Looking at what some people describe as 'athletic' build, there's gonna be a shedload of shot-putters.
Athletic??? first to the pies n beer ???
I going for judo, it's all that rolling around on the floor pinning your opponent down! :twisted:
I'm in for the Sex Marathon; due to my hyper-energy I've not met anyone yet who can outlast me! :P
Maybe a bit of Gymnastic positioning too, as I'm very agile and supple ;)
Pam xx
With my man out of commission for a while and as an alternative methinks i'll put meself down for one of the coxless pair (no man required)
Hmmm... extreme ironing at the Olympics?!
Pammy, Toots .... coff coff!
I have a special move. It involves my two middle fingers and my tongue. I don't have a name for it yet so it may just have to be the 'special move event' I'd fancy my chances at getting a gold I have to say ;)
A triathlon Handball, Diving then shooting.
Swinging Olympics, yes
triple jump
and for those playing without partners consent, the high jump