I only say it to TheVills, my lovely partner - I realise today that I haven't said it to my son for years. I'll rectify that tomorrow. (I'm pretty sure he wouldn't appreciate me waking him up at this time of night to tell him.)
I have only told one man that I love him and that was the ex. And he has been the only man to say he loved me but still wasn't enough to keep him from straying!!
I tell my son several times a day that I love him and he never goes to bed without saying "Love you mum".
I have a best friend and we say "I love you" often.
They are all different types of love.
I dont think I will ever say "I love you" to a man even if I find someone that I want to! I got so burnt by my ex I don't ever want to be in the position to be hurt like that again. However, I have so much love in my life from friends and family, I don't feel I'm missing out at all.
Luv ya all!!
Flirty xxxxx