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I will survive

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4 watchers
At first I was afraid, I was petrified..
When you said you had 10 inches
Lord I almost died,
But I'd spent oh so many yrs just waiting for a man that long, That I
grew strong, And I knew that I could take you on. .
But there you are,
Another lie,
I was ready for a big mac and you've bought me a French fry, I should
have known that it was bullsh*t, Just a sad pathetic dream, Should have
known there was no anaconda lurking in those jeans.
Go on now go,
Walk out the door,
Don't you promise me 10 inches then turn up with only 4, Weren't you a
prat to think I wouldn't catch you out, Don't you know we' re only
joking when we say size doesn't count.
I will survive, I will survive,
Cos as long as I have batteries,
My sex life is gonna thrive,
I will always have good sex with a handful of latex, I will survive, I
will survive. . .hey . hey
It took all my self control not to laugh out loud, When I saw your
little weiner standing tall and proud, But to hell with all your ego's
and to hell with all your needs, Now I'm saving all my lovin for a
cordless multispeed,
Go on now go, Just make a dash, Last time I saw a prick that small was
watching Gladstone run nude hash,  I should have asked for
Should have asked for referees, Then I wouldn't have you waving that
winky thing at me.
Go on now go,
Just hit the track,
Don't you bring me home no tiddlers,
Cos I'll always throw them back,
The only thing that I could do with a prick as small as yours, Is to
stick it with a tooth pick Dip it in tomato sauce.
Go on now go,
Get out of my sight,
I'm going back to my appliance,
Cos I know it's length is right,
And if I ever see your tiny tockley at my door, You'll be counting up
your inches as you pick them off the floor.
Go on now Go!
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Dozens of members on this site have just shrunk by an inch and a half!!
An exquisite put down. Fantastic GT!
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Was singing away as I was reading it cool
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Was singing away as I was reading it cool

Me too MissC
(Shame I'm tone deaf thou!)
Superb Lyrics though - we need this version for the next kareoke at the next NW munch!
Now theres an idea,ill have to copy those lyrics down for the Notts munch! biggrin
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Bloody love it, thanx
I'll just get me coat then sad
Absolutely fantastic, GT. This could replace the sadly lamented SH version of Jerusalem as the site anthem.
Sappho xxx
Can I just ask: Why does everyone think it's funny to ridicule a person for his physical attributes which he can't do anything about?
Pretty bloody nasty if you ask me.
Quote by JudyTV
Bring it on if you want to.

"Bring it on"? Why so aggressive? I'm not looking for a fight, I'm expressing my view.
I personally find the attitude behind this thread offensive. If I posted a scathing denigration of bucket fannies, and a woman found it offensive, would you patronise her the way you just did me?
I didn't say you hadn't the right. I said I was surprised that you would find it funny to ridicule a person on such a superficial basis. Please don't put words in my mouth.
PS - The message I deleted was an edit of the original. But you had already read the original so I deleted the edit as it was a minor alteration.
Quote by JudyTV
Bring it on if you want to.

"Bring it on"? Why so aggressive? I'm not looking for a fight, I'm expressing my view.
I personally find the attitude behind this thread offensive. If I posted a scathing denigration of bucket fannies, and a woman found it offensive, would you patronise her the way you just did me?
Im not being aggresive but I am not hiding in a corner either. Many have found it , Pm them all.
I'm not hiding. I PMed you because I had something I wanted to say to you personally. You seem to want to turn it into a public slanging match, and I regret to inform you I'm not going to oblige. I have an opinion, which I have expressed calmly. If you want to get angry about it, that's up to you.
Quote by JudyTV
You are missing the point.

Possibly. Wouldn't be for the first time.
You PMed me about it.

Because I was genuinely surprised that you found it funny. I didn't expect that you would. Evidently you don't interpret it the way I do, which I accept, but it seemed to me you were enjoying a put down, which seemed out of character for you, and I was disappointed by that. If you don't see it as a put down and just think it's funny for it's own sake, then I apologise for misreading you. I however, do not think it's funny, and that's my right too.
The point is how many others have you PMed to say they should not find it funny. Its either all or none.

None including you. I did not say you "should not" find it funny, I said I was surprised that you did.
You made a point of telling ME that I should not be finding it funny. How dare you dictate to me by singling me out and indicating that I am out of order for my views by PMing me alone. Think about it. ...........PM it to all ice.

You don't know what other private conversations I've had about it, and I'm not going to reveal them to you. Suffice to say I have not told anyone they are "out of order" for laughing at it, and I haven't said you are either. The initial post struck me as nasty, and I asked why people thought it was funny. That is all.
Quote by GT
At first I was afraid, I was petrified..
When you said you had 10 inches
Lord I almost died,
But I'd spent oh so many yrs just waiting for a man that long, That I
grew strong, And I knew that I could take you on. .
But there you are,
Another lie,
I was ready for a big mac and you've bought me a French fry, I should
have known that it was bullsh*t, Just a sad pathetic dream, Should have
known there was no anaconda lurking in those jeans.
Go on now go,
Walk out the door,
Don't you promise me 10 inches then turn up with only 4, Weren't you a
prat to think I wouldn't catch you out, Don't you know we' re only
joking when we say size doesn't count.
I will survive, I will survive,
Cos as long as I have batteries,
My sex life is gonna thrive,
I will always have good sex with a handful of latex, I will survive, I
will survive. . .hey . hey
It took all my self control not to laugh out loud, When I saw your
little weiner standing tall and proud, But to hell with all your ego's
and to hell with all your needs, Now I'm saving all my lovin for a
cordless multispeed,
Go on now go, Just make a dash, Last time I saw a prick that small was
watching Gladstone run nude hash,  I should have asked for
Should have asked for referees, Then I wouldn't have you waving that
winky thing at me.
Go on now go,
Just hit the track,
Don't you bring me home no tiddlers,
Cos I'll always throw them back,
The only thing that I could do with a prick as small as yours, Is to
stick it with a tooth pick Dip it in tomato sauce.
Go on now go,
Get out of my sight,
I'm going back to my appliance,
Cos I know it's length is right,
And if I ever see your tiny tockley at my door, You'll be counting up
your inches as you pick them off the floor.
Go on now Go!

