i am a single male fact
i am 50 fact
my real pic on profile fact
if somebody pm's me i always reply
if i pm somebody 9 times out of 10 not even the courtesy of a reply
i admit i am no george clooney or brad pitt but i am 100 per cent genuine
so where have i gone wrong i chat in the chatroom i try my best to join in some of the forums. but alas poor yorick no sucess yet
but will keep plodding away
Just a couple of responses to your post.
!.............you may be quite happy to reply to the odd PM you get, but you aren't a female having to cope with the immense amount of crappy one-liners that arrive in our inbox every day.
2............a lot of women WON'T reply to un-solicited PM's anyway.
3.............you've only been on here a short while, and although you say you try to join in on the forum, you've made 12 posts................not exactly a huge effort IMHO
4..............chatroom? Sleaze central more like. Very few of the geniune couples or women from here even go in there any more.
thera re genuine people out there - but nmost of themaren't justafter a quick fuck. You wil meet people but don't rush it - get to know people first on forums
and as Lissa said - read the advert clearly - it is so damned annoying for people when they haven't been read. After a few , people tend to get a tad pissed off.
thanks for the replies i will take all the comments on board .you are right about the chatroom it does get sleazy at times. i will try to post more and keep plugging away all good things come to those who wait so they say
I hope you don't find this too harsh but, in announcing your 'honesty', how truly honest is it?
Its debatable how much you apply your level of honesty. Have you told your workmates? Would you announce it at the next parent and teachers meeting? Hmmmmmm..........
I'm only considering the logic beneath this, as it fundamentally undermines the response you should get.
Some times I do wonder if people really know the meaning of the word honesty.
For those that know me / and I know them, I have a very open and honest policy.......tell the truth........and be honest......... shame that is not always the case
from all the posts i have discovered patience is a virtue a sense of humour is a must and take the rough with the smooth :high-smile:
I think its to do with making a decision to be honest, open and unashamed of who you are.
Certainly most of my friends know I don't handle relationships well, but enjoy the regular sex. Some of them are more than understanding of the situation. :twisted:
And as for the parents thing... well, my folks know that I don't like having a missus too much, and I had the unfortunate experience of having the room next to theirs when I was a kid... not very pleasant on anniversary night after they'd consumed several bottles of wine... and on christmas eve too, now I think about it (and most of this is deeplty-regressed memory - do you understand the pain I have gone through to answer this post?!?!) for years I hated santa.
does that count?
Mike & Man :thumbup:
doing fine guys, keep up the good work.