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I'm back, but should I be.....................?

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Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t been around recently. This was due to something which I became involved with from here that was above and beyond what we, as moderators, should get involved in. However, it wasn’t something I could walk away from or even pass to someone else to deal with. It was hard to deal with, but I did, but felt I needed to reflect on what I was doing here and took some time out. I had to compare my real life to my swinging life and where my priorities lay. I didn’t disappear totally, spending time modding the ads, but deliberately staying off the Forums. By looking at it from a different perspective, I was able to think ‘what was I doing here?’ and ‘what do they want from me?’ I also was able to look at what you, the members, thought of what we, the moderators, do.
It seems that recently there appears to be a steady groundswell of members thinking it’s a good idea to have a go at the Mods. We were becoming ‘damned if we do, damned if we Why? What do you want from us? I mean, I can live with whingers if they have something constructive to say, but not whinging for whinging sake. If you think we are not doing something to your liking, don’t just moan, give us a proper explanation of what you think we should do. Don’t turn it into an open debate where everyone and his dog has an opinion, but give us proper feedback and how you would do it. We can then discuss the why’s and wherefore’s and what affect it would have overall to the site, the members and the implications for us. Some of the whinges we have had recently have been:
A member complained that he didn’t like his reply to be signed ‘Mod’, but wanted the Mod to sign their name personally. How pathetic!
Someone informing us of a fight in a swingers club, whereby one was a member of the site and the other was an ex-member. So what? Would you inform their Angling club? What the fuck has it got to do with us?
Getting third hand information. We get a story that someone has a problem and we should do this to that person and that to another person – yet the person who has ‘allegedly’ been wronged doesn’t come to us direct, but drums up support for the lynch mob before we get to find out about it. Why? All it does is dilute the problem and detracts from what actually happened and makes it more difficult to make a fair decision over the problem.
A member who posts for meets in the forum, but also has an ad with an age restriction on it. When asked if it still applies, he informs us it does but refuses to amend his post to reflect that and therefore wasting your time by people pm’ing only to be knocked back. Eventually I get this sort of response
“I'm having a definite problem with you.
I now consider this matter to be closed and will not be wasting anymore of my time answering your PMs which are taking you and I absolutely nowhere. I run my adverts my way, not yours.
End of..... Go and bother someone 
At which point I deleted his post and informed him why. But should I have had to spend so much time sorting it out?
The thing is, so many people think it clever to test us, to stay just within the limits of the rules,so they can show how clever they are without being banned. Why? Do you not think we have anything better to do with our time? We like to come on here and enjoy ourselves as well, you know. We don’t want to spend every second online chasing round after people who can’t be bothered reading the rules or who decide to ignore them or decide to be right on the edge and see if we react. I’ll give you an example. There is a member on here who, in real life, is a really nice guy. I have personally met him a few times and get on with him very well. He’s witty, intelligent, polite and helpful. However, once online he changes into a virtual mod-baiter, pushing to the edge but not quite stepping over it. He’s a popular member of the site. He again, posts some very witty and intelligent posts, but then goes off on one and hates to be reined in. Why? Why does this person do it? At this stage we, as mods, could quite rightly say that maybe he hasn’t crossed the line, but he’s close enough to make no difference and then he’s gone. But is there a winner or a loser in this situation?
We do this voluntarily. We don’t get paid, it’s not a power trip, it’s not a “I’m better than you, cos I’m a mod” type of thing either. We do it because we want this to remain the best free Swingers Site in the world. We do it because we don’t want the place overrun with arseholes being rude and aggressive to the normal members of the Site. We do it for god only knows how many reasons – but to be attacked isn’t one of them.
So why have a go at us?
I did this some time ago, but for the folks who didn’t see it before I’ll explain it again. This is what we have to do.
In the ads section. We daily delete hundreds of ads which don’t comply, ie phone numbers, prostitutes, illegal activities, timewasters and wrong categories. We answer emails from members concerning reported ads, why they were banned/deleted, etc. you might say why don’t we email each one to explain why we did what we did and that would cut down on the incoming emails. Think of the line above regarding ‘hundreds’ – I wasn’t exaggerating.
