It's official. After arranging to meet a couple this morning(and I placed the ad) I completely lost my nerve and pulled out. It was my 1st time with a couple and I was both nervous and excited. I've met single females, but have never been so nervous about a meet. I haven't had much correspondence with this couple other than sorting out the arrangements. I booked the day off work, got myself ready, checked my emails - and that's when I bottled it. They sent me an email saying no jeans or trainers. This is what I always wear and what I feel comfortable in. For some reason my nerves got the better of me, and it all seemed to get too serious rather than a bit of fun which is what I was looking for. I emailed to say I always wear jeans & trainers, but they never got back to me. I'm really cheesed off with myself (probably not as much as them) as I hate timewasters, after being on the other end of them, but in reality I'm no better than them. The couple were off work all week, but that doesn't excuse me pulling out.
It does make me wonder if I'm cut out for the swinging scene and meeting couples as the last thing I want is to waste anyones time. I'll probably be more nervous the next time anyway after bottling this one. I don't know whether it was because all my previous meets I'd had a bit of chat with beforehand, and got to know them a bit. I'm making excuses really when there's not for some thinking before carrying on.
I've just emailed to say that my nerves got the better me, as I'm genuinely sorry for letting them down.
The dress code thing was probably the last straw in my uncertain mind - and you're proabably right maybe the swinging concept is more of a fantasy for me. If I'm that nervous about meeting a couple - maybe its not for me.
I apologise to all the single guys for contributing towards giving us all a bad name. I wouldn't blame anyone for being angry, for ruining it for more reliable people. This is the 1st time I've ever messed people around and I agree that I'll have to change the way I meet people if I can't go through with it.
Put it this way I've just remembered that I've advertised myself as being reliable - we all know that's a load of crap so I better go and edit my ads.
Was there a venue requiring a dress code discussed/arranged? Or was it a request for role play/ fantasy?
Its possible they were just as nervous and used the dress code thing as a means of 'sniffing' you out. But it is enormously frustrating to be made to jump through hoops just before a meet.
Try and get over asap. It will be forgotten about soon enough. The try again. Good luck, have fun and take care.
he cant sit on the naughty stair
blondes in the way :shock:
Tiger_25 I envy you being in the position to have been able to bottle out - although i am not advocating or condoneing it. I have been try to get meets for about 2 or three months now and still no luck. Infact hardly any replies to messages or ads.
It surprises me how many people do not even respond, just to say no thanks would be polite. I do think it is a shame.
I have also found that there is, apparently, noone willing to help 'new recruits'. Everyone has to start some where?
Any thoughts guys?
Branded you a time waster! LOL
I agree with Gem.
They're just clothes FFS, I wish people would get over it. As far as I'm concerned people can wear whatever they like, with no reflection on who they are - they're just bits of fabric to keep you warm and comfortable, after all.
All that 'smart clothes' tells me about a person is that they are either required to wear them for work, or a follower of societal rules - doesn't make any difference to me. But if someone required me to wear 'smart clothes' for a meet, I think I'd just tell them "No sorry, I'm not going to" - If that stops the meet, then so be it!
my view is that you really messed up and you know it....
i think that the "dress code" issue was just the "straw that broke the camels back" and gave you the excuse that you were looking for not to go to the meet.
i do have some symapthy for you and reckon that you have somewhat redeemed yourself for your actions.... and theres a fighting chance that the couple wont be too offended... they have probably been there before and , so it seems from other feedback i get from members, its just one of the realities of meeting people that exists here.
i also respect you for the fact that you acknowledge that you have added to the hardship of other single males on the site...... you haven't helped it at all!!!!
saying that, and with the greatest of respect to you... i think u ought to look at other ways to meet people... u obviously havnt got the confidence to do it this way.
as to where you go from here... that decision is up to you..... but i think you already know the answer to that one....
now i know that some people might think im harsh... but i just say it how i see it....
Surely it's just as right for the couple to request 'no jeans or trainers' as it is for some to choose to wear them.
The key word is CHOOSE.
We all choose to do different things, wear different clothes, eat different foods, and decide if we like them or not.
It's not fair on either the 'timewaster' or the 'couple' as they are both entitled to like or dislike whatever they want - live and let live.
I would have thought that a swingers forum would understand that more than anyone else on the planet......
I think the real issue here has nothing to do with clothing though ...... does it ?
Can I just post something about trainers please....I wear trainers all the time, even when I'm out at a Nightclub or a Munch....the reason for this is that I have extremely large feet (size 9) and find it difficult to get nice high heels that are comfy.....
If people don't like it then they don't have to say hello to's their loss as far as I'm concerned.
As for the topic in hand, I think its good that you know you're not ready for a meet yet...just relax and maybe get yourself to a Munch...