words 'please eat me' written out in colourful kernels along the ear. Just to reduce my sense of guilt.
Quote by de_sade
I like plenty of meat and two veg!! Love it! wink

So you're an omnivore then...Or do you mean you just like cock? :wink: :wink:
biggrin :D :D
Both!! lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by
Not having conversed with sheep, I can not vouch for there intellect!

Quote by
True but I am know developing a maize strain that has the words 'please eat me' written out in colourful kernels along the ear. Just to reduce my sense of guilt.

So intelligent that you can't use the correct word/homophone?
Quote by Freckledbird

Not having conversed with sheep, I can not vouch for there intellect!

Quote by
True but I am know developing a maize strain that has the words 'please eat me' written out in colourful kernels along the ear. Just to reduce my sense of guilt.

So intelligent that you can't use the correct word/homophone?
Ooh, FB- I've had to work so hard, in the spirit of Chrimble & all that, NOT to do what you just did! wink
Quote by winchwench

Not having conversed with sheep, I can not vouch for there intellect!

Quote by
True but I am know developing a maize strain that has the words 'please eat me' written out in colourful kernels along the ear. Just to reduce my sense of guilt.

So intelligent that you can't use the correct word/homophone?
Ooh, FB- I've had to work so hard, in the spirit of Chrimble & all that, NOT to do what you just did! wink
Why? Spirit of Christmas means you can make spelling mistakes and infer that non-vegetarians are not intelligent, does it? :wink:
Quote by Freckledbird

Not having conversed with sheep, I can not vouch for there intellect!

Quote by
True but I am know developing a maize strain that has the words 'please eat me' written out in colourful kernels along the ear. Just to reduce my sense of guilt.

So intelligent that you can't use the correct word/homophone?
Ooh, FB- I've had to work so hard, in the spirit of Chrimble & all that, NOT to do what you just did! wink
Why? Spirit of Christmas means you can make spelling mistakes and infer that non-vegetarians are not intelligent, does it? :wink:
Hell no, I was just trying to be a little more charitable than usual and not point it out! Perhaps he was fed some meat as a child which occasionally rears it's head in the shape of a spelling mistake!
See- you've started me off now :giggle:
Quote by Freckledbird

Not having conversed with sheep, I can not vouch for there intellect!


wink Bloody teachers think they know it all.
I was always taught that :- I before E except after C was correct.
Oh and my teacher could not have been a swinger because she told me that 2 into 1 will not go.
Phredd >>> he stands to be errected
Quote by Medic_1

Not having conversed with sheep, I can not vouch for there intellect!


wink Bloody teachers think they know it all.
I was always taught that :- I before E except after C was correct.
Oh and my teacher could not have been a swinger because she told me that 2 into 1 will not go.
Phredd >>> he stands to be errected
I before e except after c, when the sound is e, actually.
I don't profess to know it all. And you've already made that '2 into 1' joke before.
Quote by Freckledbird

Not having conversed with sheep, I can not vouch for there intellect!


wink Bloody teachers think they know it all.
I was always taught that :- I before E except after C was correct.
Oh and my teacher could not have been a swinger because she told me that 2 into 1 will not go.
Phredd >>> he stands to be errected
I before e except after c, when the sound is e, actually.
I don't profess to know it all. And you've already made that '2 into 1' joke before.
Oooops lol
Quote by Freckledbird

Not having conversed with sheep, I can not vouch for there intellect!

Quote by
True but I am know developing a maize strain that has the words 'please eat me' written out in colourful kernels along the ear. Just to reduce my sense of guilt.

So intelligent that you can't use the correct word/homophone?
Who put beef suit in my mince pies.
Quote by

Not having conversed with sheep, I can not vouch for there intellect!

Quote by
True but I am know developing a maize strain that has the words 'please eat me' written out in colourful kernels along the ear. Just to reduce my sense of guilt.

So intelligent that you can't use the correct word/homophone?
My brain just work to fast for the language.
Did you know that intelligence is not the ability to blindly follow that which is already but to gain more information from what is already know.
Quote by Freckledbird

Not having conversed with sheep, I can not vouch for there intellect!

Quote by
True but I am know developing a maize strain that has the words 'please eat me' written out in colourful kernels along the ear. Just to reduce my sense of guilt.

So intelligent that you can't use the correct word/homophone?
Ooh, FB- I've had to work so hard, in the spirit of Chrimble & all that, NOT to do what you just did! wink
Why? Spirit of Christmas means you can make spelling mistakes and infer that non-vegetarians are not intelligent, does it? :wink:
...Perhaps you mean imply? dunno
in·fer /ɪnˈfɜr/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -ferred, -fer·ring.
–verb (used with object)
1.]to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises or evidence: They inferred his displeasure from his cool tone of voice.
2. (of facts, circumstances, statements, etc.) to indicate or involve as a conclusion; lead to.
3. to guess; speculate; surmise.
4. to hint; imply; suggest.
–verb (used without object)
5. to draw a conclusion, as by reasoning.
Although I am sure that the Freckled One is more than capable of defending her own post.