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I'm a timewaster

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Quote by little gem
lol Well, Phil.... I have a bit of thing for clothing

Well, that's OK, as long it's a part of the excitement of the meet - I can understand that - but to just say "no jeans or trainers" at the last minute is a bit of a liberty. rolleyes
Quote by DreamerHelen
Can I just post something about trainers please....I wear trainers all the time, even when I'm out at a Nightclub or a Munch....the reason for this is that I have extremely large feet (size 9) and find it difficult to get nice high heels that are comfy.....

Personally, I don't find shoes comfortable - I've got long thin feet which just don't seem to fit standard shoe sizes - why should I suffer just because people want to see me in shoes? Why should I pay X hundred quid for bespoke shoes when I can pay £50 for good trainers which do fit? mad - My annoyance at this sort of things comes mainly from nightclubs where you can't get in if you're wearing trainers. I really don't understand that at all. Much better to just get the doormen to turn you away if you're too scruffy surely.
Quote by phil_osopher
lol Well, Phil.... I have a bit of thing for clothing

Well, that's OK, as long it's a part of the excitement of the meet - I can understand that - but to just say "no jeans or trainers" at the last minute is a bit of a liberty. rolleyes

Agreed! :thumbup:
Quote by little gem
lol Well, Phil.... I have a bit of thing for clothing

Well, that's OK, as long it's a part of the excitement of the meet - I can understand that - but to just say "no jeans or trainers" at the last minute is a bit of a liberty. rolleyes

Agreed! :thumbup:
What about if the couple have a group of friends who NEVER wear jeans and trainers.
Someone turning up at their house dressed that way is going to be totally out of character, therefore raising questions they might not want to answer, and thereby drawing attention to their alternative lifestyle.
It's wrong to expect someone to dress the way someone else thinks is right, but look at it from their side too. Perhaps the only criticism levelled at the couple should be that they mentioned this right at the start.
Just for the record, I have no opinion about what someone should or shouldn't wear when meeting couples, singles, whatever - it's down to choice (I've said this before haven't I ?). It's what's underneath and inside that really counts.
FFS if people can't agree what is the right dress code, then they certainly aren't going to be compatible anyway are they ? (IMHO)
(Just climbing back off the soap-box again)
hmmm Tiger!! Tiger? TIGER!!!
meeeaou! prrrrrr!
well... somebody had to say it smile
No offence mate as I don't know you (seems people here do - sorry I've been AWOL for a while), but what you did goes soooo totally against your nickname, it's funny biggrin
Tiger are being TOO hard on yourself! :cry:
i have had worst time waster than what you have just done, i am not saying you haven't done wrong coz you have a little
i would never just not turn up, i would try to contact as best i can .. be this by PM box, e-mail or text message or phone call which ever means i could..just to say sorry so no one was left hanging around waiting coz i wouldn't like this too happen too me and it is classed as a little rude in my grans rule book!
perhaps the problem here is the fact that you didn't think it through enough and perhaps should have spent more time chatting too the couple on msn ect you could got too know each others likes and dislikes
as to jeans etc they left it late to let you know!....i wear what i like so i wouldn't ask someone to wear something that they where not comfy in, the only time this may happen is if there was a dress code (although i don't go too many places with a dress code)! Be yourself always smile
you don't need to edit your profile or advert ....just try too make sure you don't make the same mistake again
swinging is not for everyone so perhaps you should have a think about your wants , every one swings differently
1. single one on one meets
2. single meeting couples
3. singles meeting 3 or 4 at a club
but if you are not sure about meeting couples perhaps an idea in the future is to come along to a small social at some point and meet and chat too a few couples and singles to put your mind at rest (they are not a bad bunch, they will be on thier best behaviour) wink this may help you decide here you wish too go, even if the answer turns out to be single meets only this way you wouldn't be banging your head against a wall for some time banghead
be yourself, swing as you wish but be fair too others always to give apologies you being redface
i have to admit if i was arranging to meet a cpl and they told me what i could and couldn't wear i'd tell them to piss off there and then, ok so its their choice if they like men in jeans and trainers but surly its also his choice if he wants to meet someone who tells him what he can wear?
I was meeting a cpl once and at the last min they said to me could i take my clit piercing out as she didn't like it, so i said well can she dye her hair cause i don't like blondes!! of course i have nothing against blondes really i was just trying to make a point so i called the meet off.
Hun i don't think your a time waster so long as you told them you wasn't going and didn't just leave them waiting, you have the right to say no at any time same as women do smile
Don’t beat yourself up Tiger.
And for gods sake think hard before making any changes to your desires. Personally I think you have just learned something about yourself and your likes / dislikes.
If we had someone sending us a dress code we wouldn’t even bother to send an apology. Its seem s that you, like us, prefer easy going, take us as you find us type people who know how to relax and having a good time, and trust me, there’s plenty of us about.
We never reply to ads that contain “we expect” type directions any more as we have found those kind of people pushy, demanding and full of expectations.
Chill out and have a look at yourself and your preferences, you may be a single male, but you are still entitled to refuse anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, and as this was a bit of a shock to you, as it would have been to us, you can forgive yourself for not turning up when perhaps a polite thanks but no thanks would have been better.
Tiger 25, We have all been nervous in our time. I still am on a meet, believe me!!! We all have the right to back out. You have e mailed this couple so please don't be too hard on yourself. You are not the first to do this & will definatley won't be the last. I like to meet people to get to know themfirst. I don't go further unless I feel very sure it is right. Take care & as I said earlier, don't be too hard on yourself.
Personally i think many cpls see single guys as people they can just make the rules with and the guys just have to go alone with it, maybe cause theres so many single men they feel they can treat them how they like and just drop them for another if they 'dare' to disagree confused like pete said i wouldn’t even bother to send an apology if someone decided to send me a dress code so why should you? don't feel bad you just met a cpl that wanted something diffarent out of swinging than you, imagin what they would be like if u actually met if they laying rule out like that b4 you have even said hello face to face!! just move on i'm sure there will be many couples u get on with out there its just finding them, u know the saying.....u have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince wink
Quote by Steve_Mids
Even if you do decide to make that your first and last forray into the world of swinging there's no need to stop using the forum...
I somehow doubt it will be your last attempt as your ad obviously is worth responding to and there are many other couples here that may not be so exacting in their requirements(not that being exacting is a bad thing before you flame me biggrin ) and I'm sure you will meet a cpl with whom you click...
Have you thought about attending one of the many social functions advertised in the Lets Meet Up section ??
Maybe this will help you..... dunno

