My daughter has told us that a boy at school is bulling her, he keeps telling her she is fat She is no way fat, but is changing shape and is developing perfectly. She has now started to hide her body behind baggy clothes. Yesterday she came down stairs wearing a skirt leggings and a top, she looked beautiful, but then before going out changed back to her track suit bottoms. This upsets us as I would like my children to be happy within themselves and who they are.
We sat her down and explained boys are stupid at this age, (she is 11) boys that say silly things are the ones that mean the opposite generally, they are the ones that like you, but just don’t know how to react in the right manner.
She is sensible and understands what we are saying but still finds it hard to deal with.
While I think it is time to go to the school and have a word with the head, I don’t always feel this to be the right action to take. As in life she is always going to come up against people that say nasty things she needs to learn a way of coping with this, so she doesn’t take any notice of those that wish to hurt feelings.
What do you think?
Are there other ways to deal with it?
She feels she is being bullied, I see it as some people say things without thinking. What do you think?
If the term bulling to widely used these days?
If it is causing your daughter distress I reckon its bullying and u have to get the school to make sure it stops.
All joking aside, I was bullied when younger for years. I was terrified to go out through the door.
As the 'bully' was also a neighbour it didnt stop at the school gates.
In those days you either sank or swam, Im afraid I sank. I sank to the lowest depths of unhappiness. Not only was all this happening, my Father, and I use that term loosely, was an alcoholic and a violent bully.
It seemed to me the only place I was safe was when I went to visit my Grandparents in another town.
Its only since Ive become an adult that I have learned how to deal with things better and even now I hate confrontation but that said, I will not let anyone bully me or mine.
I hope you can reach a satisfactory conclusion to this Minx, I sincerley do.
bullying is such a difficult subject,two years ago my 12year step daughter was being bullied in her new school,this stressed the entire family so my ex went to school and had a word with the head our suprise it just made it worse she ended up being victimised alot....
so one day i got so worked up with the situation and drove to the parent of the ring leader of this bully group,asked her dad to join me for a drink in the nearest i told him all that my little girl has been through in life,one divorce and a seperation..we both broke down at some point.
these two little girls are best of friends now,her school work has improved dramatically
dont ask me who is my only permanent taxi driver is
i hope you get a solution to your daughters' situation soon before it gets out of hand
Bullying on a name calling level can be tough to deal with. If someone just says hey knobhead then thats one thing but some people have the uncanny knack of finding what hurts a person and using it. I can say this with a certain amount of sureness as I actually know of someone broke his own nose after listening to jibes about it's size for years, he actually slammed it against a door edge with that much force.
Kids and more so teens can be very sensitive about they look, after all image is evertyhing at that age and for someone to take the time to hurt someone for the way they look, well quite simply they are a bully.
To me, it's bullying when it's persistent and malicious - whether it's verbal or physical.
Up to a point, I try to ignore the children calling one another names - it's easy to sort out at that level. I'll obviously point out that it's not a pleasant thing to do, with a gentle reminder not to do it again, of course. But they are all guilty of doing it at some point (even the ones whose parents think they are angels). I would never encourage a child to call another child something unpleasant in retaliation, though. I also think that it's important for them to learn to ignore occasional jibes aimed at getting a reaction - there won't always be an adult/friend to run to, after all. They have to stand up for themselves sooner or later.
If, however, a child is obviously upset or unwilling to work with particular children, then I would ask questions to ascertain why, and watch their behaviour more closely. Then it's a question of dealing with the bully and the victim sensitively - it's often the case that the bullies are themselves the victims of bullying by another.
If the bullies of yesteryear had have had mobiles and PC's etc they'd have used them in as nasty a way as has been known in modern times.
I was bullied and used to dread going to school at one point, every day was an ordeal.
Bullying is a trait of human nature that I find hard to comprehend as life can be such a wonderful thing, especially when you're young and got it all ahead of 's so sad when it affects kids so badly.
update to my orginal post.
I need to add more due to the fact I was pulled up in the chat rooms last night about this thread and I feel didnt put enough in my orignal posting.
The boy in question is known to me as I have given him and his brother free cakes at cake sales and free food at bbq at school, whereby him and his twin brother always turn up without parents and money. They are not bad lads, just a bit rough around the edges. But my daughter is very sensative to what she calls her friends, and belives her friends would speak the truth. So she is believing them away from what we say to her. She has had simular things said from girl friends, I have told her girls can be jealous and boys silly. I want my children to see the positives in people and not the negatives. To be able to ignore the negatives, but as you may well know this comes with age and wisdom.
I just wish children were born wise.
She will get there, I am told she is mentally mature for her age, so I must be getting through to her little by little. But this has been going on for about 6 months now, she just said she can't take anymore she has tried everything that we have suggested.
So Mum's up the school this morning!
I have three children and I would say bulling hasn't been as bad for them as it was for me when I was at school, I think because it is widely spoken about within school and children are told how it makes others feel.
I think children and adults use the term bulling for every incident, I dont think this to be the case. But i do believe if children and adults understood how words can hurt they might think twice before making negative comments.
Hi there
I’m a teacher and from what you’ve said, yes, she is being bullied – the comments are directed to the same person, it’s repeated, it’s from the same person and more importantly, it’s distressing your child.
I would suggest you go to your child’s class teacher/form tutor to express your concerns and he/she will set the ball rolling from there so it can be stopped before it gets out of hand. Ask for an appointment and tell him/her your worries in a nutshell – this way the teacher can give you his/her time and will have time to think about the problem – ‘doorstepping’ won’t be satisfactory for anyone. Your daughter’s school will have an anti-bullying policy which helps everyone to approach the situation systematically. Bullying must be reported – if the teachers don’t know about it, we can’t stop it. Don’t expect an immediate solution – the teacher will need time to get some information about what’s been happening – but arrange another appointment for a couple of days later to see how things are going.
I disagree with comments that teachers don’t have time to deal with ‘minor’ complaints about name-calling (we don’t have time for much at all!) but at my school, and all the other schools I’ve worked in, such incidents are leapt on immediately as name-calling can be the start of more prolonged bullying – best to nip it in the bud and let it be known that it’s not tolerated.
I do agree with you that the term ‘bullying’ is over-used. I use it rarely, and never in front of children. It’s such an emotive word – if your child comes home and says ‘I’m being bullied’, it’s heart-stopping. What they may actually mean is that someone was bossy to them that day. I’ve had parents come to me in a state saying their child is being bullied (the child’s words) and when we’ve got down to it, the child has said ‘He pushed in front of me in the line’. How often does this happen? Answer: ‘He did it last year, as well’. ‘Bullying’ is a extremely serious matter and the word shouldn’t be bandied about willy-nilly.
I think it’s fantastic that your child confides in you. Remember, in doing so, she’s asking for you to help her. She may insist you don’t tell the school but remember you’re the adult and you know what’s best.
Final plea – don’t approach the child or the child’s parent. The school will do that for you, and you can ask to be present at such meetings.
Hope this helps and you get it sorted soon.
Follow up to orginal post!
I went to the school and spoke to the deputy head teacher, who knows my daughter very well. I asked if my daughter could be there when this boy was questioned about these incidances, to let the boy know how it makes her feel.
My daughter came home that evening and said they were both called to the office and she explained to him how she felt. Hers words were "he looked shocked and then went on to name other boys that had been doing the same to her".
These were then called to the office and all admitted what they had done. All of then apologised and since all are getting on well.
So hopefully this will resume.
Yay! Well done!
Keep an eye on things tho...
Mums are such heroes, aren't they (we)!
S x