Its a ridiculous time in the morning. I have had a wonderful evening in the company of my neighbours within this new area which i have found myself in, and have been on the receiving end of two bottles of a delightful wine. I'm sloshed, i'm pissed, whatever, and really should refrain from posting anything, if only for the sake that it is taking me three times as long due to the spelling errors.!!!
As some of you will be already aware (following my performance at manchester) i enjoy nothing more than a good old sing song on the karaoke, and take great pleasure at laughing at myself in the ridiculous drama of my 3 minutes of fame.
This above served to fulfill the residents of this area a good old laugh for the 6 minutes which it took perform in my only so slightly inebbriated state.
Thank you one and all,
Lots of love, hugs and kisses
Quote by JudyTV
I still cant fathom out why you only PMed me (your own admission)

I admitted nothing of the sort. You asked how many people I had PMed to tell them they were wrong. I said "None including you", meaning I did not say that to anyone. You have evidently chosen to read it as "None except you" which is the exact opposite of what I said.
I also said I have had other private conversations on the subject, and still you insist I am "singling you out". dunno
Anyway, I've had my say, said what I think. Sorry if my opinion upsets you, but there's really no point in you trying to make a fight out of it because I'm not interested in getting into a slanging match with you over it. I had a view to express and I've expressed it.
Quote by JudyTV
I still cant fathom out why you only PMed me (your own admission)

I admitted nothing of the sort. You asked how many people I had PMed to tell them they were wrong. I said "None including you", meaning I did not say that to anyone. You have evidently chosen to read it as "None except you" which is the exact opposite of what I said.
I also said I have had other private conversations on the subject, and still you insist I am "singling you out". dunno
Anyway, I've had my say, said what I think. Sorry if my opinion upsets you, but there's really no point in you trying to make a fight out of it because I'm not interested in getting into a slanging match with you over it. I had a view to express and I've expressed it.
Welll, I will ask you AGAIN.
Did you PM just me? Because you are soooooooo wriggling around . Why cant you come clean and say you had at the time only PMd me.
If you PMd one or two or three then you should have Pmd all who answerd in the same vein as me.
What are you afraid of here. Wriggle wriggle. I think we all know anyway that you only sent a pm to me. Well, I think you have answerd the question yourself and oh dear it really does say an awful lot.
So now I'm a liar? I have told you that you are not the only one I've spoken to privately. I've also told you I'm not not going to repeat my private conversations to you. Neither am I going to tell you who they were with. You can badger me as much as you like mate, I'm not taking the bait.
Quote by JudyTV
[I DID NOT call you a liar.

You said...
I think we all know anyway that you only sent a PM to me

...after I had explicitly stated otherwise more than once. If you can't have a disagreement without resorting to personal slurs, than I have nothing further to say to you. You may now have the last word you so obviously crave because as far as I'm concerned this conversation is over.
Bloody hell ..........
If I'd known a little "funny" would create so much agro - I wouldn't have bothered. mad
There aint half some funny flickers out there.
Jess people lighten up - life's too short. rolleyes
Well I thought it was hilarious and definately a must for the next munch or party that has a kareoke
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by Ice Pie
Bring it on if you want to.

"Bring it on"? Why so aggressive? I'm not looking for a fight, I'm expressing my view.
I personally find the attitude behind this thread offensive. If I posted a scathing denigration of bucket fannies, and a woman found it offensive, would you patronise her the way you just did me?
The primary source of humour is other people misfortune, it's a fact. One cannot be PC about absolutely everything and still find ANYTHING to laugh about. We're all different and we have to support those with different views to our own in order for freedom to survive. Personally I find those TV home video clip shows awful, how can I find it funny that a little child falls off a swing, but millions must.
Lighten up is my advice.
I know :idea: ! It`s ok to laugh at this one because it refers to someone who claims to have ten inches!
That works doesn`t it? Yes?
Ok, I know, go drink more coffee lol bolt
Ice, hunnny, I think you're fabulous but on this occassion you are wrong - please drop it!
If the song was aimed purely at unfortunate guys with smaller than average genitals, yes it could be seen as being cruel and offensive. HOWEVER, that is not the case. The lyrics clearly state that the guy had claimedto have 10 inches and only had 4 - hence the anger of the songwriter- that he lied not that he was a small-dick-man .......... oh, am I going off on one now? rolleyes
ANYWAY... like Judy, Vicky and everyone else, I found it bloody hilarious!
Bravo, GT!
I can honestly say I don`t know how many inches Mars has, never measured, don`t care! biggrin
Quote by VenusnMars
I can honestly say I don`t know how many inches Mars has

I do
never measured

I have
don`t care!

I do
:twisted: lol