Just wondering, but do any men out there actually prefer enhanced breasts?
They look sexy under wraps, but in the flesh???
No Im definately NOT having mine enhanced :shock:
To me, "enhanced breasts" is synonymous with "enjoying the fresh air" ;)
i have breast implants myself and i do think they feel much different to the real thing. my partner is pretty happy with them either way, though it took a good 6 months after the op before i'd let him near them cos i was afraid he might pop them! lol. i am fortunate that my surgeon was pretty good so mine turned out rather well, but having worked as an exotic dancer for a while i saw and felt some pretty bad ones too. i dont regret having them done as i wasnt blessed with naturally big boobs and after having a baby i had even less, but i still think natural is by far the best!!
kerry xxx
I might be taking the plunge pretty soon ...
I was feeler-upper at a mini 'best breasts' contest (rapildly assembled on the dancefloor- a bit unofficial if anything). Only 3 contestants and to the best of my knowledge they were all natural (unless any of the participants care to enlighten me!). Having 'tested' each one for size and squishability I find it difficult to believe an artificial one can compare.
I mean you all know how hard that silicon stuff sets when you've just sealed the shower cubilcle!
36d breasts and you want them bigger? Jesus!
I'm a 36c although id love bigger boobs I dont know if id get it done because id be worried bout them bursting, silicone poisoning, scarring etc. Is there a natural way to enlarge your boobs? Hmmm...
well i have never had a pair of enhanced to be honest so can only go on what i have had and seen.
prefer the look of a good pair of naturals but they can be abit ropey.
enhanced do look nice all the time.
Personally I prefer natural anytime. Artificial boobies can look nice within clothes (CLEAVAGE!) but when they get unleashed they frequently look horrific. If I had the choice, it'd be natural every time for me.
All I can say is Dont, Dont and triple Dont!!!
But if you want them examined first for a professional opinion I am delighted to oblige!!
Natural is best.....just the way they wobble!
I'm a EE at the moment, so i'd not have an enlargement! However i might consider an augementation when i'm a bit older... dunno....