Would you like to be a man or woman for say just one day :shock:
just to experience " the other side "
and I dont mean cross dress but to swap for one day your gender to experience what your opposite experiences ?
I would like to have a go would you ???
shaving .. periods .. shaving .. periods
what a choice ..
If I were a woman and had a nice pair of tits (bigger than the ones I have now :lol2: ) I'd never get out of bed :lol2:
Sorry but wouldn't want to be a woman, coz if I had a pussy I wouldn't be able to leave it alone long enough to unrap a sweet! lol
i would like too if we had the choice but it wouldnt have to be for one day thoe
as too experience what a woman went through it would have to be for over 2 months to really appreciate a womans life and experiences
now if the experience was for a full year lol then id jump at the chance to be a woman for a year
then you would have to learn to buy clothes (that fit learn that different shops have different bloody sizes to each other) learn to buy stuff in for the wrong time of month (instead of dashing to shop at last minute) look after the children ( if they have any ) and do all the tasks a woman does
and finally the ultimate experience if they get pregnant in this time they would have to stay in the ladies body till after the child was born so they would experience child birth
yeah be great to sit on the loo all day reading the paper
Yes please, once a week please! lol
Another question is;
What would you do that day you managed to swap genders?
And come on, please dont state the obvious! lol
If I were a woman for the day, I do believe I would 'flaunt it' as the saying goes. Just to experience how it feels to have that power.
I believe I might also indulge some form of sexual act, but would it be corny as a male to say that would have to at least involve one woman?
So it would have to be bi-sexual sex.
I would like to have a female multi orgasm.