The forums. Deleting phone numbers, moving posts to the right forum, dealing with arguments, abusive posts, multiple posters, members having multiple names, ensuring banned members don’t return under a different name. Checking avatars comply, checking www links comply, advising and helping members, new and old. We basically check every post made on the forums, so if someone says ‘if you don’t like it, you don’t have to read it’, actually we do!
What do we get in return? Praise? Occasionally. Abuse? Unfortunately daily.
We are here for you, the members. So what do YOU want from us? Tell us. Do you want us to leave the one line ‘fancy a shag’ post or would you rather they were deleted? Do you want us to lock less posts? What would you want us to lock and what wouldn’t you want us to lock. What do you think of banning? Any ideas? Short term bans, other sanctions?
Come on, this is YOUR opportunity to have your say. Don’t sit at home and whinge. We want suggestions to improve the Site, we want them from you. Don’t come ball-aching later and saying this isn’t right or that isn’t right. This is your time to show whether you are a giver or a taker. Are you happy to just take all the time or like us, be prepared to give something back to this site.
The floor is yours!!
:therethere: Mal it's good to have you back (so to speak).
Personally I think the mods do a fantastic job and don't envy them at all. I've yet had a problem with any mod, although some of the forum members could learn by example and that applies to newbies and oldies alike.
:thumbup: and kiss to all the Mods (ok ok even Sarge rolleyes )
Thank you
Calista x
You guys and girls do a tough job
its like being an umpire or a referee
you get the odd one wrong but the overwelming majority right
so keep it up and stuff the winging ones
As Calista said
kiss for all Mods and Mark
Seems like only those of us who like the way this site is moderated have replied so far - but I do feel the need to repeat what I have said before. IMO this foum works well, and I, for one, stay becuase of the way it is moderated.
I say continue exactly as you have been doing in the time I have been a member here. kiss
Mal mate i am glad that you are back and i hope that talking a step back from everything has been good for you... we all have to do it from time to time and i think most of us know what mods have to put up with....
the mods do a brilliant job and if you didn't all run the site as well as you do then it wouldn't be half the site that it is... and long may it continue...... smile :) :)
sean xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Have to agree with what has been said so far-the Mods do a great job-sometimes threads could be let to run their course, but then again how does one decide which shouldn't? (unless against the AUP of course)
We are all supposed to be grown ups-surely we are able to take a bit of responsibility and ignore the mindless threads which then die a natural death?
The Mods have enough to do as it is and like Mal says, they come here to have a bit of fun too smile
Keep up the good work guys ;)
Minx xx
Hi Mate,
I know the feeling having previously been a mod, host, ass kicker etc. Its a thnkless task no matter how you look at it and worse of all you end up not getting to have any fun either.
Dont let the Bastards get you down. And if they start to boot them and block their IP. It works for me, lol.
@lpha :twisted:
Being a newbie I an say I haven't really had any problems with anyone on this site. They have all made me feel really welcome. Especially the Mods who welcomed me in with open arms.
I think the jobs you guys do is excellent and hope that all the geniune members out there show respect to you all. Because without you doing what you do behind the scenes then this site would not excist...
Good to have you back mate..
Roni B
It is nice to see you back Mal! kiss
I've said it before, I moderate on a totally unrelated site, I get the total hump when people are rude/obnoxious/abusive to me because they see me as personally responsible for them not getting their own way and letting them post what they want. Wrong! That's what an AUP does, Mods are purely the method of its implementation and are also subject to the same rules.
If I had to deal with the crap, abuse and constant sniping that you all do, there is no way on earth I'd still be doing it. I honestly don't know why any of you bother, you don't get much out of it that you wouldn't get as purely a site member dunno
It's nice that you all stick at it though, usually with grace under fire......although that could be the valium lol
Hi Mal nice to have you back. The mods do a great job, seems to me you keep a protective cloak over the site and those who use it. Thank you.
