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OK so assuming that we can't all go all night shagging without the need for a break, what does everyone do in between shags? Play without penetration, stroke, lick/nibble? Or do you go and have a nice cuppa and a breath of fresh air at the window/door?
Or anything else?
I/we like to have a bit of a snuggle and we'll maybe get up for a drink.
yep, snuggle and a cold drink for us too biggrin
Ooh yes, a nice cup of tea, and a load of stroking. lol
Drinks maybe some thing to eat....
Take a breath. wink
Who said we can't shag all night? :twisted:
Quote by westerross
Take a breath. wink
Who said we can't shag all night? :twisted:

Without stopping? :twisted:
We usually go to work......for 5 days between shags!!
Even though we are young and still fancy each other loads we just don't do it that often, hectic lives I think (hope) lol
When we first started seeing one another it was literally 8 times a day, but after living together for 4 years we have kind of leveled out the frequency.
He goes for a cigarrette and i go the loo, have a wash and get a drink and maybe nod off depending if he puts telly on while he smokes.
Marriage is great innit? lol
I presume you mean 'play' then Yep interlude for a drink, normally though by the time we've finished playing it's the early hours and we're kind of ready for home and bed (with another fiddle thrown in for good measure) lol
If it's just the two of us it depends on the time of day! wink
Cuddle, natter and I love a brew rolleyes
I usually nip down to front for a little tub of Cornish ice cream and a packet of toffee popcorn from the lady with the illuminted tray but always find a clean seat to return to.
After finishing the ice cream and popcorn we then move to another clean seat.
Good excercise!
dek usually rolls off and either eats or goes to sleep
i sometimes have to have a little helping hand from mr rabbit before i go to sleep redface
during play we usually snuggle up have a drink etc
if wor lass is involved it will normally involve sleep and food.
If it is me then a cuppa and a chat, while idling touching and stroking.
I normally do some knitting or finish the crossword! :rascal:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by Erotykus
I usually nip down to front for a little tub of Cornish ice cream and a packet of toffee popcorn from the lady with the illuminted tray but always find a clean seat to return to.
After finishing the ice cream and popcorn we then move to another clean seat.
Good excercise!
Mmmmm Cornish ice cream in those little tubs is yummy!!
I like a nice sarnie and cuppa tea myself, then cornish ice cream smile
I think depends on how long we've been going and how knackered we are.
If knackered then a comfy doze in a moist entwinement usually does the trick.
A cuddle, a stroke and a talk is equally nice....
Quote by Stormwalker

Do you break wind and roll over first? smile
Sweet nothings and stroking
Between shags?
How long have you got?? lol
Ps I thought shags had gone out of fashion sad