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I managed to pull the muscle under my tongue through overzealous use (!)...
:cry: :cry: :cry:
It makes talking and eating quite painful, pronouncing certain words are more sore than others.
Also just noticed while brushing my teeth that a tiny bit of the connecting tissue that joins my tongue to the floor of my mouth is torn! :violin:
Currently holding a mouthful of cold water to try and reduce the swelling...
I guess I need to come up with some warm up exercises before I dive in next time :rude:
I was going to go and see my dentist, but I'm worried what to say if she asks how I did it!
Anyone else care to share their embarrassing injuries?
Sounds painful - although not as bad as the Great Britain Rugby league player at the weekend who broke the top of his mouth?? didn't even know it was possible.
:shock: sounds like you need to see a Doctor more than a Dentist
That sounds really painful. Ouch.
I once dislocated my wrist quite badly when my hand was in a particularly warm and wet place. It was very embarrasing trying to explain how I did it at the hospital redface
Quote by TallFunLondon
Sounds painful - although not as bad as the Great Britain Rugby league player at the weekend who broke the top of his mouth?? didn't even know it was possible.

That happened to a mate of mine a few years ago - he was walking home pissed after a club and woke up on the grass verge at 5 am with a splitting headache. Thinking he'd fallen over and passed out he wandered home, where he realised that he was bleeding from the ear and his wallet and watch were missing. When he got himself to hospital he found he'd got a fractured bone in his ear but they missed the one in his mouth until it went septic a few weeks later, not nice. The medic who examined him reckoned that somebody had hit him from behind with a baseball or cricket bat and left him for dead. :shock:
Better post an on-topic reply as well.
I've also strained my frenulum (yes it shares it's name with part of the penis) giving oral, but never torn it to my knowledge. It should heal up fairly quickly - keep it clean and try not to smoke/drink alcohol for a few days. You shouldn't need to see a Dr/dentist unless it gets infected.
In the past I've also pulled abdominal muscles whilst hump - that's pretty painful as I couldn't find a position where they didn't hurt, and they took a week to recover.