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I dont want to go to work in the morning...groan!

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Quote by ockysweeties
it's monday morning... technically. and I'm out of bed and at work. Of course, I really just haven't gone to bed since yesterday, but I'm hoping that counts. i love my job so much I never leave it!
life as a work-from-home graphics&eb designer / insomniac artist really plays havoc with your sense of time. ex: I completely lost last friday. Don't know where it went. Perhaps it's under the bed with that month I misplaced after turning 18...
ms ocky (hoping against hope that she's being entertaining in her altered state of mind...)

Sweet, same here smile tho i dont really have the luxury of working from home all the time sad
Quote by alspals
Gimme a job and I'll hate it biggrin
Alternatively, just gimme some money and skip the middle man :violin:

...Dewi, hope you aint got plans on being a gigolo/rent boy! lol :lol: :lol:
Does it pay good? :D
...apparently so..but knowing you Dewi, you'd do it for free anyways :lol: :lol: :lol:
surprised :shock: Cheeky sod.
He's right though sad
...sorry Dewi...but in you I see I kindred spirit lol :lol: :lol:
Quote by alspals
...sorry Dewi...but in you I see I kindred spirit lol :lol: :lol:

Alright, but I call the West of the Pennines confused
Quote by Red(RHG)
Only 5 more full days till the end of my notice is worked (over three weeks) and I am going to skip out of that place!!!!
Worst most unfriendly place I've worked, glad to be back to working from home.
S'my fawts on it fank ya please
Cathy x

One day down four to go - woa woa woa
Cathy x
Quote by Red(RHG)
Only 5 more full days till the end of my notice is worked (over three weeks) and I am going to skip out of that place!!!!
Worst most unfriendly place I've worked, glad to be back to working from home.
S'my fawts on it fank ya please
Cathy x

One day down four to go - woa woa woa
Cathy x
I'd like to ask what's so bad about it but you might be telling me later Ms PM Victim Of The Week!!!!
C'mon can't not answer our PM's, can she people?!!!
Quote by littlemee
Only 5 more full days till the end of my notice is worked (over three weeks) and I am going to skip out of that place!!!!
Worst most unfriendly place I've worked, glad to be back to working from home.
S'my fawts on it fank ya please
Cathy x

One day down four to go - woa woa woa
Cathy x
I'd like to ask what's so bad about it but you might be telling me later Ms PM Victim Of The Week!!!!
C'mon can't not answer our PM's, can she people?!!!
S'just unfriendly....................................
big time!
And me such a friendly gal
Cathy x
Quote by Red(RHG)
S'just unfriendly....................................
big time!
And me such a friendly gal
Cathy x

I'll vouch for that.
Quote by Red(RHG)
Worst most unfriendly place I've worked, glad to be back to working from home.

Quote by Red(RHG)
S'just unfriendly....................................
big time!
And me such a friendly gal

So you're leaving work 'cos it's unfriendly and you're going to work from home and you're such a friendly girl???!!!
I'm putting all those things together and coming up with........:idea:
........can I be your window cleaner, or your milkman, or your postman, or your plumber PLEASE???!!!
Girls quick ........
he's offering to be a plumber!!!
Where's that thread gawnnnnnnnnnnnn?????
Cathy x
(I only started the two days work for a bit of company - some company eh? Rather stay and work at home and try not to log on here all day. Two contracts already, just got to stay logged orf)
Quote by Red(RHG)
Only 5 more full days till the end of my notice is worked (over three weeks) and I am going to skip out of that place!!!!
Worst most unfriendly place I've worked, glad to be back to working from home.
S'my fawts on it fank ya please
Cathy x

One day down four to go - woa woa woa
Cathy x
Three!!!! Nearly at the finish line!!!!!
I keep making the tea all weak and manky - you think they realise I'm pissed off yet?
Cathy x
Quote by Red(RHG)
Three!!!! Nearly at the finish line!!!!!
I keep making the tea all weak and manky - you think they realise I'm pissed off yet?
Cathy x

So will you be answering all our PM's next week when you're off work?!!!
I seem to be missing a couple of days answers from you.
What happens if you fail the PM Victim test? smackbottom
Does the person who nominated you get to punish you?
Enjoy your last 3 days of work at least. Have you got anything planned to put in their tea on your last day? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I have to say i quite like my job (self employed) cos I can work when i want as long as i get two full days in every week.
oh and my retirement fund will hit £2k per month in 3 years, cant wait.