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I just read Judy TV`s last post on Emma`s thread, and rather than hijack her thread with this, thought it might be more prudent for me to start a fresh one.
I just wanted to point out to all those members on this site, who show intolerance to other members, that in joining here, and accepting the lifestyle of the `average` swinger, they themselves open themselves up to a lifestyle which is questionable to many. Do we accept the prejudice which accompanies this much of the time...........
So when there are others on this site, who`s sexual activities do not quite meet the `norm` in ways other than swinging, whose to say this isn`t as acceptable?
Where are the Sex Police? How do they draw the line? Let me know, because I always drew the line at non-consentual and harmful sexual activity. If I am mistaken, I`d really welcome one of the Sex Police coming on here and correcting me.
Ok, I`m done redface
Sex God
Well said
From any reasonable persons point of view
live and let live
Judy ignore this ignorance and hope it will not happen again
Quote by warwick
Well said
From any reasonable persons point of view
live and let live
Judy ignore this ignorance and hope it will not happen again

Totally agree with you there :!:
Lucy kiss
Warming the Bed
Well said biggrin
Quote by VenusnMars
I just wanted to point out to all those members on this site, who show intolerance to other members, that in joining here, and accepting the lifestyle of the `average` swinger, they themselves open themselves up to a lifestyle which is questionable to many.

To add - there is no such thing as an 'average' and the definition of a 'swinger' is very open. We are each individuals with our own likes/ dislikes, our own reasons for being here.
"Nothing dies so hard, or rallies so often as intolerance."
Very true, I know some of my likes and dislikes would be totally different to others here. Unfortunately some people don`t look past the `liberated sex` angle, but as you say, there is a lot more to it than that.
For me the idea of Swinging Sex is a wonderful compliment to my marraige. It shows us that we have a wonderful understanding of each others needs, and the commitment to one another to cater for this. I can think of few things more satisfying than experiancing fun with others which I am also sharing with Mars, knowing that this is something we allow because of our love for one another. We wish to let each other experiance as much as possible because we are in love, not in spite of it, and we both wish to be a part of that for each other.
There is more to it than just that also, but thats how it works between us, in our marraige. The friendship and sharing ourselves with others is important for all kinds of reasons, we don`t just see others as tools for our enjoyment.....................unless I am having one of my deviant fantasies of course, in which case it works both ways! :twisted:
Venus - well done for starting this thread.
I too was very struck by Judy's post. I was also slightly embarrassed because I hadn't really appreciated that she had been the victim of intolerance and felt guilty that I hadn't noticed. The beauty of this place is that people are appreciated for their thoughts and personalities and are not judged in any way. Having met Judy I would certainly have been happy to leap to her defence if she was under attack in any way.
There are a lot of members (and I am one of them) who have never 'swung' at all. No doubt we all joined for different reasons, but we have stayed because of the wonderfully free and friendly atmosphere here and the friendship we have found. Some of us have been fortunate enough to find a lot more than that, and will ever be grateful to this site as a result. What we have here is a genuine community where people watch out for each other. It is a privilege to be part of it.
Venus, I am with you when you draw the line at non-consentual activity. I could never condone anything that was exploitative or relied upon coercion. Anything that broad minded (and, more importantly, open minded), consenting, mature adults find fun is fine by me - whether or not it is something that I would choose to indulge in myself. It doesn't affect their worth as a person and has no bearing on how I feel about them. When you read posts on this site you have no idea (usually) what the poster looks like, sounds like, what their background is or anything else. You can form an opinion of them based on what they have written entirely without prejudice. If only the world at large was more like that!
Intolerance of others (except the prejudiced and intolerant) should have no place anywhere but especially not here.
I don't have much more to say, just wanted to say that I agree with everything that has been said on this thread.....
I actually told my best friend about my thoughts on Swinging and said that I would love her to meet some of my online friends at a Munch....her instant reaction was that I was taking her to an Orgy....I tried to explain this was not the case at a Munch but she totally changed the now I've given up trying to explain myself to other people.
I've decided that as long as what I do doesn't harm anyone else there is no reason for me to change......this place is an amazing relief to find other people who think the way I do.
I'd like to agree with all that has been said on here, and also add that some of the attitudes displayed by some people towards others can be seen as offensive but to be honest I think it's a great credit to this site that there isn't a big problem with this.
But, and please don't take this the wrong way, Is there a danger that people may be afraid to express their opinions if they feel they do not fit in with the majority of people on here. Some are very headstrong and confident and will think f**k you if you don't agree but some may not feel that. I am not advocating people have a pop at each other or be offensive to each other through clumsily made points (I know as I have made some) but sometimes it just feels that people are following each other in order to fit in.
Back to the main point and that is we as a group, whatever camp we are in, are a minority in this world as Dreamer Helens point outlined and If we can't feel comfortable here, whoever we are in this environment then what hope is there for us??
Quote by DreamerHelen
I actually told my best friend about my thoughts on Swinging and said that I would love her to meet some of my online friends at a Munch....her instant reaction was that I was taking her to an Orgy

