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How many wonderful words and phrases do you use instead of the correct names for objects and things around the house (or even your body parts)?
Do you often ask for the 'doo-dah' instead of the remote control?
Does your partner look at you gone out when you ask for the 'whats-it thingy' when you clearly mean the pizza cutter?
What are your favourite ones?

Oh this is right up my street. Very wise woman that Polo Lady.
Most people have no clue what I'm talking about most of the time because I can't remember the words for things and I run through a list before finally someone guesses, a bit like lingual give us a clue. (this being even funnier because I know there is a word for give us a clue but can't think of it - I have solitaire and semaphor so far)
A line my friends throw back at me is "You know, the thingy with the stuff"
My favourite is my late hubby saying he was going to "Hoover the lawn"
The remote is the doofah in my house and for some reason washing up liquid is referred to as Fairy-up dunno
Minx x x
where's that thingy-ma -gig dunno goes with my wot -do -u -call-it lol
can never find the feckin doo-be da's
For me - anything and everything is a dooberry (do-buri).
this is bugging me now, another name for 'give us a clue'
may start with s.
Quote by H-x
this is bugging me now, another name for 'give us a clue'
may start with s.

try charades h-x
Quote by Feklar
this is bugging me now, another name for 'give us a clue'
may start with s.

try charades h-x
Is it a film, or a book? :shock:
thank you
thank you
thank you
thank you
was driving me batty.
Lionel Blair confused dunno
ooojamaflop or dooflop in our house biggrin
works all the time with the kids they always bring the right item but ask for them to pass the cornflakes and you can guarantee you'll get the cocopops confused :? :? lol
mr and mrs dpg xxxx
Quote by H-x
this is bugging me now, another name for 'give us a clue'
may start with s.

Lonni xxx
In my house its a:
The WHOOSH Manâ„¢
butons = remote or gadget = remote ur things = well u know the toy box ( not the kids lol)
the remote controls in our house are called clickers redface
the remote in our house is the flickydoodab!
anything else comes under the term oojit ..... as in "have you seen my oojit thingy?" dunno
sometimes the "doodit" is used instead.
C x
Quote by PoloLady
Lionel Blair confused dunno

Barber: "you could have a LIonel Blair cut like mine"
Customer: "Lionel Blair does not have his hair cut like yours"
Barber: "Does if he comes here"
That always cracked me up smile
Mr Tweeky
Quote by PoloLady
Lionel Blair confused dunno

Or Una Stubbs *shudder*
The Irish word is "Yoke"
The remote and the phone in our house are both called 'where the fluck is it now' !!
lol :lol:
remote control in our house is a Dibber
anything else - usually tool or implements used for something eg tin opener/ spanner are Doofers
and anything I cant remember the name of is a Wotsit :lol:
the remote control in our house is called 'the plonker' say when we ask where the plonker is the other 1 always says sat next to me lol
um i use the word numpty quite alot as in u numpty...
but i fink fingymajig is probably used for me universally lol