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I dont like me bod

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i am becoming so self conscious of my body!.........with in the last cpl of weeks!
I have been looking at peeps web sites on here..... and all you women look so bloody nice and trim and no stretch marks!
it has made me think now if any one would want to swing with me....and if they do i don't think i am going to feel uncomfortable about me self
we have had a few swinging experiences but that was before i had the kids.....and i was only size 10 and no bloody stretch marks and wobbly bits!..and the swinging was only very soft! no what i meen....... a bit of hows ya father and a bit of Roley Polly nothing more
what i am after is to put my fantasies in to of them being cam-ming which i do....................not so often now as you get abit more experienced you get a bit more selative...................i have to admit at times i have felt total used and dirty ...especely those that just bugger off ..after not saying ...... now i have to get to no them first ...and i have to say the the novelty is wearing off........When i first started to cam i was size 18 i cammed with a great peep he made me feel good about me self...but you can look so different in real life!..camms can also hide the cellulite etc
oo come on Debs what are you trying to say .. OK i feel fat and frumpy and i don't feel sexy about my self!...naked.........i have to ware kinks to hide things..i can see me self now breathing in so not to show me tum......and thats no good if you are going to swing with others as i will not feel relaxed!
so how do i get me self confidence back! excises yuk .....i am only size 12 to 14 but feel like a bloody old elephant
So is there any one out there that can tell me if they have felt the same about them selfs and if they get worried when they are swinging with others about there looks!
I mean we can hide loads under are clothes! rolleyes
so come on peeps help poor old debbiewebs out give me some advice...apart from loads of face lifts etc lol :lol:
If you don't like Bod, talk to Aunt Flo or Farmer Barley Mow instead.
I personally am a size 14/16. Am 11 sodding stone at the moment, but hope to shave a little off that by the munch. I ideally would be 9st, IMHO, but if I do one of those BMI chart tests, I should be 7 - 7.5 st. I am only 5'2" tall.
Stretchies and flubber are the things we have. Sometimes I am happy with my bod., other times I hate it. I think everyone is the same.
Unless we are prepared to put in some serious gym time (and I am NOT!) then I don't think we can complain too loudly.
Debs, I know how you feel. I look pretty fantastic in clothes, but worry people will get a shock if they see me without!
Trust me, the sepia helped in my boob shot! The bum shot I did for Reeses competition was a nightmare, I had what looked suspiciously like gonads dangling down in one of my practice pics, then I realised it was my stomach! Not much of it, but what I have is basically an empty baby bag! I need to tone up, but because of spleen concerns after I was ill, I`ve not been able to do much in the way of `vigorous` exercise!
However, that said, since I`ve been going to different events, I`ve seen people of all shapes and sizes stripping off, and doing so very confidently. I think it`s brilliant, and it`s certainly helped me not to worry so much!
I`m only a size 10, and about 9st, but I`ve seen much firmer, larger figures than mine.
awwwwww come 'ere debs! passionkiss
you too vix and venus if you like? ;)
i think we all have the odd hangup getting naked with new people. and hangups about other things to do with swinging! ((( whispers this bit . . . . you know . . . do i measure up, am i any good, is this all gonna work ok? what if they think i'm crap? or 'orrible? ))) wouldn't be human if we didn't i s'pose? dunno
but as venus says, there are all kinds of people involved in swinging that i've met, and it really isn't an issue i don't think. all ages, shapes, sizes, and all seem to find a lot of confidence among other swingers, cos a lot of the hangups have already been dealt with maybe? :dunno: but it seems that way to me.
neil x x x ;)
ok ok what i am worried about the most is when you finally get the bloody chance to have a bit of rump pumpy and you get your bloody cags off and they run a bloody mile!
I mean how to you deal with that! dunno
And Vix you have a great bod seen your tv interview!... Mr Debbs After you for a bit of rummy pumpy..and how old are you Vix??
Debs.. I know how you feel hun.... I got the stretch marks, dogy belly from having a child, cellulite the works!! This is why I tend to wear kinky outfits and cover up the bad bits lol!!! lol
Stop beating yourself up, you look great to me.
I would allways prefer to see a natural woman, stretch marks and all rather than the silicone breasted, cosmetically enhanced bimbo's that predominate the magazine shelves.
I can't quite remember the Tom Conti's line in Shirley Valentine but i think he agreed !!!
And if they do run a mile they probably weren't worth bothering with.
Don't worry about it, we're all fat bastards round here rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
well all lookin fine to me......stop worrying and get stuck in and have some fun !!!!
I have seen you on cam and my first thought was "There is a woman that is confident about her body", (and with good reason to be!!) wink
You look fab, so wind your neck in and stick your chest out!!! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: kiss
Quote by xxdevil69
This is why I tend to wear kinky outfits and cover up the bad bits lol!!! lol

