On the helpful advice of Missy I have decided to ask you all to be cruel to be kind to me for the next few months or so. Don't worry folks this isn't an I'm leaving thread, it's a please keep me in check thread.
I thought I’d let you know that I am going to be online a little less right now as I am spending far too much time posting uttersh*tte and I have a uni course to pass.
I’ll be popping in from time to time in the evenings probably so it’s deffo not a good bye, just a won’t be around so much online as I am going to block the site during the day.
Hopefully this will enable me to get my work done and to separate the stuff I have to get done from the fun bits, esp with you lot here at SH towers. :D
I am in my final year at uni and am extremely stressed right now. I have worked very hard for the last 3 and a bit years and although I am worn down and tired I need to finish this course.
That's where you lovely people come in. ;)
It would be much appreciated if I am in here between during the daytime and really late at night that you ignore me completely or please delete anything I say.
I should only be popping in here between the hours of 5pm and 11pm.
See me in here any other time please ignore me!
Thanks a million