Quote by Lilith
@Starlight...ok, we get it; you disagree! Now, why don't you go and polish your halo while the rest of us stay here and chat with Dave, eh?
Duly told off by teacher

Quote by Cubes
... the mere fact most of us are here in the first place shows what we think of certain fairly basic societal norms, claiming a right to make moral decisions re: our sexuality and the expression of it for ourselves regardless of what wider society might think.
Quote by tweeky
... the mere fact most of us are here in the first place shows what we think of certain fairly basic societal norms, claiming a right to make moral decisions re: our sexuality and the expression of it for ourselves regardless of what wider society might think.
Quote by Lilith
Last post in here from me
Quote by Lilith
I do agree that if you only want to play with genuine singles, genuine couples, and/or one part of a couple where the other person consents, it does make things difficult when someone is not 100% honest about their status on their profile. However, it is not possible to control the decisions and actions of others and there's only so much we can do to check that a person we are speaking to on the site is being genuine and upfront.
Ultimately, each one of us needs to decide the extent to which we feel comfortable to meet with and/or play with and/or communicate with any other person that we meet through this site. For some people, the risk of unwittingly participating in "cheating" may be enough to put them off a site like this altogether. For others, it may be enough to follow their own rules and try their best.
Quote by Lilith
Whatever is right for you, I'd like to think that this is the kind of environment where people can have fun without worrying about being judged.
Quote by Lilith
I know I said I wasn't going to repeat things I've said in previous threads (and I know that this encouraging the off topic debate!), but given that others have set out their views in detail, here's my two penneth worth...
I don't believe in the idea of a universal morality. I believe that everyone has their own unique moral code, which is developed by a combination of factors and experiences, including upbringing, social environment, social conditioning, life experiences, and a raft of other internal and external influences.
There are, of course, majority views on right and wrong in every society. But, alongside these more widespread moral norms are our own, internal moral norms, which we each develop individually. Different people are influenced to different degrees by external factors like what is considered within society to be right or wrong. But, ultimately, each of us will make decisions based on what we believe is right or wrong.
So, provided you make your decisions based on what you feel is morally acceptable for you, why should you care what anyone else thinks? We cannot live our lives based on what is right for others; we can only strive to do what is right for us.
So, if you feel comfortable playing with someone who is in a relationship where their partner either doesn't know or does know but doesn't want to play, then go for it. If not, then don't.
I do agree that if you only want to play with genuine singles, genuine couples, and/or one part of a couple where the other person consents, it does make things difficult when someone is not 100% honest about their status on their profile. However, it is not possible to control the decisions and actions of others and there's only so much we can do to check that a person we are speaking to on the site is being genuine and upfront.
Ultimately, each one of us needs to decide the extent to which we feel comfortable to meet with and/or play with and/or communicate with any other person that we meet through this site. For some people, the risk of unwittingly participating in "cheating" may be enough to put them off a site like this altogether. For others, it may be enough to follow their own rules and try their best.
Whatever is right for you, I'd like to think that this is the kind of environment where people can have fun without worrying about being judged.
Quote by tweeky
Of course everyone has a moral code of their own. What we are talking about here though is couples and most couples have an agreement whatever form that takes, discussed non discussed a vow? Most of us know what our agreement is. There are ways in which you can break that agreement to a minor or major degree. I would say though if you are doing something that you are hiding from your other half as you suspect they would disprove then you are breaking that agreement. It may be no different to haveing a porn collection but then I have one and Mrs Tweeky knows about it. If you were a devout Christian couple one of you having a private porn collection could be a massive breach of the agreement.
As swingers I dont feel as Cubes suggested that I should be less judgemental on the Op. I fail to see the comparrison, I am not hiding things from my significant other and they are. I am a swinger in a consentual swinging relationship. The Op wants to be a swinger has a non complient partner and is online investigating the options without their knowledge. Sorry but there is nothing making me want to shout out SNAP.
Quote by Lilith
Sorry... One other thought...
Given that people can be on this site without the knowledge of their significant other, and given that a lot of people feel so strongly about cheating that they wouldn't want to unwittingly participate in an adulterous act, it does strike me as rather counter-productive to berate someone in a piblic forum who is being upfront about his situation. Surely this sort of open attack on site members - making them feel unwelcome in the community and judged - is more likely to result in people hiding their situation for fear of being ostracised... Again, I'm not saying you have to approve / encourage / be actively welcoming. But, certainly in this scenario (to adapt something my mother always said) I'd suggest that if you don't have anything nice to post in response to the op's thread, then don't post anything at all...