Bad bits? Don't remember any of those - and that was without the kinky gear! (unless you count your dirty mind!! :twisted: )
Debs, we all have hang ups of some sort with our bodies. If you are comfortable with it and people know before hand and have said they are comfortable with it, then no nasty surprises for anyone. I go to the gym and work out and have a fairly good body, but nowhere near perfect. I know where my good parts and my bad parts are too! Each to their own!!
Just be upfront if you are arranging a meet. If they have seen your pics and are ok with them, just have confidence in yourself. A confident woman who knows what she wants can be sooooo sexy!!!!
Cardinal Mal
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I have seen you on cam and my first thought was "There is a woman that is confident about her body", (and with good reason to be!!) wink
You look fab, so wind your neck in and stick your chest out!!! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: kiss

ooooooooooooo thanks sarge! :kiss: you have made me feel all warm inside now
and hoping to cam with you again sooon Babes! blast hump :hump: :blast: :blast:
Wish you where going to the Nott munch! sad
Quote by mal609
This is why I tend to wear kinky outfits and cover up the bad bits lol!!! lol

Bad bits? Don't remember any of those - and that was without the kinky gear! (unless you count your dirty mind!! :twisted: )
Debs, we all have hang ups of some sort with our bodies. If you are comfortable with it and people know before hand and have said they are comfortable with it, then no nasty surprises for anyone. I go to the gym and work out and have a fairly good body, but nowhere near perfect. I know where my good parts and my bad parts are too! Each to their own!!
Just be upfront if you are arranging a meet. If they have seen your pics and are ok with them, just have confidence in yourself. A confident woman who knows what she wants can be sooooo sexy!!!!
Cardinal Mal
o thanks to ya!.......................when i cam i must admit that i have drunk a bottle of wine before hand............. so that gives me the confidence............. so there is me answer just get drunk!
As for excising there is no way i will get rid of me wobbly Tum i have so many ops in the last 3 years ...................... i am afraid the only solution to that is to have a tummy tuck......... hay theres another one Answer!....................... ooooooo i am getting all excited now!.....shoot how much do they cost! dunno any one no?
We could see if we could get a joint discount.. I want a boob reduction!!! (wonder if they'll firm them up at the same time?!? :shock:
Quote by xxdevil69
We could see if we could get a joint discount.. I want a boob reduction!!! (wonder if they'll firm them up at the same time?!? :shock:

a bloody BOOB reduction why!................i would love to have great big Knockers!
Mybe they can take some off yours and put on mine hay!! wink :wink:
I dont like me bod
I do wink
Quote by Debbiewebs
And Vix you have a great bod seen your tv interview!... Mr Debbs After you for a bit of rummy pumpy..and how old are you Vix??

Christ am all belly in that!! thx, hun. I am 34, btw. Kids are now 8 & 10, but as I never toned up when I could exercise, and can't (& wouldn't anyway) now, I also have the good ole pendulous belly. But now mine is full of fat. biggrin
Quote by Vix
And Vix you have a great bod seen your tv interview!... Mr Debbs After you for a bit of rummy pumpy..and how old are you Vix??

Christ am all belly in that!! thx, hun. I am 34, btw. Kids are now 8 & 10, but as I never toned up when I could exercise, and can't (& wouldn't anyway) now, I also have the good ole pendulous belly. But now mine is full of fat. biggrin
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
bet you don't have lift it up to wash under neath like i have to rolleyes .................. i am 44 and gravity takes a reverse roll when you reach your bloody forties i can tell! mad
Quote by xxdevil69
We could see if we could get a joint discount.. I want a boob reduction!!! (wonder if they'll firm them up at the same time?!? :shock:

