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If you won...

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If you won £14,000, on the lottery, aside from the obvious new house & cars, what special something would you buy?
That sort of money is obscene, I'd feel guilty having it in the first place. I'd have to give it away. But not all of it mind wink
Prrrrfffff I wish I won all that!!!
But if I was to win it I would give some to charity right away
Then I'd pay off my mum's debts for her
I'd see my family right with money or what they needed
Maybe see Mr Naughty's family OK even though I dont like them confused #
Then I'd sort myself out
I'd end up paying off family mortgages, debt etc. A lot as Libra says I'd give away.
If i had that money i would :
pay off my mum's debts and buy her a brand new spanking house
Give my best mate a new house and stick him in a drugs rehabitlation clinic
Give england it's first playboy house get me :happy:
I would back to the USA buy a new RV and continue my travels I only managed 46 states last time and my lust for the open road is still hounding me.
Well theres the obvious such as holidays and making sure family and friends have a secure future.
Then somethiing id love to do is create a job for myself whereby i anonymously go around and listening to people and radio, reading magazines, watching TV etc, id buy the medical equipment, home help, new cars, new equipment etc that are needed by the homeless, down on luck, oap homes, hospitals, schools etc.
Id get so much pleasure out of that.
Well I'd probably spend most of it on beer, women and cigarettes (not necessarily in that order)
The rest of it I would probably waste wink
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
Mind you some peoples lives are ruined by winning the lottery!!! :shock:

ohhh I'd love it if my life got ruined by £14,000,000
I'd buy (build) lots and lots of schools - not in this country though I know we need them but I know a place that needs them more!
I'd do the same as others, pay off debts (mine and families) give to charity, then have a holiday and think about what to do next.
Some would be put away for my kids so they never had to worry about anything.
I'd definately have a hot tub but not even sure that I'd buy a new house cos I love my little place. Think I'd buy the land beside my house which would at least stop them building on it.
I'm really soft when it comes to animals so I'd probably open a refuge for the unwanted and ill treated and spend my days wearing my wellies and pottering about (nothing new there)
Oh I'd like a 4x4 too as my little car isn't really built for driving along farm tracks etc and I keep killing it!
Quote by Chaotic_Spirit
Give england it's first playboy house get me :happy:

Can I apply for the butlers job?
I would put it all away somewhere safe, well that rules out banks!
Have a large amount to hand and travel the world for a year or two to decide where I want to spend the rest of my days.
Then I'de settle down in an area with the biggest concentration of swingers per head of population.
if i had alll that money
i have 3 female friends who are struggling with their lives in courts and with their exs
i would buy them new houses- set them up a small business for their future.
i had a fuck buddy who has a disble son - i would buy her a place out of london where she could built a new house for the disabled children they way she liked it.
if i am left with any more i would actually buy a 5 big mansions and set up a party house for SH
if i had won the lottery
As others have said, sort out friends and family, new houses etc.
Then for me house, stables, horse refuge , and potter around in my wellingtons, employ a manager to look after it, so I can potter around some more.
Sort out local charities etc and those in need, and maybe travel
I could do with a new corkscrew.
Strangely, this is one of those things that I think long and seriously about.
I wouldn't give any money to charity. With that much money, I would want to have control over how it was spent, and set up my own charity.
The purpose of the charity would be to create a skills exchange for those on low income or unemployed. The theory behind it being: it is easier to live cheaper than to earn more.
Not for the big things, for the little things, healthy eating, minor repairs or improvements to house, garden, car, hairdressing, holidays, even information.
Not trying to give people additional skills or income - just how to make the best use of what you have got.
is that all. thats loose change isnt it. lol
Good question and do you know what? ..............havn't a bloody clue dunno
I'd buy a Mansion in the English country side, and the whole place would be devoted to swinging, loads of bedrooms swimming pool, play rooms all with different themes, mini cinema for the porn of course, open bar, sauna. They'd be no fee for the swingers obviously.
Just imagine endless days of sex in a 5 star luxuary mansion for free. biggrin :D :D
All the usual things like paying off mortgages for friends and family, but with that much I could do the one thing I've always wanted, open a restaurant, very exclusive, in Manhattan, west side, I think, but convenient for the park. There is a real shortage of restaurants in NY with Michelin Stars, so that would be something to aim for.
I would love to buy a helicopter!...apart from that!.....Invest!............. buy more property to rent out!.......... Employ some one to run the business for us so we can take hollidays togather!
Give some to family and charity!
O and employ my own Cook!.......Cleaner!.. and have a butler!. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Buy a lamogennie!
OO buy a pop belly Pig!...............oo i do love them! biggrin
I am sure there is loads more...........
Quote by Sarah1448
As others have said, sort out friends and family, new houses etc.
Then for me house, stables, horse refuge , and potter around in my wellingtons, employ a manager to look after it, so I can potter around some more.
Sort out local charities etc and those in need, and maybe travel

