Would you prefer their lover to be more or less attractive than you?
I was having this conversation at work and we couldn't decide.
On the one hand, if they're more attractive you'd get it. If they were less oyu'd be a bit insulted.
I didn't really think about it like that! It was just a question a girl at work asked today. Dunno if there was anything behind it...
Attractive, no.... less of a lover, Yes.
I'd prefer their lover to be non-existent. Cheating just ain't part of this game.
I can certainly see why someone who'd been affected by cheating would feel upset with this conversation, but I'm sure no offence or hurt was intended.
Petal has raised many interesting threads and maybe this one just should have been worded differently, maybe about how you would feel about an ex-partner's new partner rather than a cheating partner.
I would definately prefer my ex to be seeing someone who I felt was LESS attractive than me, Id still have some pride.
On the other hand, when my mum saw my dads new partner, she was gutted that the new lady WASNT more attractive than her, she felt that the only way she could cope with dad having a new lady would be if the lady was really attractive. If she wasnt, mum reasoned, there'd be no reason for dad NOT to come back to HER.
If my wife was cheating......i'd just hope it was a bloke!
it would make absolutely no difference to me.... (and I have been there)
my partner cheating isn't about my attractiveness or intelligence it is about us having a problem with communicating. and I would be looking at what I would do differently next time.
if my partner was cheating i would hope it was with a girl, and she would come round to my way of thinking that she could only benefit from letting me join in every other thursday,
im kidding ok
if my partner was cheating i would hope it was with a girl, and she would come round to my way of thinking that she could only benefit from letting me join in every other thursday,
I was gunna post something like that lol
I too am of the mind that if your partner is cheating, it's not because of looks/attractiveness, but it's because something is missing or lost.
(someone is going to post something silly now aren't they, but i'm serious).
Had an interesting conversation recently, talking about being unfaithful and how just having sex with someone may not count, but having lots of meetings, spending time together 9without sex) can be being unfaithful....i'm not sure i'm explaining this very well!
i guess what i mean (or part of it) is that 'cheating' takes many forms....
My lover can not cheat.
Atleast not where sex is concerned. She has the freedom to go with whom she chooses.