Don't do it!!! I like them just the way they are and I don't think I'm alone in that opinion!! lol :lol:
Cardinal Mal
I don't like your bod either :shock:
Your mind is bloody fantastic, and IMHO so must your personality be.
People on here are not as shallow as to put you down due to your looks.
In fact I think people would not even think twice about your physical form when speaking to you face to face.
Don't sweat it babe.
After all looks are only skin deep.
Debs your being daft again hun smackbottom
Seeing you on cam like Sarge said you look fantastic.
We all have bits that would be better off in the dark its what makes us who we are.
Im about a size 16 and my belly is best well and truely hidden,after loosing a lot of weight it looks too flabby for my of course theres the stretch marks from having kids to contend with.
biggrin Debs you look great hun,dont worry about it!!! :D
Quote by Debbiewebs
i am becoming so self conscious of my body!.........with in the last cpl of weeks!
I have been looking at peeps web sites on here..... and all you women look so bloody nice and trim and no stretch marks!
it has made me think now if any one would want to swing with me....and if they do i don't think i am going to feel comfortable about me self
we have had a few swinging experiences but that was before i had the kids.....and i was only size 10 and no bloody stretch marks and wobbly bits!..and the swinging was only very soft! no what i meen....... a bit of hows ya father and a bit of Roley Polly nothing more
what i am after is to put my fantasies in to of them being cam-ming which i do....................not so often now as you get abit more experienced you get a bit more selative...................i have to admit at times i have felt total used and dirty ...especely those that just bugger off ..after not saying ...... now i have to get to no them first ...and i have to say the the novelty is wearing off........When i first started to cam i was size 18 i cammed with a great peep he made me feel good about me self...but you can look so different in real life!..camms can also hide the cellulite etc
oo come on Debs what are you trying to say .. OK i feel fat and frumpy and i don't feel sexy about my self!...naked.........i have to ware kinks to hide things..i can see me self now breathing in so not to show me tum......and thats no good if you are going to swing with others as i will not feel relaxed!
so how do i get me self confidence back! excises yuk .....i am only size 12 to 14 but feel like a bloody old elephant
So is there any one out there that can tell me if they have felt the same about them selfs and if they get worried when they are swinging with others about there looks!
I mean we can hide loads under are clothes! rolleyes
so come on peeps help poor old debbiewebs out give me some advice...apart from loads of face lifts etc lol :lol:

I know how you feel when I looked at myself on camera when we videoed ourselves fucking and I seen myself I though gawd I need to lose some weight, do some excersize and get a bloody tan! So far Ive done none of those things so I guess I still look like a blobby, flabby white thing (beached whale came to mind! ) But fuck it Im not gonna let it worry me if we all looked the same the world would be fucking boring!!
That bitch barbies got a lot to answer for!! evil
well haveing read the posts and stuff...i think there is only one way I can be sure about your body.....and thats by examining it at close if you could send me invite I'll come and have a look...and let you all know after maybe !!!!!
waiting in hope !!! lol
Tans I decided not to do. It`s bad for you (my justification for not lying in the sun panting0
I`ve decided to make the `englilsh rose` look the new chic. :smug:
hehe Im not big on tans either but im so white im almost transparent the boobs on the left dont look white cause of my orange walls hehe
and I bet you all thought i was related to David Dickinson as well biggrin
My arms look like somebodys drew lines down them with a thick blue ink pen!! confused
I can relate to that debs...
Apart from my face and arms the rest of me looks like a fekin milk bottle..
A very odd shaped milk bottle at that
The number of people I have known who are 100% satisfied with their bodies I can count of the fingers of one hand, and they have all been insufferable self-centred gits about it!
Back in the real world, us less than perfect humans lust after other less than perfect humans, and some of us (especially the ones on this site) do something about it!
Ever since I discovered that real women don't have staples and a fold in the middle, I've preferred a size 16 to a size 6, and I'm not alone - just pop into your local newsagents and you'll see magazines like 'readers wives' vouptious' and 'over 40' poking out from behind the airbrushed and silicon titles, which prove I'm not alone in liking my women 'real'!
Sure you'd like to be a bit slimmer, but wouldn't we all? The important thing to remember is that if you did, you'd only be upgrading from a 'wow yummy yummy yummy' body to a 'wow yummy yummy yummy yummy" one!
well have to admit i have book into one of those santropay tans....... a few days before the notts Munch.............had one before...... and they are great don't last long though and costs about ..................but they are harmless!.......unless you get it on to your bloody clothes just after its done! mad
ooooooooooo and thanks claire for your kind remark kiss
Quote by Debbiewebs

ooooooooooo and thanks claire for your kind remark kiss

You know you deserve it hun!!! wink
what i would like to no is why some men prefer older women! dunno ...........
...i have to admit i was so surprised when i first started to cam how many young men wanted to cam with me!......and wouldn't leave me alone..... i had to block a few i can tell you!
I mean i thought most men like young 18 to 30 year olds...... page 3 look a likes!
Just makes me think how nieve i have bin over the years :doh: