Just curious to know where you draw the line, in your head.
Well just thinking back to when I was a husband....if the mrs said to me "were you and her (could've been him) having sex? and I responded "hell no....just a bit of mutual masturbation", I'm kinda thinking that might not have been a well received answer for a non swinging wifey. Don't think she would have agreed that it wasn't having sex.
On the other hand, if there's someone reading this who disagrees, and who doesn't fancy having sex with me....how about poppin' 'round for a bit of mutual masturbation?
Clarification required: Does the mutual piece mean keeping your hands to yourself, or working on the other person? I think that may be a distinction which makes a difference. ;)
For it to be sex something other than fingers or toes has to go inside :twisted:
Now I understand where we've been going wrong all these years. It seems most here are suggesting sex is intercourse and nothing more. I've always thought that sex is a collective term for a whole variety of sexual activities and that would most definitely include masturbation, mutual (what does that mean?), non mutual or whatever. I also believe you can only perform masturbation on yourself, so by mutual masturbation I believe (hope) the OP means two people masturbating together. If they're touching each other then it's what's commonly known as foreplay surely? Either way, it's most definitely sex. Sex is a state of mind that starts in the head and if you're lucky includes physical involvement with others at some point. IMHO.
is it mutual when it belongs to someone else? Is it mutual when it's solo but you use both hands? We need a little clarification here folk.
Of course it's bloody sex. If touching each others genitals for pleasure its sex. If it wasn't, and only intercourse was, then oral sex would be called oral masturbation not oral sex. Let's face it Bill Clinton is the only person in the world who believes (yeah right) that it isn't.
I think it really depends if we are looking for a dictionary/legal definition, or what individuals personally believe???
I would argue that sex is a mutually enjoyable shared consensual experiences, which can involve a variety of acts. And I also believe that the two people do not even have to be in the same room, anyone ever heard of phone sex?
Like many people on here I have had sex with both males and females (i think the lesbian community would have a lot to say about this issue). I have had some fantastic experiences with other women, who I definitely have not penetrated with my cock, but i sure as hell have had sex with. At the same time, I have had some ridiculous experiences with men, who in my opinion have simply cum, but not provided me with any opportunity for pleasure, and would not consider the act to be sex (but they would).
You are free of course to consider or choose not to consider it sex based solely on whether you enjoyed it or not - however I would submit that whether you enjoyed it or not is not the question, you had sex and that's the end of it.
The fact that the sex was utterly rubbish and left you entirely unfulfilled does not detract from the fact that you have had sex.
But to get back to the point, I do not accept that mutual masturbation is sex - you see people on here masturbating over the webcam all the time, whether it be one on one. or as is normally the case, one woman and 10 men, all violently masturbating... I would say that the masturbation was mutual - whether or not it was mutual with consent is not the question - the fact remains it was mutual, but I would not on any estimation say it was sex whether it was 1 to 1 or 1 to 10.
Think I misunderstood this thread.....d'ya mean there might actually be someone out there who would fancy wanking me off?