:love: xxx
Mal, your observations/comments are spot on "damned if you do, damned if you don't".
Moderators have a hard job on any site, let alone an adult one, where in all truth, much of the behaviour is far from adult!.
A lot of Moderator descisions are made on the spot/ spur of the moment. The benefit of the doubt has to be given to the action taken at the time, by "the man on the ground" - we could all make different descisions if blessed with hindsight before hand if you see what I mean dunno
Repercussions for the site if a suspect post/ad whatever is left can be most serious, but if an ad/post is edited/deleted/moved, so bloody what - it's no big deal is it ffs mad and the content of a lot of posts recently beggers belief evil Carry on doing what we all do with shite - dump it!
Keep at it Mods, your work is appreciated by most of us I'm sure, and rule 13 applies to all others :-
Quote by Rule 13
If you dont like the site or the way its run..... Go somewhere else!!!
I have the upmost respect for the Mods, their devoted time, effort, vigiilence and patience to name a few is just something i cant devote to something like this at the moment, plus the fact that they still have lives to live; work, children, housework, family members, school runs etc etc etc.
Sometimes, I just read a prats thread and just wonder how u just dont turn around and tell them to 'feck off' is beyond me! :twisted:
Hi Mal,
Glad you back as well, nice detailed post which although I knew you guys did brings it all back into focus. Since you asked for opinions and I note all of them are 'like as is' I would like to put one point.
I personally have a problem with locking threads, I know the mods have been holding back recently, I assume as an experiment and I have preferred the cafe. Some however have started posting non stop in threads that are junk that it needs to be locked? Behaviour that leaves me lost, if they don't like it why are the bumping it non stop to the top to say 'Look it not locked'?? We have to lock them to stop people asking, when all they had to do is leave it?
Hey ho I think this is just an example as I have said before of dammed if you do, and dammed if you don't. Personally I think unless there some AUP reason we should leave threads open, and people should avoid posting in threads they don't like (apart from sarcasm if they feel the need).
I feel this leads to more chats and conversation, even hijacks that may become interesting out of these otherwise junk threads. One purpose of the cafe is to get a feel for the other members personality, seeing how they handle others, even in a stupid question thread I think has a lot of benifit for forming that picture of them.
If someone keeps bumping their own thread when no one else likes it then I would go with a 1 week ban for em to solve it. Just to cover the other reason you would normally lock one.
I personally think threads should be deleted for breaking the AUP, and locked only when people are getting abusive. Junk should fall off by itself. Still that just my opinion, I not baiting you guys and if I ever getting on your nerves PM me and I would stop.
Just an opinion, and a suggestion as you requested. So always end on a positive, welcome back mate, look forward to many more chats in the future.
Brave man, T&H, but then... he is T. And H.
Good to see you back Mal.
I continue to appreciate the work the mods do, and think that they have got it just about right. I have on one or two occasions PM'ed a mod in support after some tricky situation or other - perhaps I should have done it more often.
If I was a mod I would probably lock a few MORE threads than is done now, as I hate the threads that just seem as though the only purpose they serve is to increase someone's post count, but I recognise I'm probably in a minority!
I wish I knew how to solve the problem of people who come on here with an attitude problem against authority - it's hard for any mod not to take it all personally.
no mods = choas
Quote by mal609
(Have read and am inwardly digesting the whole post, just wanted to respond to this bitsmile
So what do YOU want from us? Tell us. Do you want us to leave the one line ‘fancy a shag’ post or would you rather they were deleted? Do you want us to lock less posts? What would you want us to lock and what wouldn’t you want us to lock. What do you think of banning? Any ideas? Short term bans, other sanctions?

When it comes to locking 'crap' threads ("lick or be sucked?" that HAD to be a plant, surely?) I'm all for it. The only thing I have a problem with is the locking of repeat topics. If there are several identical threads on the go at once then it makes sense to lock all but one IMO, but locking something just because it's been done before, I think that's over the top. I don't see that recurring subjects do anyone any harm and if we can get people into the habit of titling their threads clearly, we can easily ignore anything we consider "done to death".
