Yes it was my fault, I lied to you and I am considering reseigning
Tony Blair
Or how about?
Yes, I had a clear view and saw the incident, it was definately their penalty
Arsene Wenger
You get the idea...........
What about:
'The other team played well and we deseved to lose',
Alex Ferguson
I think the crazy frog song is an outstanding piece of music
said by anyone with musical taste!!!!
I can trace my family back to my grandad
An Australian
I admit it....I'm a shit singer and i have managed to fool everyone
Britney Spears
For my next car, I really fancy a mini
John Prescott
Your willy is just too small
Mrs Happy Cats
Just get me the cheap trainers dad
but it works, now all you need is some other 'billy no mates in on a friday night' to keep replying and you're sorted :thumbup: that might be the tricky bit though
boo, that means im gonna be all on my own :upset:
Allah be praised!
George W Bush
"Put the kettle on." George Best
Here to discuss this week's activity in Parliament is Graham Norton...
Jeremy Paxman
my wife? she's the sexy blonde
Prince charles
" George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, in you have scored 29 points and no passes, a Mastermind record!"
Magnus Magnesson / John Humphrys
salad please
john prescott
'Scuse me mate, hope you don't mind, but I don't feel like talking anyone today - I'm sick of the sound of me own voice."
London black cabbie
Yeah go on then, you were only a couple of minutes over
A traffic warden
"The food is shit - christ knows why people buy it, let alone eat"
Ronald McDonald
Actually, it's NOT all about me
Venus :mrgreen:
You're right, your bum does look big in that
Any man who values his testicles