I think within life we all have things we could be proud of ourselves of achieving and have a feeling of accomplishment.
When I feel this way, I keep it very much to myself, I don’t like to tell others of my achievements as that could then be seen as bragging, that you have an arrogance.
This is so strange as it is not seen that way when other comment you and praise you for your successes, although in truth when this has happened to me and I get recognised for things I have done, I get very embarrassed when others comment.
I was at an awards ceremony the other day when I was put into the lime light and thanked for my achievement and had to go on stage and accept an award for my efforts, I felt so embarrassed and wanted the floor to open me up and swallow me. I do things because I want to it’s isn’t about recognition but its what, I enjoy to do.
I told my hubby how I felt and he said you should be proud, but I don’t see it as being proud about something.
I can feel proud of my children’s achievements and often tell family members of what my children are achieving, I remember once telling my mum of my son’s achievement in sport the fact he had been accepting at a district and London level within his sport as I was proud. My son after hearing said to me Mum why are you bragging to Nan.
So is it ok to feel proud of others achievements?
Is it seen as bragging to talk about our own achievements?