As for bans, there's an AUP and the only thing I've ever seen anyone banned for is breaching that and I see no reason to change the existing policy. Although I have to say, it has sometimes been the result of deliberate provocation by one particular mod. Not clever.
Hi Mal,
I don't post on here as often as some but I'd like to chip in my tuppenceworth.
I haven't always agreed with some of the decisions that have been made but I do know that without you guys putting the work in that you do the place would not work at all.
You are bound to get the knockers ( I should be so lucky !) You will get the people that push you to and beyond the limits. Fortunately you also get a majority of folks on here that are genuine and will have a reasoned discussion if they do disagree with something.
Don't let the idiots put you off. You are all doing a great job, I for one could not give the time and effort to do it so I thank you when you do.
Someone suggested a cooling off period after joining where the new member would be able to advertise and read the forums but not post. I think that this idea has some merit, as it would put off a lot of the " I want a shag and I want it now ! merchants.
It's easy to go onto a site, register and then post a load of rubbish.
If you know when you register that you won't be able to just wind folks up straight away, but will have to go to the trouble of waiting a week, finding the site again and then posting the crap it will make you think twice, to most of them it just won't be worth the bother.
I don't think that this would put genuine folks off much and it will give them a chance to look in and see what the site is about and then have more sucess when they do get to post.
Keep up the good work
I for one think that anyone that volunteer's to MOD on any site deserves the back up from the members. It is a thankless task at times and can seem to be a lot more hassle than its worth. I hope all the MOD's realise that they do a great job and we'd be pretty lost without them.
I just wish that people would remember that this is an internet meet up site and if they behave badly in here they'll get removed , I mean if people acted in the pub the way they seem to think they can act online then they would end up out on the street on their butts or worse be carted off to hospital because someone took exception to their behaviour.
I know I dont post much ( got a female mate lodging just now and the pc's in her room so dont get online much ) but I have run my own ( and mod'd in other peoples rooms ) on paltalk and that can be a very very thankless and stressfull task so I can only say to the MOD's you have my support and sympathy.
Hi Mal. It's good to see you round again. I'll send you a PM in a min mate.
As for the points raised above, well I do think that leaving locked threads on the board is probably not the best way to go. I came in a few weeks ago and about a third of the threads were locked. It seems to irritate people and then they react when they next post or see a mod on-line (and I know almost all of you peruse in hidden mode because when you do you get jumped on).
Surely the best way would be to just delete the thread rather than leave it locked and on the board?
Which brings us to the next point, the locking/deleting of crap or repeated threads. I've just read the AUP and I can't seem to find the section that says this will happen. Admittedly I've skim-read it, so I could have missed it, but I don't think I did.
It's a two way street guys, you expect us to follow the rules, but you don't post what the rules are and at the moment the minor rules about board netiquette seems to change from week to week.
The only reasons I can see for locking or deleting posts that are repeats or nonsense is a technical one (to reduce site bandwidth) or to prevent a mass-"lyching" of idiot posts as we've seen in the pasts. You know, the ones where someone posts something really stupid and then they get ripped into and then other members of the site play devils advocate and it sparks off WW3.
I think both sides (mods and norms) are to blame.
The mods/admin need to make sure that everyone, especially newbies are aware of netiquette for the site, rather than waiting for them to stumble into posting something they get jumped on for (because you guys are stressed) and then the newbie getting the hump and asking why etc. etc. This may hopefully, cut down on the mods workload in the long run.
We as board users need to grow up a bit and stop acting as though we're in the playground and picking on members en mass, so the pickee has to go find a dinnerlady... I mean mod. If your life's that dull that you feel the need to try and beat down and destroy another human beings personality for sport, then I recommend some form of councilling. If the person IS a genuine idiot then the mods are more than capable of working that out for themselves and taking the appropriate don't have to try and completely rip the piss out of them before Eastenders/the football starts.
