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Im Scared!!

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Two days ago I received a letter to say to phone the hospital admissions telephone number to arrange a date for me to go in for my operation, to have my wisdom teeth out, which are stuck behind and slightly underneath my molars, causing me tons of grief over the year! They have also said there is a risk of slight nerve damage because the teeth are very close to the nerves confused
Well, i havent phoned yet neutral
Im really scared, if i think about it, i cry, ive had wisdom teeth out in the dentists chair and it was shit scary, nurses holding my head still whilst the dentist pulls teeth out with pliers! Im going to be out for the count for this one, but doesnt make me feel any better.
Sex God
Stop being such a gurl and call the bloody number. Do you forget how lobg waiting lists are? <slaps>
It is a bitch of an op and you'll be bruised and swollen after for a week, but the eventual relief from the pain and discomfort is worth it.
*hugs* Come on - be a man about it!
Warming the Bed
Sooner you get it done the better,
and lets face it the discomfort you feel now is not about to go away.
So be brave, make that call, and then make sure you take up the appointment, and then hopefully by christmas all should be well and you will have forgotten everything.
You mentioned not being scared because you have children,
well teeth extraction cannot be nearly as tough as child birth!!!
Look on the bright side, for a short operiod of time you get to legitimately use a class A drug. After that they just give you paracetamol, but it does sweeten the cup for a short time!
Best wishes and good luck
Quote by jericho
You mentioned not being scared because you have children,
well teeth extraction cannot be nearly as tough as child birth!!!
Best wishes and good luck

erm well to be honest id prefer child birth anyday :shock:
Sorry i know im not helping much am i redface But just think you wont be awake for it at all,youll just get to fall asleep and when you wake up itll be imagine if it was one of your kids,just think what youd be telling them right now and take your own advice!!!
Itll be well worth it in the long run,you know it makes sense pick up the phone!!
awwww genherts :therethere:
be brave. go on. you'll feel better for it, honest! remember your siggie! you have children. can't be as bad as that now can it? ;) go on, pick up the phone, go on i'm watching. pick it up. you dialling? hhhhhhmmmm?
you'll be fine, and the relief will be worth it.
neil x x x ;)
hey its fine!......dont worry!......had both of mine out last year under a gen!.......... all that will happen is that you look a bit like a hamster after!.....but the swelling soon goes down!
They have to tell you about the nerve thing as they do have to cover them selfs! stop worrying and get there!... pm me if it helps ok!.....but off out me self to see doc to get this bloody coil out grrrrrrrrrrrrr
take you will be fine ok smile
Debbs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sos a bit rushed!
I know your all right confused But id still rather give birth again, had two kids with no paiin relief, and my second i had on my hallway floor and was delivered by hubby cos ambulance didnt arrive in time! And id still rather do that that have these flaming teeth out :? Im not suffering any pain at the moment so its ok, but when the pain comes back again i know ill want them out ASAP.
But, yes im gonna phone them now! EEkkk
I had my wisdom teeth out when i was at college, went in for the day and was terrified. I was thrid in line to go in and had to watch the others coming out. I was put to sleep so cant remember a thing but afterwards i was sick. Just stock up plenty of soup and soft things.
Good luck
F x
OK phoned them, dates set for 29th November, phoned a m8 to tell him and them prompty started crying confused
Warming the Bed
This is certainly not a very pleasant op, but that you need to have it is without any question whatsoever if you are to avoid very serious probs and pain as time goes by.
Do you by any chance have health insurance?
If so, there is a good chance that you can (a)claim all costs and (b) pick the top guy and hospital in the field.
My own view on dentistry is to go private every time ..... At least you have some control over the quality.
Warming the Bed
Welll Done,
Now to just keep the appointment and hope that the pain does not recur before you have them out.
Never had much trouble with mine, assuming I have some!!!! confused
Quote by crosspatch
Do you by any chance have health insurance?
If so, there is a good chance that you can (a)claim all costs an d(b) pick the top guy and hospital in the field.

No i currently dont have health insurance, had it all my working life and now im on a career break to raise my kids (old fashioned views there) cant afford health insurance. Oh well never mind.
Well done Genherts, making the appointment is half the battle, so now its closer to being over with smile Once its over & done with you will be glad that you went for it. I once read a book called feel the fear & do it anyway, fantastic book and would advise anyone to read it biggrin
good luck !! you,ll be fine they tell you the worst just to cover themselves, but it,s gonna be str8 forward so cheer up we,re all with you, you,ll soon get back into the swing of things.....pardon the pun.
GOOD LUCK , wink kiss
It doesn't have to be bad. My son went in to have his done in hospital and he was in discomfort for the rest of the day. After that he was OK.
Good luck and think of the relief - or better still don't think at all!
Warming the Bed
I had mine out after being put to sleep. I was told by the doctor of all the things that could happen after the operation but because of the pain and discomfort I had to go through with it. After the operation, to remove all four at once, there was only a little pain and no swelling or bruising at all and after a week it was life as normal.
So dont worry in the long run it will be good for you.
Sex God
Quote by GenHertsCpl
OK phoned them, dates set for 29th November, phoned a m8 to tell him and them prompty started crying confused

Be brave little one, it'll all be over before you know it and you won't notice a thing, just think of all the flowers and chocs Mr GenHertsCpl will be buying for you (though the chocs will probably have to wait a few days) cool
You will be fine and this is from an ex theatre dental nurse It will take about 45 mins you might wake with packs in your mouth which might make your jaw ache for a while but that’s it. Don’t eat anything to hot or cold for 48 hours. You may or may not have to go back for stitches to be taken out depending on how far into the bone they have to drill. If you want a full run down then PM me otherwise put it out of your mind till 24 hours before when your not allowed to eat that’s the hardest part!!!!!!! Oh and I had 28 hours of childbirth and I can tell you having my wisdoms out was a piece of cake in comparison! Had all 4 of mine out in my lunch hour under local and then continued to work in theatre for another 6 hours.
my name is down on the list.. am waiting for my appt to have mine done too.
am not looking forward to it.. but it cant be any worse than putting up with the constant ache that u have when they are in.
be brave... its worth it hun.
x x x x x xx x
Quote by butters999999
You may or may not have to go back for stitches to be taken out depending on how far into the bone they have to drill.

