How many wonderful words and phrases do you use instead of the correct names for objects and things around the house (or even your body parts)?
Do you often ask for the 'doo-dah' instead of the remote control?
Does your partner look at you gone out when you ask for the 'whats-it thingy' when you clearly mean the pizza cutter?
What are your favourite ones?
Oh this is right up my street. Very wise woman that Polo Lady.
Most people have no clue what I'm talking about most of the time because I can't remember the words for things and I run through a list before finally someone guesses, a bit like lingual give us a clue. (this being even funnier because I know there is a word for give us a clue but can't think of it - I have solitaire and semaphor so far)
A line my friends throw back at me is "You know, the thingy with the stuff"
My favourite is my late hubby saying he was going to "Hoover the lawn"