We should all be adults here and as such we should be able to undersatnd another persons point of view and respect the fact that it's different from ours without it turning into a bun-fight.
*edit* as a nice mod kindly pointed out (there's a "k" in "fuckwit" wink lol ) there is a section in the greeting PM from the big black dalek that does give the mods carte blach over the posts. surprisedoops: So they are playing by the rules.
I'll wind me neck in now. :mrgreen:
Mal! passionkiss
:inlove: Great to see you back chicken! sillyassionkiss:
:karaoke: Have I told you lately that I ........ :karaoke:
:passionkiss: Mwah!
Gem. x
First of all Mal its great to see you back and I hope your feeling better!!
Now in reply to your questions , Don’t you think people have always had a go at the mods, perhaps its just that now there are more people to have a go at such a small band of people? That said the examples you give do seem a bit extreme, but presumably that’s why you choose them? People being people you are always going to find that a certain small proportion are going to be a pain in the ass, that’s life unfortunately!!
Myself I would prefer that the one liners are left on – then I know who not to talk to!!
I would prefer that there were less locked threads but that more specific guidelines were given about post banning was only done as a last resort a mod had sent at least a couple of pms to an offender pointing out the error of their ways and that they may get banned (do you do this already, I don’t know?) I would prefer this to be a private matter between the person about to be banned and the mod not cheap sarcasm by the mods on a thread. Infact , and this isn’t directed at any mod in particular, I think cheap sarcasm by a mod is unprofessional and only serves to demean the mods authority in the eyes of everyone else. A mods behaviour should be above reproach ,this in itself would in my opinion,n help to keep the standards on the Café high. As Blue said ages ago", get what you give on here."
Most of all I would like to see mods communicate more so if they lock a thread, don’t just lock it but tell us why, it may be obvious
To you but that dosnt mean it is to us!!
Communications has to be the key to all understanding (who said that , Im sure it was someone famous?)
Finally I wouold like to see mods treating us all the same. I feel that particulary since munches were introduced there has been a lot of favouritism, with those that have met (i said met , not shagged ) getting away with far more than others, again all mods should be abouve reproach if you want our respect.
Well there it is , you did ask, and once again good to see you back!!
Hi Mal, so very glad to see you back on the site and to see you posting again. You were certainly missed (well, your avatar was) lol
On a more serious note, I personally think that the Mods do a fantastic job, they put in all this work for the pleasure of all the members and often (from what I can see) do not to enjoy the site as much as the members cause they are always 'On duty'
Think BigScotsBoke said it better than I ever could.
Quote by BilgScotsBloke
I for one think that anyone that volunteer's to MOD on any site deserves the back up from the members. It is a thankless task at times and can seem to be a lot more hassle than its worth. I hope all the MOD's realise that they do a great job and we'd be pretty lost without them.

Quote by Calista
some of the forum members could learn by example and that applies to newbies and oldies alike.

Think this definately goes for all of us, and not just the ones who admit they make mistakes. We all do silly posts, say the wrong thing and sometimes do things that upset others, often not realising the consequences of our actions or opinions. We all need to be more tolerant of each other and as long as others are not getting too personal in their posts, or breaking site rules, perhpas we should just move onto the next post - live and let live! Dont think this is something that the Mods can control, we just need to act more like the Adults we pretend to be.
Quote by easy
I do think that leaving locked threads on the board is probably not the best way to go. I came in a few weeks ago and about a third of the threads were locked. It seems to irritate people and then they react when they next post or see a mod on-line (and I know almost all of you peruse in hidden mode because when you do you get jumped on).

Locked threads can be off putting but I must admit that they are often the first ones I read. Perhaps some of them should be deleted rather than locked.
Quote by Ice Pie
As for bans, there's an AUP and the only thing I've ever seen anyone banned for is breaching that and I see no reason to change the existing policy.

If we are not able to stick to the AUP, then we deserve to be banned, what else can I say. Break the rules, pay the penalty.
The Mods on this site do a fantastic job and I certainly am thankful for it. Maybe if there were a few more Mods it would it take some of the pressure of the rest and would perhaps allow you some 'free time' to enjoy the site like the rest of us.
Vacancy - Part Time Mods Wanted for Adult Swingers Site?
Welcome back and yes the mods do a fantastic job in most areas, but there again we are all human and some mods are better at one thing and another mod at something else........thats just life.
i agree with the following thou........
Myself I would prefer that the one liners are left on – then I know who not to talk to!!
I would prefer that there were less locked threads but that more specific guidelines were given about post banning was only done as a last resort a mod had sent at least a couple of pms to an offender pointing out the error of their ways and that they may get banned (do you do this already, I don’t know?) I would prefer this to be a private matter between the person about to be banned and the mod not cheap sarcasm by the mods on a thread. Infact , and this isn’t directed at any mod in particular, I think cheap sarcasm by a mod is unprofessional and only serves to demean the mods authority in the eyes of everyone else. A mods behaviour should be above reproach ,this in itself would in my opinion,n help to keep the standards on the Café high.
Most of all I would like to see mods communicate more so if they lock a thread, don’t just lock it but tell us why, it may be obvious
To you but that dosnt mean it is to us!!

But all in all you all deserve a big thankyou for all your help, support and hard work that you put in for what is essentially a thankless task.
kaz kiss
Just a crazy thought, have the mods thought of having alternate persona's so they can post as 'normal' person without their mod hat on all the time? Make these confidential, so mods can make their views heard coming from a site user perspective (as they are site users as well). Obviously this not instead of just being themselves, but an add on for when they want to make a point but feel stiffled by being a moderator.
Just a thought smile
OK. My thoughts for what they are worth. Very basically ....
* Only delete threads which break the AUP ( ban the member at the mods discretion)
* ONly lock threads that become abusive orbreak the AUP (mods discretion)
* Do not lock or delete "crap" or "done to death" threads. Crap is only your opinion, done-to-death is harmless and like TnH said, if its junk it will soon fall off the page anyway.
Small observation .... some people are criticised for chatting in a thread or simply flirting with private jokes etc etc, its usually the same people (we're onto the clique thing now ooops!). In all fairness, it appears, SOMETIMES that a mod will lock a daft thread like that UNLESS they are part of the in-joke/crowd whatever. I personally don't give a shit if folk want to do that but it's hardly fair. It's like one rule for one ... blah blah.
Anyway! I do think the mods do a good job and I don't envy them but at the end of the day, its is voluntary. However tedious or thankless it may be, you chose to do it. Reminds me of Victoria bloody Beckham whinging that the pap follow them everywhere and they have no privacy. rolleyes
That's all I have to say. please note, someone once said "Marya, just cos you're gobby, doesn't make you right", so feel free to ignore me.
Hi All,
I am still a relative newby to the site. Look at my posts count. But anyway the mods have been wonderful to me both forum and chat there are a number who i wud trust with my life.
If it wasnt for at least 2 mods i would not be on SH, the y have kept me going when i am down and looked after me. Whcih i greatly respect.
i even respect the mod that banned my thread, i made a mistake ona thread and it was deleated - i was annoyed at the time then the mod that locked it explained why, in whcig i apologiesed for and then accepted my mistake.
Mal, it's great to see you back. I have the greatest sympathy with what you had to deal with.
I wonder whether the fairly widespread locking of threads up to about a week ago wasn't in fact counterproductive. Those affected probably generated more traffic by asking 'Why?' than it was worth. The crap threads will die a death anyway - although I guess the volume of posters here now might make that more of a problem.
I don't think it's been too bad since the locking of threads dropped off a bit. This should be music to a Mod's ears methinks because if I'm right then the task may be diminished somewhat.
Lot o' sympathy with Ice's view.
I offer this in the most constructive spirit because I believe the Mods here do a fantastic job and trying to please even half the people even half of the time is impossible.