Yeah, you just want to get to grips with the stable boys! :twisted:
Well I would love to set up my own animal sanctuary. Looking after and re-homing abandoned and mis-treated animals. Already got a couple of waifs and strays at home but there is only so much you can do in your own house!
Oh and keep a nice chunk of money to try and catch and prosecute the bastards who hurt them in the first place mad
I wouldn't spend a penny of it, I wouldn't give a penny of it away.
Following the general principles of Robert Kiyosaki (Best selling author of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series) and a few others I have learned since getting divorced, I would invest it.
Robert Kiyosaki teaches that you should use your income to buy assets (not trinkets, not cars, not houses for your own use, but assets that earn money), the money that is earned from these assets is then used to buy liabilities (trinkets, cars, houses, whatever, things that take money out of your pocket).
Most of the investments would be made in tax effective trusts. The money earned by this trust would be split generally into three, the first third being for further investment into long term, 'safe' investments (LTBH), either stocks, certain properties and certain small business types.
The next third would be invested in more risky areas, maybe venture capital, things that are more risky, but have a corresponding chance of high growth.
The last third would be the money that comes back out of the pot for me to spend as I see fit, it ould be this money that would support me, my family, my friends, my charities, my dreams.
As you can no doubt appreciate, this sort of strategy means that the original capital should not diminish, but should continue to increase to serve me and those around me.
Why apply that question to £14 million? It works if you start doing exactly the same thing (on a smaller scale) whatever you can invest, it's exactly what I've been working at since I took control of my financial destiny. It's this strategy that allows me to have a conservative plan to be able to retire (if I wish) with no drop in pay by the age of 57.
Hope this answers your question wink
Quote by Wicked Wizard
All the usual things like paying off mortgages for friends and family, but with that much I could do the one thing I've always wanted, open a restaurant, very exclusive, in Manhattan, west side, I think, but convenient for the park. There is a real shortage of restaurants in NY with Michelin Stars, so that would be something to aim for.

If I remember rightly, that's because Michelin only started awarding stars to NY restaurants last month!
Quote by Debbiewebs
Buy a lamogennie!

That would be my car of choice :twisted:
This one
(pic removed by mean Mod as it is far too big for the board!!)
or (can't find a pic :cry: )
A metallic purple Lamborghini Diablo.
C x
Quote by PoloLady
If you won £14,000, on the lottery, aside from the obvious new house & cars, what special something would you buy?

is this your little way of saying you,ve won the lotto polo ???
lend us a tenner innocent
Quote by Scandal
Strangely, this is one of those things that I think long and seriously about.
I wouldn't give any money to charity. With that much money, I would want to have control over how it was spent, and set up my own charity.
The purpose of the charity would be to create a skills exchange for those on low income or unemployed. The theory behind it being: it is easier to live cheaper than to earn more.
Not for the big things, for the little things, healthy eating, minor repairs or improvements to house, garden, car, hairdressing, holidays, even information.
Not trying to give people additional skills or income - just how to make the best use of what you have got.

Very good post Kat. Do you know that this is not a new idea though?
I'm sure there was a scheme like this in the Dingle a few years ago and it came on top because the DHSS classified the skill and labour exchange as quid pro quo employment and those who were unemployed were de facto working.
I can remember hearing a fella on the radio who was unemployed saying that he'd done some work on a neighbours house in exchange for something and a spokesperson for the SS explaining how that contravened the rules or that he should have been actively seeking employment instead. Micro-regeneration - illegal. Typical.
Anyway if I won a bean on that National Poll Tax Draw I'd seek serious medical help, because I don't pay it.
Remember: It won't be you! lol
There is also something that is often called LYBM (living below your means) that encompasses some of this sort of stuff, it includes knoing here to buy stuff more cheaply, using vouchers or special offers, proper cooking on a budget, all that sort of thing, there is a great bb all about at the Motley Fool.
Would I ever like that much money.
Retire would be a certainty.
Move to spain, buy a big property.
Learn to fly(with or without mechanical help).
So what would I do with the other 13 million.
dunno :dunno:
(have an enormous bank acount I guess).