:shock: TMI :shock: lol
I kinda know what im in for, and thats the problem, i had a wisdom tooth taken out under local (never again horrific) and a few when i was about 11 years under general, felt so ill from the general, vomiting, falling asleep, dizzyness, not to mention the pain and blood!
Also I have low blood pressure and they said that although its an 'ok' low, they will keep an eye on it.
ANYWAY, thanks for your help and support, i know ill be fine, just worried thats all. :rose:
OMG I've found someone else with low blood presure! do you know how hard it is to fine anyone else? I know it's no fun but boy am i pleased! though I was the only one! How many times do they have to stab you with a needle before they find blood? my record is 19 times and 10 minutes! lol
Lol Butters, i know the feeling, felt like a pin cushion when i was pregnant, as they also had to test me for Gestational Diabetes (which i didnt have thank god) and needed to take blood 3 times with an hour in between! Oh what joy!
The worst was when i collasped with a severe kidney infection, and was dehydrated too, so they had terrible trouble finding a vein to put be on a drip :shock: I rarely swear but i nearly did then!
It can be hell! I've had cancer this year and oh my god try and fine a vein for the chemo when you have low blood pressure is like trying to fine gold in Beckhams under pants! Funny thing is I had normal bloody pressure when I was pregnant both times!
Sex God
Quote by butters999999
You will be fine and this is from an ex theatre dental nurse It will take about 45 mins you might wake with packs in your mouth which might make your jaw ache for a while but that’s it. Don’t eat anything to hot or cold for 48 hours. You may or may not have to go back for stitches to be taken out depending on how far into the bone they have to drill. If you want a full run down then PM me otherwise put it out of your mind till 24 hours before when your not allowed to eat that’s the hardest part!!!!!!! Oh and I had 28 hours of childbirth and I can tell you having my wisdoms out was a piece of cake in comparison! Had all 4 of mine out in my lunch hour under local and then continued to work in theatre for another 6 hours.

Don’t eat anything to hot or cold for 48 hours ... doesn't leave an awful lot when you exclude hot and cold does it?
You may or may not have to go back for stitches to be taken out depending on how far into the bone they have to drill ... woah there ... a little TOO much detail!
Quote by butters999999
It can be hell! I've had cancer this year and oh my god try and fine a vein for the chemo when you have low blood pressure is like trying to fine gold in Beckhams under pants!

Sorry to hear that butters999999, hope you're ok now. I know chemo takes a lot out of you.
BTW, who's Brian?
Don’t eat anything to hot or cold for 48 hours ... doesn't leave an awful lot when you exclude hot and cold does it?
lol too hot or too cold so no chillies or ice!
You may or may not have to go back for stitches to be taken out depending on how far into the bone they have to drill ... woah there ... a little TOO much detail!
Yea sorry forget people get squeamish!
It can be hell! I've had cancer this year and oh my god try and fine a vein for the chemo when you have low blood pressure is like trying to fine gold in Beckhams under pants!

Sorry to hear that butters999999, hope you're ok now. I know chemo takes a lot out of you.
Was told I am in remission on August 18th so only 5 years to go before I can say I’ve beaten it! I’m fine and thank god that I’m alive life’s for living so that’s what I’m doing.
BTW, who's Brian?
lol my brother whos hung like a donkey!
Im so sorry Butters, hope you come through this, you sound like your coping very well, Hugs :rose:
I'm fine wasn't back in Feb. / March time never been so low in my life! But now there’s no stopping me as a couple of friends found out on Tuesday night :twisted: ffm for 4 hours non stop boy was I a happy bunny!
Onwards and upwards huh, way to go girl!!
flipa to Cancer!!
:therethere: GenHertsCpl.....
I avoid dentists like the plague, bloody hate them I do.... I feel for you hunni I really do, Wisdom teeth are a pain in the backside...
I am fortunate in the fact that I dont have any to come through, but Steve had to go the the Birmingham Dental Hospital earlier this year as one of his was growing on an angle into his back molar.... They gave him 7 injections and then just whipped them out... :shock: :shock: Stoopid dental nurse (no offence intended butters babe) said to him as she was handing back his teeth... "Dont get putting them back in now"... :shock: :shock: Yeah right!!... As if!!... I didn't realise just how big they were.... Bloody hell they were huge!!...
Anyway, I really hope that you are okay..... You know it will be worth it in the end, I know that doesn't make you feel any better... Well it wouldn't me anyway... sad
Hugs & kiss
Ooohhhh forgot to mention....
My blood pressure is slightly under the perfect 120/80 at 100/70, but when I am pregnant it drops to 90/40.... The midwife kept re taking it saying "Are you sure you are still alive???".... :shock: lol :lol: