Jesus thats a bit shallow eh?? Mebbie its just me!
Depends all us women are different body shapes!! Thats all Im saying!
I think she'd look kinda like a girl I went to school with. Ah, happy days...
If you want my opinion, Blue's spot on; ask for a picture. Send her one of yours first though so she doesn't feel you've put her on the spot.
thanks for comments, peeps. I didn't want to come across as shallow - it's just that physically i have a type that i really go for and just wanted opinions on what that body shape looked like.
will ask for pic and see what happens
Reese, if that is vix she's bloody gorgeous!
isn't it funny when people wonder what u r like based on your size/height etc?
I chatted to a guy on another site for ages and almost met him - during conversation one day he mentioned he didn't like "fat birds" I queried this and his reply was "anything over a size 12 turns me off"
I then asked him to o and look at my profile pics once again and tell me what size he thought I was
his reply was "babe you're a size 10 and gorgeous"
Imagine his shock when I told him I'm a size 14 on the bottom 16 on top and proud of my figure - and yes the girl in the pics was and still is me. Maybe I just have a knack of takin a good pic of myself or something!!!!
Needless to say that conversation didn't last much longer and I never met the shallow tw*t
Ok maybe you do have a point ( I was on the vergo of killing someone at that time unrealted to this thread just me hormones haha!)
I really dont fancy skinny blokes I kinda like big guys (not giant) but definetly have to have more than one bit of meat on them if you catch my drift!! haha (and Im not going on about cock size!)
I would have to support the writer of this thread someway.
I still need physical attraction before meeting somebody for sex and quite often, you are mistakingly taken for a pic collector if you simply ask for a pic to satisfy yourself that the attraction is there.
Nevertheless, some advice might be to get your head straight about sizes etc, so 1) you know in future, 2) you don't offend somebody unnecessarily and 3) so you dont miss out on someone you think you wont like, but who might be gorgeous!!! (like Vix)
my opinion on this is:-
i am attracted to personality, and, if i gel enough with that, the body shape and size is my dreams i have visualised the "perfect partner", but rarely have i dated someone who looked similar....and the personality was a fat zero!! my partners have been from one extreme to the other... opposite poles in the size indeed i have been....i think body/image preferences may play a part in who we initially choose to talk to, but its the bond that exists / develops between people that provides the staying power, intimacy and friendship ties...
until we know people, we may have a particular size and shape, hair length, colour etc in mind... that might be what we choose to stick to, prefering it...well, i think thats ok if thats how you feel, so long as you respect others in any feedback you give them...treat others as you wish to be treated yourself... but its also ok to accept variety if the common thread is a deeper, emotional or friendship one, and, to you, size isn't the issue!
To give an example of what i'm trying to say...if i was going to approach someone in a nightclub, i would probably be influenced by appearance, along with personality, character...however, i have some splendid friends i have met in forums etc, who i may not have approached and vice versa....but i would of missed the bright "spark" that was picked up in chatting and getting to know the individual, before knowing their a/s/l etc details...
feel like i'm rambling a bit....but, well, i know what i mean....
i think i wanted to say, "if they make you smile or laugh....enjoy them!!" it's rare!!