:shock: :shock: :shock: Did someone steal my husband and replace him with a new one?? lol bolt
Seriously though as Steve had mentioned your ad I went and had a peek..... It's a very well written ad and great pictures :D
Dont let one incident put you off..... And if you do decide that you dont think that you could go through with a meet, stick around anyway... It's not bad here you know wink :lol:
yes so....
we arrange 2 meet 6 guys
4 r chicken the ohter 2 show up
and had a really good time...................
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Personally i think many cpls see single guys as people they can just make the rules with and the guys just have to go alone with it, maybe cause theres so many single men they feel they can treat them how they like and just drop them for another if they 'dare' to disagree confused like pete said i wouldn’t even bother to send an apology if someone decided to send me a dress code so why should you? don't feel bad you just met a cpl that wanted something diffarent out of swinging than you, imagin what they would be like if u actually met if they laying rule out like that b4 you have even said hello face to face!! just move on i'm sure there will be many couples u get on with out there its just finding them, u know the saying.....u have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince wink

I have noticed this also. On a couple ofoccasions I have decided not to reply or decline the offer when being presented with repeated demands which I feel unwilling to comply with.
I also think you are being harsh on yourself, why not try and focus on the fun element of things and try and relax about things.
Dont take it all so serious its not a test of your character or moral fiber.
Thanks for all the words of support. I did spend the day beating myself up about it, but I'm not going to give up with this swinging lark. I think Pete was right, I'm a very chilled out type of person and the fact they gave me a dress code on the day does show that they aren't my type of people.
I'm sure there are plenty of swingers out there that I'd get on well with, and I've been encouraged by the comments here. Thanks again.
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Right Tiger!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Log off your PC and go and put yourself on the Naughty Stair. You have to stay there for one minute for each year of your age, so we will see you back here in 26 minutes!! confused :? :? :? :?

another tanya byron fan huh? i think she s dead hot! is that wrong? help! lmao. Thats probably a thread all on its own i guess.
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Right Tiger!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Log off your PC and go and put yourself on the Naughty Stair. You have to stay there for one minute for each year of your age, so we will see you back here in 26 minutes!! confused :? :? :? :?

another tanya byron fan huh? i think she s dead hot? is that wrong? help! lmao. Thats probably a thread all on its own i guess.