Have to say that this is a common reaction for people new to swinging when we invite them to one of our swinging parties. They are nervous as hell (understandable) because they do not know that the events are mostly social events and a complete scream where all the swinging is upstairs if they decide they want to play. We always joke with newcomers to parties that they have to turn up to their first party naked and are allowed to add one article of clothing for every party they attend. (I am on 27 items now! wink )
A couple we met for the first time asked us what swinging parties were really like and we said that you walk in naked and join straight into the orgy. Their eyes were like saucers! When we invited them to our next party they were really anxious until they saw what it was really like. rotflmao
The reason I stayed at this site was for the forum and the wide range of diverse commentaries there are in here from very very funny threads to others that really make you think about who and what you are. I have never swung which hasnt stopped me meeting people nor will it. This site I think attracts a wide range of people because it is a good place to chat and meet people (you know who I mean biggrin xxx) and I have made more honest statements in here than I have for a long time. Those people who make negative judgements about individuals need to examine why they are doing it. We all come to the table with baggage and this can come through at times I am sure. Sayng this I come also to the table with my own opinions that I will share which also I think has to be acceptable as debate is healthy as long as it is not aimed at an individual that can be hurt by my comments. That is not the same as taking the 'piss' which I love having taken out of me as life is too serious and friendly banter is bloody good because it means you are taking part and this place lets you do that safely.
I think it is sad that people leave who feel victimised and if it ever happens to me I will knock it on the head straight away.
Anyway back to posting threads xxxxxxx
God forbid the day that we all agree with each other!
Along with death, disagreement is the only certainty in this world. Disagreemnt challenges us to re-examine our views of the world and often is the seed of change; sometimes it merely reaffirms our thoughts and feelings.
Freedom is the right to hold and harbour personal beliefs and desires and perform actions based on those beliefs conditional upon a social responsibility that we shall apply so as to not cause harm to others.
We cannot deny others the right to believe and act as they wish providing they do not seek to harm or control other memebers of society.
Intolerance is the fuel of war and weapon of tyranny.
Live (listen) and let live my motto
And if the others don't agree with you ....F**k em !!!!!
Quote by niceguysdoexist
Along with death disagreement is the only certainty in this world. Disagreemnt challenges us to re-examine our views of the world and often is the seed of change; sometimes it merely reaffirms our thoughts and feelings.

Which is why I invited the `Sex Police` to the thread. Where the hell are they? biggrin
Sex God
Quote by FredFlintstone
They are nervous as hell (understandable) because they do not know that the events are mostly social events and a complete scream

Not me hun. I'm never nervous when I come to your parties but have to agree that they a scream
Dawn :silly:
p.s. Hiya Nicetwat, long time no insult kiss
Excuse the thread interruption......
You say the nicest things lol Just not to me !!! sad
Take care
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Not me hun. I'm never nervous when I come to your parties but have to agree that they a scream

So how come you keep peeing in the street outside? rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I also remember having to escort you to your first ever party hun and you were half lashed before you got there! wink :wink: :wink:
XXXXXXXXXXX (All for Dawnie baby!)
Sex God
If I remember correctly I WAS very nervous but a couple of glasses of the pink drink I soon found myself on the receiving end of some lovely licking!!! redface
(Was fully clothed... biggrin )
Sex God
Quote by FredFlintstone
A couple we met for the first time asked us what swinging parties were really like and we said that you walk in naked and join straight into the orgy. Their eyes were like saucers! When we invited them to our next party they were really anxious until they saw what it was really like.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for not trying that one on Jags. She'd never have gone (she wouldn't have believed you, but the persuasion would have been much harder), and that would mean she wouldn't have taken me, and that would mean I wouldn't have met all those lovely people and had such a great night.
I think as far as this site is concerned, the "Sex Police" is Mark. It's his site, and he makes the rules.
I'm not very good at confrontation. My response to intolerance is usually to ignore it. That doesn't mean that I approve; simply that I don't want to make things worse by throwing fuel onto the fire. Yes, I'm a wimp.
I haven't (yet) been involved in any actual swinging. So far I'm just here for the social side. Equal measures of lack of time, nerves, and my "don't ask, don't get turned down" nature.
Sex God
Quote by FredFlintstone
So how come you keep peeing in the street outside? rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
I also remember having to escort you to your first ever party hun and you were half lashed before you got there! wink :wink: :wink:

I only peed in the street once!
But yes, I have been known to have just a small drink or two before I go meeting anyone.
So I'm the shy nervous type and need dutch courage redface I'm usually ok when I get settled in though :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
Quote by DJohn

I'm not very good at confrontation. My response to intolerance is usually to ignore it. That doesn't mean that I approve; simply that I don't want to make things worse by throwing fuel onto the fire. Yes, I'm a wimp.
I haven't (yet) been involved in any actual swinging. So far I'm just here for the social side. Equal measures of lack of time, nerves, and my "don't ask, don't get turned down" nature.

In reveiwing the thread today, I do seem to have come across as a little provocative! I didn`t really think and `sex police` would respond to a challenge, which is just as well, as I`m not in the habit of becoming confrontational either! I can be, but I don`t like to be, primarily because my sex life, and anyone elses is noones business but their own, (and those they invite!)
I haven`t swung yet either, although I have had experiances with threesomes way back when!
Now I`m older and wiser I prefer this approach smile